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  • StarSix : That title *chefs kiss*

Reddit continues to Digg itself a grave with their new announced API pricing. Redditors sneed


Fellow rDrama redditors, come sneed in the comments about how you'll totes quit after this or when they kill old reddit or if you came from 4chan, sharty, kiwifarms, or anywhere that isn't reddit or twitter, laugh and celeberate in the comments about how Reddit is killing itself

If I have to use the official Reddit app on my phone, I will simply not use Reddit on my phone.


Why is the pricing so high? It would cost me a comical $20 million dollars a year to keep my app running as-is, an app that like many third-party apps, have many moderators that depend on it.

I'm not sure if you understand how important third party apps are to the Reddit ecosystem. Not only do they provide an opportunity for folks who don't like the official app to be able to still use Reddit on-the-go, but many of the moderators who serve as the backbone of the entire site rely on third-party apps to do their job.

As a number, Apollo currently has over 7000 moderators of subreddits with over 20K subscribers who use Apollo, from /r/Pics, to /r/AskReddit, to /r/Apple, to /r/IAmA, etc. It would be easy to imagine that combined with other third-party apps across iOS and Android that well over 10,000 of the top subreddits use third-party apps to moderate and keep their community operating.

This is equivalent to going to a construction site and taking away all the workers' favorite tools, only to replace them with different, corporate-mandated ones. Except the construction workers are also building your houses for free.

Why infuriate so many people and communities?


Our intent is not to shut down third-party apps. Our pricing is specifically based on usage levels that we measure to be as equitable as possible. We’re happy to work with third-party apps to help them improve efficiency, which can significantly impact overall cost. [-156, admin]


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Unironically Apollo is the shit and it dying sucks

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I'm not sure who Reddit think they're fooling with this. They're trying to kill third party apps and pretending otherwise is just shameless.

They went as far as to make it so that, even if an app developer chud pays up, their app won't be able to view nsfw posts.

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They think they're fooling r-slurred redditors ie 85% of their users.

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They literally spend most of their development budget trying to push browsers users to their “app” through shady button presses and restrictions to content if you are on browser for years now. Of course they aren’t going to let some idiot steal all of their app revenue. The whole point of pushing to the app is you can’t block advertising lol.

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what is it?

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The greatest iOS Reddit app ever made

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Alien Blue was supposed to be really good before the admins allegedly bought it out if you've tried that.

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Mods need to organize a strike.


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Imagine the strike. We refuse to work (for free) because API prices (for other people with actual companies) are too high. We DEMAND that you reduce prices so other companies can make money, and in return, we will go back to work (for free).

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sounds gucci

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No mods, the entire site becomes coontown and jailbait overnight

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The belief that top mods aren't "sponsored" to run big subs a certain way is a bit naive

They won't strike, if they did then there are truckloads of scabs willing to take their spots

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Unironically yes. Maybe they'd fricking realize reddit doesn't need them and they'd get a fricking life already.

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they'd get a fricking life already

They'd pay reddit to let them mod before they do that.

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Based off what Merari told me today, yeah he probably would pay to mod reddit

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Merari told me today


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Merari would fail the most basic of background checks which is why reddit mods do it for free instead of being a paid internet janny.

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Reddit 100% knew of Aimee Challenor's background and still hired him.

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I bet he participated in his father’s crimes.

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oh heck yeah. The "My dad had a child in the attic and r*ped her and we totes had no idea it was happening" is a bunch of bullshit. Anyone who has been in an old house built decades ago knows that it creeks terribly.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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I bet you participated in his father’s crimes.

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All those powerjannies have a dark past. They are either male feminists, CP holders or frick a child male feminist, and none of them offer anything to society and sit on government gibs while spending 60 hours per week moderating reddit. Reddit will never find decent mods, because anyone decent has a life and only degenerates want power and have the time to do it.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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The amount of 41%ers will also solve the climate crisis, cause their carbon footprint will be 0 (as soon as their corpses have been eaten by worms & bacteria).

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They'll still have a carbon footprint, years of consooming aren't just reset to 0 when you die. This is why gender affirming care for minors is so important

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But who will carefully craft a narrative of the progressive revolution and silence all the dissent for free?

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I genuinely hope they do, blackouts are the only thing that gets their attention

Either admins admit they fricked up or they change moderators, both of which are fun outcomes.

