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This whole thing with Israel :marseyhitlerjew: is making me feel so sad rn

Maybe I'm a highly sensitive :marseypearlclutch2: person :marseypussyhat: but this whole thing is really :marseythinkorino2: bumming me out and it's like no one around me cares.

And it's not even the dead Israelis, it's more that 2 millions Palestinians could die potentially. That's a lot? Then it came to me, totally :marseyaveragetotally: originally, about how this is like 9/11 and Afghanistan :marseytaliban: so we have that suffering :marseypain: to look forward to. While people on Twitter :marseyelonpaypig: are crying :marseycry: about a few dead families, think :marseymindblown: about the kind of dread I have been experiencing all by myself.

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It actually bums me out how readily americans let israeli perspectives drown out any consideration for Palestinians.

Sorry but I'm gonna vent. Coworker who I otherwise respect pulled me over to show me a vid on ig of an israeli woman revealing how the son of someone they knew was murdered along with his girlfriend, and she (coworker) said "I wish we could kill these people [committing these attacks] so we can study how their brains work". Frick! I didn't really say anything, but that grossed me out, and honestly it's been bothering me the whole day. It's like Palestinian lives have no value. They grow up generation after generation in an open-air prison in which every average israeli gets an opportunity to be a prison guard, settlers evict families and tear up centuries-old olive groves and destroy wells, IDF snipers shoot protesters and journ*lists, whole families get wiped out by bombings, and this is just everyday reality for Palestinians, but outrage and remorse from the average spectator in the US only comes when the people being murdered are israelis. I'm not of the opinion that anybody who's been killed over the last few days deserved it, but it's almost sickening how little consideration americans give to anything that led up to this or how these kinds of acts are motivated. Can't help but feel some level of despair over this.


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Wow, you must be a JP fan.

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I never thought anyone else would understand :marseycut:

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Mine is from the real rsp

These people are unreal


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there has been a least one of these threads every day on /r/RSP since it started and they all get over 100 comments

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I couldn't find yours but I am :marseyretard2: and I ended up finding a ton of similar ones and just aaaaaaaa


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this is a JCO original™️

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I'm sorry about your dread Ms. Oates. I'm sure there will be other Arabs to take up the mantle of Israeli-slaying when the Palestinian freedom fighters are all gone.


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won't someone think :marseymindblown: of the poor terrorists :#marseysnoo:

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By virtue of high turnover, todays Palestinians have prolly committed less atrocities on average than todays Israelis.

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The Israelis deserved it, and there's no real argument to be made in their defense.

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They grow up generation after generation in an open-air prison in which every average israeli gets an opportunity to be a prison guard, settlers evict families and tear up centuries-old olive groves and destroy wells, IDF snipers shoot protesters and journ*lists, whole families get wiped out by bombings, and this is just everyday reality for Palestinians,

None of this is wrong (and if you think it is you're an r-slur and should keep yourself safe) but this rsp user answers the why right after

but it's almost sickening how little consideration ameriKKKans give to anything that led up to this or how these kinds of acts are motivated.

Americans don't care about the motivation or the causes (even though this is how we got stuck in the middle east for 20 years, yay for trillions wasted) because they have no reason to care. Support for Israel doesn't come from burgers thinking Israel is moral - that's post hoc rationalization. Burgers support Israel because they like Israel. That's it. The average person doesn't care about being righteous or being moral or whatever you're coping about. But when you're an neurodivergent moralstrag whose identity is predicated on taking the high ground you're going to have a completely different understanding of politics that's alien to the average bozo.

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Neighbor I'm agreeing with you. :marseyunamused:

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I didn't even express an opinion! I copypasted a redscarepost!


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You implied one.

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But the moral high ground is supporting Israel? :marseyconfused2:

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Afghanistan :marseytaliban: was an unwinnable war because talichads were so good at hiding :marseyinabox: and there :marseycheerup: were so many of them. This one will be ez pz because there :marseycheerup: are only 2 million :marseysamhyde: of them in like 3 square :marseyminimalism: miles. Cheer :marseyfsjal: up babe

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They weren't good at hiding. They were just incredibly popular. You could throw a rock and hit a taliban supporter darn near anywhere in the country. What could be done about that? You can't just kill them all, it would be millions of deaths and odds are you'd end up killing a shit ton of innocent people. The trying to win "hearts and minds" shit was never going to work.

