Hollywood been real quiet since this dropped
:soyjakfat: WHASSUP!!! :marseychonker2:



Yeah, I know it's 2 years old but at least it's not a graveyard of jannied comments like most archived threads these days.

carp's funeral :carpdead:
Woman has a moid moment in a foid dating sim. :marseyderp:

No means no only when a moid tries something.

Foid gives up on dating women after admitting they are all b-words.

Foid uses cheat code of going after the weird one.

Foid learns moid dating experience.

We should get more foids to play this game.

Memes becoming real: They're advertising for a land Chad :marseycapitalistmanlet: video game on TikTok.

Hello I need advice about my pp.

I am cursed with greatness in this instance, as when my pp hard it is 6 inches long but when my pp soft it is 1 inch long. I am a super grower so you cannot tell I have big pp by just looking at my thigh at rest.

My question is how do I get foids to be able to tell I have big pp so that they will one night sleep with me?

Thank you for the suggestions guys.

My pp is top 5-10 percentile in my country. Top 20 percentile internationally.

All advice appreciated.

For additional context I believe my big pp comes from the autism pp genetics. I am still a virgin.

Please advise.

Thank you.

What should I do to let women know I have big attractive pp?

Sending peepee pics won't work it is big pp but ugly looking.

Thanks guys. Let me know suggestions in the comments.

Man tries to get shot in the butt and somehow fails

If he'd done that to a less sedentary and worthless foid she would have blasted him with the gun she should be keeping at all times next to her stories-watchin'-chair. Also who TF sits in a basement room with the window open?

Cute cat tho.



How do I get piss out of true religion boxers (pic inside)


Twump's jwoint addwess of cwongwess (leaked)

[Poem] I saw the face of God

I saw the face of God,

It was a thing neverending,

My eyes forever trying to grasp,

Cast adrift, a visage too vast to hold.


It was a thing without angles, edges, or depth,

It was a thing from a time long before them,

It was the first time I felt grateful,

To possess a mind too feeble, to comprehend.


My good man, the man of science,

He was not so lucky a soul,

Somehow the ant managed to grasp,

A single crevice and hold on, for but a moment.


A moment I will never understand,

'cept for this, the man was changed,

I could not sense it right then,

'cept for the stars that now felt too cold to bear.


We walked back to the car,

And traveled down an hours long road, without break,

We couldn't even drift our eyes away no longer,

And so carried on in silence, staring at our hands.


We parted ways without a word,

And as I said, I was fortunate,

That I could not comprehend,

And so I went about life,

With the additional knowledge of "don't go there. Don't frick with that."


My good man of science on the other hand,

They say he disappeared,

and after months of searching,

There still hasn't been a trace.


That's not the worst that bothers me though,

It is the fact that I at times must pass through his town,

And more and more people now I see,

Prefer to stare at the ground, unwilling to recognize the stars.


I think he brought back some understanding with him,

And now it is in the very ground where he lived,

But thankfully I am just an average fool,

And all I need to know about the place," Don't go there. Don't frick with that."


Lucky me, I know a few other routes that skip the town entirely.

@jackie !writecel

!bobmob he ate with this one I'm afraid :marseyaaalaser:

Every new "horror icon" is either a blurry shadow named 'The Man Who Wears A Shoe' that stands in the background of Instagram stories that end with final frame text about dead teenagers or an 'evil' version of Cookie Monster with more lore than "The Silmarillion" who is now in every claw machine.

Bob Chipman ( 2025-03-03T16:46:34.424Z
Just stfu and make my pizza | [-196]



So you know how there is the square cube law where its like we cannot have things keep getting bigger their volume increase far faster than their surface area. Like a guy who is twice at tall is going to be way more than twice as heavy.

I think the case for progress and improving things is similar. That there is some square cube law equivalent for progress or improving things where for every doubling of performance, you need 10x or some other random higher times the resources to get there, in the combination of raw resources/ time/ expenses/ manpower, etc.

So for example you figured out how to build an axe, and it took you a month to figure it out, then it should take you about 10 months to figure out how to make that axe twice as good. Then 100 months to figure out how to make that axe 4 times as good as the first iteration of the axe.

