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r/therewasanattempt To humanize war criminals




Probably shouldn't have killed all those kids, ey?

What evidence do you have that this guy killed kids? Are you really that simplistic that you think every individual committed atrocities? Heck not even every member of hamas has done that.

He was in the IDF, enough said.

gosh it must be lovely to live in such a simplistic world where you can totally dehumanize someone like that with zero evidence. There were even nazi's that didn't kill people. Heck some nazi soldiers even tried to kill hitler. But go ahead and pass judgement on everyone...i'm sure that will solve this 5000 year old conflict.

I will go ahead and judge them all thanks not that I need your permission. Scum the fricking lot of them and if you're defending them then you are too!

:marseyjanny: jannied. :wojaknofunallowed:

Won't somebody please think of the genociders?!

So... while it's easy to think like that... we need to remember that every member of the IDF is just as radically brainwashed as the members of Hamas, or any other terrorist organization... these are not all evil people. They were also children with hopes and dreams. You are allowed to feel bad for the human beings who are being lied to about their cause, and who are committing war crimes in the name of something that ultimately doesn't exist. It's all super fricked up and very sad. It's a profound waste of life.

No frick you and frick every single person who has ever served in the idf. You are all pieces of shit.

He murdered civilians yet was the victim?


Democracy is the biggest scam in human history, either you choose red or blue real ruler is 🐏. Also democracy make deep state easy to replace over night or in some days, this would be bug trouble for them where there's no election or leader changing system like in iran and north Korea.

Biggest problem i see with our republic is that you can buy the people who makes laws

The President is for sale! :marseystocksupdown:

What?you can't sleep after the murder, r*pe, torture??? Imagine how your victims felt...


Don't fricking both sides a genocide bro. Hamas did not start this.


It is against the rules of TWAA to support any crimes against humanity, including Apartheid.

Jannies working overtime.

Service is mandatory there, not just a draft , as is many countries. Draft ended in the US in 1973

So was it in nazi germeny

Is that a question, or a statement?

Conscripts are not immune from committing war crimes and crimes against humanity


So let me get this straight. When the US does this in Vietnam and Middle East, they are honourable veterans. When it's anyone else troops, they are war criminals. Got it.

They're all war criminals. Left-leaning people that criticize the IDF don't praise the US military.


There is no hipocrisy, you're making up people that don't exist. And you're German. Your country literally supplies 30% of Israel's foreign-sourced weapons. Your government has already chosen a side and dedicated resources towards it, despite your more "pressing matters".

Germans can't keep themselves away from a good genocide :marseyhitler:

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I need a redditor :marseyleftoidschizo: to explain to me what their final :marseysephiroth: solution is. All they care about is "human rights" this and "human rights" that but they need to spell :marseywhitemage: out their mental :marseyloopy: logic :marseycheckmate: for everyone :marseynorm: to see.

Ceasefire? Removal of settlements? Ok fine, so then what next when the rockets still come?

I've never :marseyitsover: seen one reach that point. They all just scream :marseygwwaahhh: "war bad" and then proceed to stop considering it any further

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The Israelis don't exactly have any solution either.

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kill or push them all into surrounding countries is a solution. not a moral one, but a solution

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Just let them shoot rockets at you chud you have the iron dome btw i hate giving money to israel

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