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:marseyitsover::marseychingchongitsover::marseyitsaover::marseyitsoveryall: YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers | Hacker News





Asked for comment, a Google spokesperson told IGN that it was a "small experiment."

"We're running a small experiment globally that urges viewers with ad blockers enabled to allow ads on YouTube or try YouTube Premium," they said via email. "Ad blocker detection is not new, and other publishers regularly ask viewers to disable ad blockers."


reddit discus



https://old.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/13cfdbi/apparently_ad_blockers_are_not_allowed_on_youtube/?sort=controversial <- This is where it was originally first posted (1k Updoots and 1k cumments)

poster note: I tried adding all the 'its over' to capture the diversity that this decision will affect and was met with this


i do not feel bad at all :marseyindignant:

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laughs in yt-dlp

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You get that streaming involves downloading, right?

People who "stream" just download without control

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i have shell scripts set up on my HTPC to download new videos from channels i follow every night at 2am

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Same. It's just way too convenient to watch stuff on the HTPC. YouTube UI/UX is dogshit.

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Gib scripts please senpai

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It's pretty easy. I have a separate subfolder for each channel. In that folder I have a script, download.sh, set up like so:


yt-dlp --dateafter now-7days --playlist-end 10 --download-archive '/pathtofolder/dunkey/downloaded.txt' -o '/pathtofolder/dunkey/%(title)s.%(ext)s' -- 'https://youtube.com/user/videogamedunkey/videos'

You can mess with the parameters but I have it set up like that. You feed it the channel's videos URL, it looks at the 10 most recent videos (restricted to the last seven days), and if the video isn't recorded in downloaded.txt it downloads it and records it in downloaded.txt.

Then in the base folder I have another script download.sh set up like:


export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/

. /pathtofolder/dunkey/download.sh

. /pathtofolder/3blue1brown/download.sh

It simply calls each download.sh script in sequence. Then in crontab for su I add the entry:

0 2 * * * /pathtofolder/download.sh > /pathtofolder/log.txt

Every morning at 2am this calls the parent download.sh script and stores the output in log.txt.

yt-dlp also requires ffmpeg installed to combine the downloaded video and audio files. yt-dlp also needs to be updated somewhat frequently because Google always changes the way videos work to mess with them.

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Based based based :marstolfo:

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theyll shut that down too

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Then I record the screen with OBS and skip the ads manually.

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