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firefighters are so fricking useless

Every firefighter I've ever met has been fat, lazy, and worst of all, yt.

There are like two actual proper fires a month in the city I live in (2,000,000 + population) - the rest of the 'fires' would probably end just as quickly by letting them burn out on their own. So what are all firefighters doing the rest of the year? Fingering each other's asses and collecting government salaries. If you disagree with me I'll give you an hour to think of one solid example of a firefighter improving your life, i'll wait.

Anybody whose house burns down is a fricking r-slur and deserves it, they probably left their stupid scented candles next to a curtain. I'd rather let my house burn down then give any unearned heroics to a so-called firefighter.

before everybody goes :soysnooseethe: at me - i realise most firefighters are volunteers, but that's actually worse. you want credit for not being paid to do nothing? that's called having a hobby frickwad, nobody gives medal to a bunch of fat losers who sit around in a school gym playing MTG and thats essentially all volunteer 'firefighters' are doing

if you know any firefighters I guarantee you they are secretly abusing their families

if any firefighters are reading this: i didn't ask for your help and i won't be giving you any credit for doing your job (or your hobby as it were). i know for sure that most of the fires i've ever seen have been deliberately started by fire'fighters' to get more attention. eat my butt and drink my melted shit, get a better job, leave your family alone

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I'm pretty sure they start fires to steal shit from people and say it was destroyed in the fire

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they eat dog meat

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