This is why I believe that a technological singularity is impossible, because the resource input requirement will always scale up faster than the quality of output produced. That's why a system like AI will always hit the wall, because at some the input requirement is higher than all the resources that mankind can produce. Produce an AI smarter than humans? Maybe. Produce an AI that will keep getting smarter into infinity? Lol no.

It is also why the current and previous century of technological advancement is so miraculous, because we managed to keep increasing the levels of input for centuries to get double the output each time.

It is also why the current technological boom is pretty much guaranteed to end one day soon, because nothing can grow into infinity, and we are reaching the limits of what gifts can be produced within a lifetime when billions of humans cooperate and are on the same page as to increasing output.

Around 12,000 years ago the Paleolithic came to an end and during the Paleolithic the average human lifespan was around 22-33 years. It took humanity nearly 12,000 years and their production capabilities improving thousands of times for life expectancy to finally go beyond double in current times.

That is to say, the input requirements being far higher than the improvements in output produced seems to hold throughout nature.

Now some might look at technology and say that is not always true, but in the case of technology the input requirements have scaled up far faster as well, in terms of total hours of research, the amount of patents working together to create a better product, the number of people required to work together to make a better product, and the size of corporations needed to make the product profitable and spread it across the world. Altogether for every doubling of improvements in technology, new knowledge at far vaster scales had to be generated to do so again.

That is how we know that 330 million Americans will never be enough people to grow towards infinity, because there will always be a higher manpower requirement over time to build something greater within a single lifetime. That is also how we know that AI would not cause everybody to become unemployed, because there will always be more positions opening up across the entire job sector that requires more manpower to grow the system further.

In the end there is no singularity, there is no utopia, there is no unlimited rapid growth that never ends, because in the end, the amount of input required to take another step, will always grow faster than the amount of output produced by the next step.


It would take a 1,00,000 times the resources in money, time, and effort to create twice the man that exists today. Real change to humanity will always occur in the span of millennia and eons and the current time period and the century before that are the true outliers in our history. Even the idea of accelerating returns and moving towards the singularity may be discounted by the fact that it is counting the amount of input scaling up exponentially to provide twice the improvement in quality of life on all metrics.

Utopia isn't arriving within our lifetime or our children's life time or their children's lifetime. Live life accounting for this fact.

!britbongs aristocracy are now using AIslop and Twitter quotes to fight instead of duelling.

Is it better to be a duke or a lord tho?

New meds just dropped. Coupleabeer.
How This YouTuber Destroyed His Career in 2 Weeks :marseydestiny:


Is this burn in? How screwed am i?



Ah shit, here we go again!

Also with the special appearance of @WootFatigue


I'm buying my dear mother a watch she's wanted for a while, but it doesn't have a box so I'll be buying one to go with it instead (no I won't pretend it's authentic I'm not a poser, I just like the vibe it gives). I've narrowed it down to 2 but I can't make up my mind.

This is the watch:

And these are the possible cases:

I like the blue one more objectively, but the style of the green one fits the vintage elegant look better.

!gaystapo !biofoids !nonchuds !redscarepod @Vegeta What do you all think?

RABBIT RABBIT!!!! :marseybunny2: :marseybunny2:
since we are talking about mcduggles today
Destiny and Hasan fans have another slapfight


This is the s*x pest right?

Top post fires the first shot.l stating the obvious.

Better than terrorist supporter that inflicts sadistic shit innocent people

Destiny fan fires back a pretty weak retort. I'm shocked there's still people who support an actual male feminist that are also liberal but I guess we learn something new every day.

Hasan is such a fricking lolcow it's insane

Destiny fan calls the kettle black

And yet, not a sexual predator

The counter with the low hanging male feminist strike.

Supporting terrorism is infinitely worse.

Apparently having r-slurred takes on the Israel-Palestine conflict is worse than being a verified s*x pest everyone.

These slapfight:s happen all the time on LSF in-between people with no irl friends speculating the personal lives of streamers and :marseycoomer2:s fawning over Asian women.

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