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Who is paying a writer $80/hr? Surely you can get unemployed English undergrads for a fraction of the cost

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Who is paying a writer $80/hr?

Nobody anymore :marseysmug2:

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>yeah im an $80/hr writer

>someone paid me $160 to write an article it took me two hours to write

>im also unemployed

From my heart in ink still bleeding: have this comment. Thanks for reading.

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I'll tell you how freelancers talk about their income. They pick out their best ever day in terms of income and then say to people 'this is how much I earn'. It's very unlikely this person is getting a consistent $80 per hour, basically highly skilled technical worker or upper management level of income for writing a bunch of SEO shit.

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I earn $80 an hour two hours per week

This is what they mean. No company is paying someone $80 40 hours a week.

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Even that is unlikely. The story will be something like that once they got paid to write something that they by chance had already written. They change a few sentences and get several days work done in a couple of hours.

I'm a member of a bunch of freelancer sites and the forums are always the same whenever anyone starts to talk about income. Half the people greatly exaggerate (or just make shit up idk) and the other half quietly seethe at how much less they're making. In reality, being a 'writer' (that is, writing shitty fake articles about random products to manipulate search engines) pays about $10 an hour if you're lucky. And it's going to be the first thing that gets destroyed by GPT4 since it's such low level worthless stuff.

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>writing shitty fake articles about random products to manipulate search engines

this was already half destroyed by markov chain tier shit, gpt is just better at getting around antispam algo

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Yep. Freelancers always bs their income. I don't but when I started I realized a lot of these people are full of shit and do 2 hours at their rate and then claim that's what they make as if they make it consistently. I try to balance it by being honest but I have so many haters from the poors who want me to fail so badly to the oldtimers who also want me to fail so badly because I don't pearl clutch at everyone playing in the grey.

People are nice to me because I am an outlier and make a lot compared to 99.9999999% of freelancers, but they just want to see me fail because I know they hate me because I don't follow their pearl-clutching rules.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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It's pure envy. You're both doing the same thing and get paid (in theory) by the value of your work so if one person is making so much more than the other then they feel it reflects on their value as a human being. Money is funny really and causes so much butthurt to people who use it as that scorecard of social worth.

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I find that freelancers are the most dirty backstabbing people on the planet. They will wax poetic about their virtue, but they would stab anyone in the back in heartbeat. Following the rules to a T keeps you poor, but breaking every rule gets you banned. You want neither, so you play in the grey where you make money and enough of it where platforms ignore what you do.

Freelancers are mainly people who need to be told what to do but cry about "muh social anxiety and I hate my job", so most of them aren't capable of being sharks, but I find the oldtimers who are friendly with me in private and hate on me in public to be the most annoying. Every one of them would take me out if they could, but oh my oh my do they play nice in private. I think freelancers are scumbags, but they can't deny that I make money and that's what makes them seethe the most.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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100% he got paid once for a shitty article on winter dryness for some magazine and has spent the rest of his time mooching off his friends in a flatshare

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You are not wrong and I preach all day for them to be a frickin shark about shit but they are weak morons.

You don't pull 40 hours a week either, so your rates have to reflect that. I tell people to make it so that 15 hours is skimming but so the 20-30 hour weeks are profit.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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That’s how much the tech companies have overhired.

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Looks like they're doing contract work so they probably do a couple of hours work here or there for $80 p/hour, not $80 p/h full time.

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But do they hand :marcusfootball: write :marseychudnotes: everything with a $500 fountain pen?

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Content writing? Idklol. It was mostly done by $5/hr sexy Indian dudes until ChatGPT came along

Direct response copywriting? The sky's the limit cause ROI can be measured and proven to clients. The handful at the top won't even charge per hour, they'll simply quote multiple five figures / low six figures per project

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Um have you watched s*x and the city?

>I couldnt help but wonder

more than worth it, AI can never replace them.

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probably gearbox software

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I charge $185 and pull my rates. 😁

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Please do not think you are immune to this unless you are the top 1% of writers. I just signed up for Doordash as a driver. I really wish I was kidding.


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I'm glad I'm not five years older now cause I was seriously considering becoming an unironic journo.

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>I was seriously considering becoming an unironic journo


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Investigative journos and reporters will still be a thing, it's the cute twink "journos" that write listicles and Buzzfeed bullshit that will be laughed and automated out of the industry, and deservingly so.

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Investigative journos won't be a thing because journ*lism hasn't been about finding truth for decades, if it even ever was. Investigating implies you might find out something that isn't what the owners of your paper want to talk about, much more effective to just make shit up

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:marseyayy: Oh! Barton Fink over here.

Maybe no one is buying your Great American Novel because of your open contempt for real work?

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This is your future codecels

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Please shove the nerds back into the locker ChatGPT, they've been way too smug since graduating.

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nah neighbor I just signed up for chat gpt and finished a project I was too overwhelmed to even start. this shit is awesome for someone who knows how to use a computer

and the seethe I see from instagram ai generated videos/art is great

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Yeah lol, it's great for starting relatively small scale projects if you have a decent idea of how it should be organized. But it's useless if you weren't a codecel in the first place.

