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Tankies cope about the passing of the Great leader of the resistance (PBUH)




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>"But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely."

Can't kill le ideology amirite goys?

>Every time something like this happens, I think of Che's words. "Shoot. You are only going to kill a man." Whether those really were his last words I don't know. The point stands. You can't kill ideology. American failed to understand this. Israel is failing to understand this.

:zoomertears: :zoomertears: :zoomertears: :zoomertears:

>My parents are really sad. I just hope this doesn't get worse for the Lebanese

Tankieism grows in the family now?!?!

>This is a sad day for us the supporters of the resistance

Lmao the mask was never on

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Israel fails to understand a lot. The most terrifying thing imaginable- a killing machine with no powers of discernment

It's the biggest threat to mankind since Genghis Khan. Bloodlust for its own sake. No plan, no other motive but to kill everyone around them.

If Russia was carpet bombing Ukrainian cities and killing thousands every day, we'd already have started a nuclear war with them.

Israel is an irredeemable New Jersey-sized nazi terror state with undeclared nukes, but I think we can say all of that that without Temujin catching strays

They make Israel sound so based :marseylaying:

Why is not engaging the US in another multi-front war accelerating the fall of the western hegemony?

It would, but it would also bring immense suffering to Iranians. It's always better to avoid war.

Exactly, war is never good. An Iranian victory will still be bloody.

These r-slurs actually believe Iran can win against USA + Israel :marseyrofl:

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