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Italy: Attack on UN peacekeepers they assumed was Israel was actually false flag by Hezbollah :marseyspit:




I have no reason to doubt this as Italy doesn't have any reason to be biased.

(Note that this doesn't mean Israel hasn't been attacking UNIFIL since it was created. They have suffered 326 dead since 1978, the vast majority to the Israelis just murdering them.)

This is not unprecedented. In 1983 the US Marines were shelled and found out (I mean ffs guys any professional military can do this :marseyfacepalm:) that it was from 155mm howitzers.

There were two forces in Lebanon that had 155mm howitzers: the US Marines and the Lebanese Army. Exactly the same thing. Someone shoots at you a little bit, we shoot at you a lot. Col. Geraghty warned the government about this, about not getting involved in this inter-Arab shit. Jim Webb, my pick for President in 2016 said the same thing.


@H I'm really fricking sorry if I'm on the side of the Marines.

@sandkwinn I'm sure that your heart bleeds that you couldn't fight for the "secular" factions. Shelling the refugee camps in the War of the Camps. Not like Sabra & Shatila at all.

Fourth Lebanese army soldier killed by Israeli fire in south Lebanon.

They're now up to 41 killed of the army that they're depending on to fight for them. The army whose mission is to fight them. Did it ever occur to these dumbfricks that Hezbollah could leave and not take their ATGMs with them and just leave them for the Lebanese Army?


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Google :marseychrome: is so dogshit for finding new articles man, if i google :marseygetgle: this the autosuggested articles are from the last few hours, but if i click on the "news" tab all the new artcles arent there!!!! even if i sort by "last 24 hours'!!!! someone fricking :marseytom: explain this to me

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I was noticing yesterday that Google search results seem to be going to shit.

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Idk. Maybe it's been going on for a while. But I was trying to find some slightly niche porn yesterday and struggled. I think I first started to notice it when they started giving you those dog shit AI responses.

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