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What are you guys making a chess program? Wtf

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Shit I just realized the other guy said chatgpt. I've found github copilot useful, not chatgpt.

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GitHub Copilot uses a modified version of GPT-3.

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If you're doing UI or your whole coding base is around solving interview questions on leetcode then yeah. But if you're a skilled engineer building systems and telling your r-slurred clients why they're r-slurred when they want to build a Twitter clone then you'll still have work and can use ChatGPT to do all the dumb boilerplate stuff you hate doing or give Pakistanis to do.

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I can't wait for codecels to get automated because that means we're basically on track towards singularity

And perhaps more importantly, competent web devs. Imagine the internet not being bloated as frick JS heck

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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ChatGPT can barely get high school level math problems right on a consistent basis. The way LLMs work means they simply will struggle with math and logical problems, maybe that can change but if so it'll involve different tech from what's currently being used. Turns out LLM AI is very good at extracting and reproducing patterns from datasets but is pretty awful at actual reasoning. In a strange twist of fate AI became good at humanities before it got good at STEM.

Basically the only codecels that have anything too worry about are the ones not doing any sort of real computer science and are just copypasting from stackoverflow.

Trans Lives Matter

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Ha! LLMs will NEVER replace us, they can't even do math or-



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>being able too use calculators and wolfram alpha is LITERALLY programming

Trans Lives Matter Try Again Copeling

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Even copypastecels are safe because you need to troubleshoot GPT so much it’s faster to use stack exchange lol

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God I hope so, coding sucks peepee.

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Trans lives matter

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You still have to tell the AI what you want in extreme detail, which is the exact same thing as programming, just using plain (mostly) English instead of python/java/c#/whatever. Programming isn't going anywhere.

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Just focus on refining your skills and finding aspects that AI can't replicate. ChatGPT may be clever, but it lacks the human touch and unique voice that we writers bring to the table. When we inject our personalities into our work, we offer something truly irreplaceable.

>they do not know about style-copying LoRAs that are causing incredible seethe from artcels

The only reason Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) tech didn't take off that much for Large Language Models yet (aside from a few finetunes here and there for poorcels), even if it was originally developed for it, is only because companies did not want or need such things. Now that LLMs are starting to get public and able to be ran locally, :marseyfrenchitsover2: for writers too.

Ghost writing? Literally just train an AI on the books and notes of the dead author and feed it whatever is left or just let it hallucinate.

Unique writing styles / poetry? Even easier.

ㅤI for one await the future with fully AI-generated VR gfs :marseynut:

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just pay some college english degree like $20 an hour to edit it


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Just have another instance of chatGPT do the editing and hope nobody mentions ’accommodating”

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James Patterson is cumming in his pants right now. Mfer hasn’t written one of his own books in 20 years or so. Literally all of them are written by some overworked freelance writer making 20/hr.

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Oh god, im ready.

ChapGPT pls write :marseychingchongnotes: another novel :marseyreading: as if you were Hemingway. In this :marseysharksoup: text :marseyfrenchitsover2: the author :marseyaynrand: contemplates his sanity, the cia, the authors girly voice, and that trusty shotgun.

Or, train :marseysaruh: it on people like kafka who wanted everything he wrote destroyed by fire. Make :marseyyarn: them write :marseychudnotes: forever.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Was this post gpt4?

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Fake lol

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uh, source? I, for one, believe women. Especially when society's hurting them

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so tru

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Foids posting Ls

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Companies don't want "good writing" they just want concise, bland and accurate copy which represents their brand.

AI is perfect for crappy marketing copy because now companies no longer have to budget for an uncertain amount of time for an uncertain amount of copy with an uncertain quality. It also takes out a significant bottleneck in getting marketing material online.

I'm not sure why they're telling themselves being good writers will save them. It won't. They will have to adapt and get different clients as it's over for marketing copycels.

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Most of the people on that sub just rewrite other people's content, and I've been giving them shit for it for years and jannies said I was too mean to them. lmao They think "good" means grammatically correct and passes copyscape. They're idiots.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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bahahaha you lurk that sub too? It's mostly sexy Indian dudes and poors but there is the occasional gem post. The mods said I was too mean on there to the idiots. I swear writers are the dumbest people on the planet.

I haven't been replaced afaik and I'm $185/hour. Just jacked it up from $175 a couple months ago. Most of these people just rewrite and spin content from other sources and call it original, so it makes me LOL to see them having a meltdown.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Ad copy is the lowest form of writing and i barely even consider it a "creative" job, its exactly the kind of garbage work u would want to offload.

Idk about you guys but stories and poems written by chatGPT all have the same kind of AI tone, i think it'll be years before it can actually write a good book

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Maybe you should go talk to some psychologists before offering an option. First off, it's obvious that your only exposure to kink has been through porn. There's nothing wrong with a naked body, it just provides a teachable moment. Kids in Europe are exposed to way more nudity than the kids in the US, and they turn out fine.

Kink is not sexual abuse, but you're trying to equate the two because that's YOUR current understanding of what kink is, which is wrong. There's nothing wrong with a child seeing someone in bdsm get up, you just have to explain that some adults like dressing up in costumes. Kinksters at Pride are not engaged in s*x acts, and you shouldn't confuse their self-expression with obscenity.


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