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Proof that palicucks don't have a personality outside of sucking off terrorists, a redditor barged in a perfume subreddit asking for tips about her performative activism :marseypalestineflag:




Other aromatic redditors aren't particularly impressed but politely try avoid saying so :marseywut2:

Buying a bottle of perfume isn't going to help Palestine.

Every bit goes a long way. Why discourage?

Please explain how buying perfume is going to help anything during a war?

It's not a war bud.

This doesn't answer the question :marseyshrug:

[OP] Of course im gonna do more than just buy perfume, you dont know me. Im just saying that i jusr want to help palestinian owned fragrance houses, which helps them (somewhat) as well as some part of palestine (if they do have the proceeds go to stopping the war). Please be careful while saying words next time

[OP] I didnt mean the war i mean the genocide sorry

Even she slips up :marseylaugh:

ou're conflating helping Palestine (as in the people in the active warzone being bombed) with helping Palestinian people outside of the active warzone as a show of support (since they are obviously struggling, & many Palestinians I know in the US are dealing with the loss of friends & family directly from this war). Being mindful of purchases & showing a small token of moral support by buying from Palestinian brands, shows thoughtfulness. If that's too complex for you to grasp, go google Kohlberg's stages of moral development.

>showing a small token of moral support

>shows thoughtfulness

So it's just virtual signalling then? :marseysmug2:

They want to think something they bought will make them feel all warm and tingly inside "I helped" whenever they look at it pet it and wear it, its so effing lame man. no you didn't help at all, but it makes them sleep better at night in their comfy warm beds. I guess that's all that matters to them.


Some people is very defensive with their brands. With that level of madurity you wonder what the heck are they doing spending so much money on expensive perfumes, but this is how the world is amd why the big corporations can do whatever they want. [...]

Says this while discussing expensive perfume brands on a perfume consoooming subreddit :marseysmug:

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So buying perfume will save lives during a genocide. Got it. You people sound silly AF.

I dont care how much you downmarsey my comments. Virtue signaling does nothing.

I think its the thought that counts, i cant save lives, you cant, but i want to, and i will do my best to, and i will do so by anyway that i can, not starting with just perfume.

Prob the same people who mock "thoughts and prayers" :marseyxd:

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I agree that redditors probably have shit perfume tastes, but a gas mask might be a little too much Snappy :marseybrap:

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