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yuropoors lmao: Jewish schools in Amsterdam closed today after Hamas protest call




I thought this was 1930's Europe not 2023.The fact that this is happening is appalling

:#marseysow: :#marseyreapcrying:

I can't believe that this is happening in Europe. After all this continent has been through. This is beyond comprehension. An unfathomable regression.

We need to re-evaluate our course and actions we've decided to take these last two decades. It didn't have to be like this.

I am from Germany and I just never realized how many people in my city are from Palestine or support HAMAS before the celebrations on Sunday.


Doesn't Germany have huge numbers of muslims?

sadly yes


End mass immigration.

"End mass immigration"

Lol. Population will collapse, GDP will come down, wages will increase and billionaire corporations won't like that. So not happening -97

Yeah because western countries profit so much from mass integration from Arabic oder North African countries… there are no benefits

they bring better food chud

Protest calls?

They are calling for a global jihad AKA mass murder!

Why are journ*list always downplaying what Hams is saying!?

And we will act shocked when real acts of murder happen.

Already happened in France, some random teacher got stabbed for just not being Muslim.

he probably called him a bad word :#marseydisagree:

Why doesn't Europe fricking deport everyone who glorifies Hamas and what they did? We don't need these people here. Its just a matter of time until they start that shit here.

The issue is that some of those Hamas supporters are second or third generation migrants born on European soil, thus they have European citizenship. Technically, they have nowhere to be deported to


78 years after the Holocaust, Jews in Europe have to hide again. Thanks to all buttholes that made it happen.

I'll never ever support the Palestinian cause after what I've witnessed in the streets of Berlin. Thousands in the streets chanting death to Jews. Israel is just an excuse for their deep rooted antisemitism. They will never agree to peace with jews.

And the vast parts of the left refusing to even acknowledge this problem, displays their hypocrisy. They ask themselves why the right-wing parties are on the rise? The answer is right on the street visible to all.

I am so done with all of this. Jewish friends of mine having to live in fear right now in Germany is a disgrace to my nation. Frick all of this. I am angry as frick.

>Thousands in the streets chanting death to Jews.

another remake in 2023 :#marseydisagree:

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Diaspora Jews who remained in that cursed continent even after so many euros ratted them out to the Nazis are eternally cucked.

Any Jew ever set up shop there after 1945 is beyond my understanding.

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