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>You can't just kill them all

Why not? :#marseyconfused:

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Progressive ideology. It's apparently a pretty new thing the past few hundred years. :marseyshrug:

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sounds kinda gay ngl

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They were just incredibly popular.


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The alternative was a political party that literally kidnapped and r*ped children.

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Reported by:
  • FoidBlaster : They're mocking RSP and the Palestinians, yes.

I honestly can't tell if all three of you in this thread are LARPing or not (you, Carp and @Maximus). I really am irony poisoned huh?

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I used to be able to watch all kinds of awful videos online when I was younger without worry.

But seeing those dead soldiers, beaten women being carried off to god knows what, elderly women murdered at a bus shelter, terrified people hiding from gunmen skulking around nearby etc...the whole thing has just thoroughly depressed and depleted me, and has left me feeling hopeless.

Also, having subjected myself to reading a bunch of terminally online political discourse about the events, and realising we're about to see Gaza get razed to the ground, I feel like I am a lot more impacted by this type of stuff the older I get.


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dude bussy lmao

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We're just Copypasting RSP posts neighbor I didn't even read what I posted


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Okay so, I presume this is from RSP proper?

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It's honestly pretty despairing that the situation has devolved to the point where it seems like the only way this can end is from one of the groups being wiped out :marseydespair:

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I really am irony poisoned huh?

Nope! You're just r-slurred. :marseylaugh:

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  • Ubie : :marseycry: I'm sorry, bb.


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>believing powerstrags/friendship sim/jannies


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Yeah, I figured it out eventually. Thanks and @FoidBlaster too. Phew not irony-poisoned.

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Reminder that the answer is for all sides to come to Christ!


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Let me sneed of a LARPing past.



You can't tell me this wouldn't end the conflict though if only because both groups would hate the Christians more.

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Neo-pagans… :marseycringe:

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Paganism really is a LARP tho

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>Vikings are a LARP, but TradCathoids are surely not a LARP doe!


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Vikings are a LARP, but TradCathoids are surely not a LARP doe!

100%:marseyagreefast: At least they have unbroken religious/theological lineage from a non-extinct religion, though almost anyone who says they're “TradCath” instead of “traditionalist,” “conservative” or just “Catholic” is a r-slurred zoomer

Also don't know many self-many self proclaimed TradCaths would use “1488” :marseyshiftyeyes:

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Classic Klenby

@Horrortep stand with Israel

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@Horrortep stand with Israel

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This will only end when Russia fulfills the Fatima Prophecy and becomes Catholic

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2 million Palestinians could die potentially

According too the CDV 3 million people globally died of Covid in 2020 alone. @Horrortep didn't give a shit about them and most likely @Horrortep won't give a shit about Palestine, for @Horrortep stand with israel


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the thing that is upsetting me the most is the fact we're hyper focusing on the antisemitism :marseyswastika: of some nobodies...like the guys in Sydney who turned up at the protest :marseymegaphone: and yelled "g*s the jews" which is clearly a disgusting :marseyeyebleach: antisemitic :marseyswastika: statement, but those guys are just 21 year old Lebanese dudes who may be fricking :marseytom: awful but they have zero power :marseychaosemerald: to enact anything. We have the Israeli :marseyisrael: state :marseycoonass: officials on the other hand using language that most sane people would :marseywould: view as genocidal against the people trapped in Gaza.

this has all very much blackpilled me on whether people will ever understand that terrorists don't exist in a vacuum, they are often formed by something and in this case, it has been the continuous oppressive regime of Israel :marseynyanisrael: on Palestinian territories.

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The thing that is upsetting me the most is the fact we're hyper focusing on the antisemitism of some nobodies...like the guys in Sydney who turned up at the protest and yelled "g*s the jews" which is clearly a disgusting antisemitic statement, but those guys are just 21 year old Lebanese dudes who may be fricking awful but they have zero power to enact anything.

Dear god please drop ship these muslim smol beans to that redditors neighborhood immediately thank you :soyjakdancing2:

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@R-slur_but_spooky those firearms :marseyblowkiss:

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Where are the firearms? :marseymad:

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What? I don't get it :marseysad:

Edit: nvm I get it now :marseyspecial:

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Is this wojak meant to be a foid?

It uses the "base" wojak model without adding much femininity to the silhouette, but every addition it makes is utterly foidbrained, from the self-harm to the painted nails.

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