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Tankies cope about the passing of the Great leader of the resistance (PBUH)




Some good bangers like

>"But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely."

Can't kill le ideology amirite goys?

>Every time something like this happens, I think of Che's words. "Shoot. You are only going to kill a man." Whether those really were his last words I don't know. The point stands. You can't kill ideology. American failed to understand this. Israel is failing to understand this.

:zoomertears: :zoomertears: :zoomertears: :zoomertears:

>My parents are really sad. I just hope this doesn't get worse for the Lebanese

Tankieism grows in the family now?!?!

>This is a sad day for us the supporters of the resistance

Lmao the mask was never on

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I may be home schooled, but I'm smart enough to see the evidence for the Jewish agenda in the MSM, Hollywood, government, etc...



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