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  • PolPotEnjoyer : ITT: Burger neolibs cope and seethe
  • SN : Neolib cope inside

Neolib cope inside Europoors attempt to become even poorer by making sure that absolutely no AI development takes place in the EU at all :marseyflageu::marseysaluteusa:

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Eurocucks have a healthy skepticism of any new "innovation" that comes out of Burgerland and I cant' blame them.

Let Burgers continue to "innovate" without regulations and take the good bits after they've been out in the wild for awhile.

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10 years and China’s GDP per capita will outstrip the Bongs


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Their fertility rate is sinking like a brick just like the rest of the world.

Wakanda will be taking over in 10 years.

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Sam Hyde’s Nigerian programmer bit becomes reality

They should probably do the South Korea/China/India thing where they make factories first but who knows maybe they can jump right into JavaScript.

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Indians tried that and look at them now

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Population projections are a complete meme, especially for that long a time scale

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So the west and rich Asian countries will suddenly start babymaxxing again? Or Africans will start wearing condoms?

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Africa almost certainly doesn't continue growing at that rate, same thing has happened to every other region as they have developed. In terms of Europe, Asia, NA it's a complete guess what happens to them, countries are definitely putting more emphasis on increasing the birth rate but no one's been massively successful at it yet

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Idk there's the religious factor there, devout Muslim countries often buck the fertility trends and African Christians aren't functional atheists like westoid Christians either.

At Saudi levels of development 2.4 TFR is amazing.

I guess it all comes down to how much the woman empowerment meme succeeds there as elsewhere. Iranoids and Emiratis have somewhat freer women and look at their TFR :marseystocksdown:

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Mormons will save us, but at what cost?


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India already did that.


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India was never very good at manufacturing, they just had cheap workers. China/asia always beat them at that ultimately.

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>per capita



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Euro cucks are surprisingly poor, I think most Americans that imagine them as somehow getting things right imagine an America with free Healthcare and slightly higher prices on other goods instead of a shit where nearly everyone is a rentoid that can't afford any luxories at all.


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The average “middle class” Europeans in the wealthiest countries in Europe essentially have the purchasing power of average to below average American’s living in poor states like Mississippi, only the Europeans have healthcare not realizing that every American who goes to a hospital get treated and most just straight up do not pay

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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Maybe Europeans can live in countries with no 500kg hambeasts and don't need to lock their car doors, but can they afford all Funkopops and Ben And Jerrys they want?

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half of europe is obese, it's not like they are far behind in the 500kg hambeast front. they just have to chose funkos or ben and jerry's

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lol European cities don’t have theft?

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Depends on their diversity tbh

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so just like the US? :marseynoooticer:

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Apparently they’re doing fine as long as they’re a direct descendant of nobility lmao

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imagine an America with free Healthcare


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Bernie will win

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>this is what Americans actually believe

the average burger has less wealth than the average western euro despite the higher salary

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Do you honestly think 96% of Romanians own their own home or that there might be something fricky going on here? What does someone who lives with their parents into adulthood look like on that survey?


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Communist countries had systems where the state owned all property and on privatisation this was all sold to residents for cheap.

So ex communist countries have super high home ownership rates

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I have a hard time believing that most of that housing stock wouldn't be condemned in the states. There are upper bounds on American homeowner percent because young people don't want to be tied down.


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I have a hard time believing that most of that housing stock wouldn't be condemned in the states.

Have you ever left the hustle and bustle? Like a quarter of the houses in rural America are made out of plywood and gorilla glue. Based and tornadopilled

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I consider all Americans with a net negative tax footprint Europeans. So this isn't a problem for me.


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well I consider all americans who would rather the hustle and bustle than a rotting trailer on their own land to be europeans. :marseysneed:

also 'tied down' :!marseybrainlet: no young people just can't be bothered to sacrifice the funko budget for their own future

ownership can only set you free

the longer you wait the more insane these prices are gonna get cause there's finite land but more and more people on this b-word of an earth every day

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:marseyblack: :You got me fcked up. I'm from the hood, not some hick town in the middle of nowhere. We don't live in houses made out of plywood and gorilla glue, we live in projects. And I hustle harder than anyone in this fckin' city. So don't you ever try to tell me I don't know what it's like to hustle, because I do it every day just to survive.

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Do you think there might be something flawed with a metric that ranks Romania, Lithuania, and Croatia at the top?

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How is that approach working out for European space flight?

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US will have relocated to mars by the time they legalize chatgpt.

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Good. Hopefully that means they'll stay there instead of traveling to Europe.

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Europe? You mean North Africa? :marseysmug2:

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