Because it is not a religion. Its a civil code rooted in the mentality of a Medieval Arabian Warlord.
Islam to me is very interesting, not because of I liked its message, far from it. On the contrary, it is interesting because it has survived this far and gained up so many adherents despite its message being very crude. Thus, after superficially analysing Islamic History rather than Theology, i've come to the following conclusions :-
It was written down by Prophet Muhammad. A native of Arabia, a merchant and warrior by profession. Arabia was a land deeply rooted in Blood Feuds, Looting Caravans and Trading. This was so because Arabian land is infertile and they have to loot others if they have to ensure basic survival, unlike Non-Abrahamic/Non-Semitic religions which developed in lands of plenty pastures and agricultural lands.
If you have ever read something about the Mongols and the rise of Genghis Khan, the most prominent message is that he was tired of Mongols killing each other. So he united the warriors into a single unified army and they became the deadliest force in history ever. USA and Nazi Germany don't come close because they have several opponents who can gang up and destroy them. Mongols were the paramount force of the entire world, period.
Now replace the Mongolians with Arabians, Genghis Khan with Prophet Muhammad and the creed of war with civil creed. You get Islam.
PM was tired of Arabs bickering amongst themselves. He wanted to conquer the outlying areas to make the Arabs into unified empire.
However, he didn't just wanted military success. He wanted an empire and that meant controlling the hearts and minds of the people whom he conquered. What better than a religion?
Jews were aplenty in Arabia in the late 6th and early 7th centuries before the Rashiduns drove them out. The concept of Monotheism was derived from the Jews. Even though Prophet Muhammad, a very smart and cunning personality, modified it to adapt to Arabian desert culture and become stronger than Judaism as Judaism was not successful in garnering a huge number of followers.
I find the following points to be very important in analyzing the effects of Islam to any people.
The orthodox way of Islam fills you with fervor. Tell me, if you chant prayers 5 times a day, would be more interested in the television serials or the message of Islam?
Different dress code and a holy book in the Arabian language. He wanted to spread Arabian dominance, hence he made a book in the Arabian language to be considered as the holy book, so that all others learn this language.
Profess the followers to memorize the following statements :- which can only make you more fanatic and determined towards achieving dominance for Islam:-
Allah is the only God
Prophet Muhammad is his last messenger
Islam is the best religion
Quran is the word of God
Clearly, chanting the above 4 things will make the population subservient to you because these demonstrate the superiority of an Arabian man, his Arabian language and his Arabian God (told to be the God of human kind)
Also, there are accommodations for different forms of Jihad.
If the infidels are in large numbers, then be peaceful
If they are only slightly more numerous, be defensive
If they are less, get on the offensive and root out anything un-Islamic.
These points are an excellent strategy of destroying any enemy population. Mind you, not their armies, but their civil populations. Tell me, the person who can think of innovative ways of subjugation, can he be a prophet or a warlord?
Islam's unique property is that its an Arabian military tactic but aimed at the hearts, minds and culture of the opposition rather than their soldiers.
Having said all this, i still believe that not all of it is bad. It has its good points, which were the upgrades over Arabian infighting and bad practices, but overall it is nowhere near the spirituality of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Hinduism or Zoroastrianism. I specifically did not mentioned Christianity or Judaism, because they are all parts of Abrahamic monotheism, the most violent religions ever, much more than the paganism it sought to destroy.
In the Intr-Abrahamic comparison however, Christianity stands out slightly because the message of Jesus Christ is not political unlike Muhammad or perhaps the New Testament isn't as vile towards unbelievers as the Quran or the Talmud. Even though Roman Catholic Church has been a brutal dictatorship over the years, the basic message of Christianity is still less political and brutal than Jewish or Islamic one.
Islamic response to criticism is simple :-
Blame it on the “Bigotry” and “Xenophobia” of the majority or kill the oppressed minority. These are in any case, awesome tactics of war which are crude and old, but still effective in the modern age of seculars and liberals.
I just have one last point to say :-
Want to have a good opinion of Muslims? Look at the countries where they form the tiny minority.
Want to curse or criticise them? Look at Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Iran.
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This reads like a @gigachad_brony post
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Thanks I appreciate the call.
However, I would place Christianity far above Islam and Judaism because Christianity manages to have multiple sects to its religion without killing people and generally the way Christianity is structured one of its focus points is being productive ( in about half the sects this I can confirm ), which allows for Christians to get along with other populations of other denominations as long as you are a productive and useful member of society.
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Judaism is basically the religion of lawyers going, hey you know that guy named GOD? Who will destroy our crops, flood our lands, and send meat eating locust swarms at us if we disobey him? Bet we can do the other thing in the opposite direction of what he wants based on a technicality that I just came up with.
Repeat every half century.
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