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:marseyidio3: "North Gaza is being exterminated as you read the title of this post : Hasan_Piker" :marseycomradecry:




So please for the love of God or whatever you hold holy or sacred, get out there and DO SOMETHING. Do more than just watch streams, do more than just share on social media, what we need now is collective efforts beyond even what we've seen before.


This Finnish commie spent about 3 days in a scandick cell. He knows the horrors of war.


even if you get a tv

He just like a soldier fr :soyjak:

Why are they like this? This sperglordian is telling other commie tards to...do something... while he's just posting online, doing nothing. We (the world) really need to ship these commies to Lebanon or Gaza if they want to fight so badly. At least ISIS chimps had the r-sluration to cross the Turkish border and get blown up.

These soy mayo commies are pathetic.


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Whenever you see something horrible on the news, remember Islam is spreading like wildfire because it is the ONLY WAY. It is impossible to live any other way and be happy.

"Verily Allah will not change a nation until the people change what is within their Hearts."



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