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mom boiled asparagus in OIL water, help! :marseyfoidretard:


my mom cooked asparagus for me, but she knows that I HATE oil. Then I saw the grease on the surface of the water :marseyspit: which is really :marseythinkorino2: weird :marseycreepy: if you only cook veggies :marseycarrots: in water, isnโ€˜t it? Or is that normal?

-she denied :marseyno: it.

Now Iโ€˜m so anxious, even tho I washed my asparagus like three :marseycerebrus: times thinking :marseyhmmm: that this would :marseywood: get rid off the oil & extra caloriesโ€ฆ

How extra cals would :marseymid: you guess :marseyshrug: to be in there? I tried my best to get rid off the oil as I didnโ€˜t want to throw :marseyrejecthug: them away, they looked gorg๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Now Iโ€˜m too anxious :marseyshy: of the extra cals and SO SO MAD at my mom. I just feel so disgusted :marseypathetic2: and bloated.

I mean did she think :marseymischevious: Iโ€˜m that stupid?

She said that the asparagus may be the reason for which the water :marseyarchie: turned greasy.

The grease you think :marseyquestion: you saw in the water, is there :marseycheerup: any chance that might have been the waxy coating/film that was leftover from the asparagus? Boiling water :marseylongsurfing: can strip that coating found :marseymimic: on veggies. She might not be lying?

idkโ€ฆ is that a thing? did it happen :marseyvenn6: to you? I never :marseyitsover: saw it but since my mom said she was cooking :marseychef: them for HOURS, maybe thatโ€˜s the reason why.. Itโ€˜s so weird :marseyidk: bc she normally NEVER :marseyitsover: puts oil in the water :marseyaquagrunt: and the grease just shocked :marseycactuar: me๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ now I feel so guilty :marseyjudge: for being mad at her but I need an alternative explanation if she really :marseythinkorino2: didnโ€˜t put oil in it..

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