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subreddits get banned without jannies right

I hope that chadmins get rid of some of the powerjanny subreddits over this for maximum drama

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They should refuse their salary of zero dollars and zero cents in protest of the changes

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this absolutely needs to happen. could be the most dramamaxxing event since ellen pao, and it has the potential to actually work / severely frick up the site.

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To be fair to the jannies, if the ones on the

big subreddits put down their mops in protest, I imagine most of the major subreddits would be filled with spam, jailbait porn, and memes within the day.

Reddit is completely dependent on constant unpaid labor. Striking would at least hurt the company.

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I think this is a wonderful opporunity for dramatards to finally quit using, talking, sneeding, reportmaxxing, lurking, posting, whining, bitching and generally giving a frick about a site they claim to hate.

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!downvoters dramamisia

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But it's fun to b-word.

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Let people enjoy things, chud.

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I think the reality is, most of everyone’s alt’s will be banned soon. The exodus from Reddit will be forced in favor of ipo money

Read what I wrote above. Now picture in your head that I put a /s at the end. Good job sweaty! :marseygigaretard:

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I do wonder what rdrama will focus on if reddit is ever RIP

mite b good for rdrama too really

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It's traditional rDrama culture

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Remember they think they can beat Twitter luhmao.

If you don't short Reddit's stock when it IPOs you are a fricking b-word


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Imagine if all the Reddit shares were held by drama users though, we could literally fire all of the admins lmao

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Bring back all the banned subs except the p-do subs and CTH

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I've got a dream: that some news organization has a big article about Bardfinn and other criminals using reddit, and that they are waiting for the IPO to come out before publishing it .

Basically like the jailbait or Aimee Challenor stories, just sitting on a desk for years.

Yeah, I have too much faith in the media

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Weird, I had thar same dream last night and wokeup in a puddle of my own semen.

I havent slept that well in ages

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 00 hours 31 minutes and 01 seconds

Record is 1 days 10 hours 08 minutes and 36 seconds by beamrifle

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was AuntyAbortionKong which was 0 days 14 hours 17 minutes and 49 seconds

████████████ 24 05-26
████████      15 05-27
█████        10 05-28
█████████     17 05-29
█████         9  05-30
███████████   21 05-31
███           5  06-01

Best friend is ACA with 209 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 199.460 µBardyhertz with 4336 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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Except the construction workers are also building your houses for free

hmm !nooticers

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The first thing I thought of was Apollo. At the current pricing model the only thing I can assume is Reddit is trying to kill 3rd party apps and migrate users to the official app.

They are. "Why?" you might ask? Well desktop users make up a minority of users, the majority of them use mobile apps. Apps that they don't control are included. By forcing everyone onto their app they can force adverts onto the users.

It's money. It was always about money. It will always be about money. Reddit could give two fricks about user experience, communities, safety or moderating. They just want to shove adverts down your throat.

Business wants to make money. Shocker. :marseypearlclutch:

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Except this will drive users away from Reddit because their mobile app sucks. Such a great way to make money by continually digging themselves a grave

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People will joke around about the ineffectualness of internet boycotts, but I literally cannot imagine using reddits official app. It's really that bad.

After YouTube vanced was killed I quit using YouTube mobile (until I found revanced). Some app experiences are terrible enough to drive away users.

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It's why if Fritter and nitter go away I'd be done with Twitter. All official social media apps suck.

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What’s wrong with the Reddit app?

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Full of ads, constant engagement begging nonsense like highlighting the top posts of all time and subreddit recommendations. Plus there's no way to customize it the way u can with sync and probably the other reddit apps

Idk maybe it's possible to get used to it, but it just kinda sucks

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Literally everything. The posts don't load, the videos don't load. It's the most buggy piece of shit software in existence.

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It'll certainly drive away the "less desirable" users away. How many people who get turned away by this change are the type to click on an ad in the unlikely event they're browsing without an adblocker installed? All these people proclaiming "if they kill Apollo I'm never coming back" is the same as a bloke who sits in coffee shop for 6 hours a day writing his fanfiction and nursing a glass of water. Sure, when the shop first opened he was great, because he made it look busy, but now the coffee shop is super popular, so they're changing the rules to subtly get him to piss off, because that table is now going to be used by middle aged white women to b-word and gossip while ordering a latte every 25 mins.

Reddit don't care about "legacy users". They want the wine-moms and cat-lady aunts who browse 2x, AITA, Relationship Advice, etc who all find their way there because some "journ*list" recapped a thread and linked to the article. They want the sports normies who come for their goal clips, funny TikTok clips and Marvel memes.

We already know the power mods are never gonna leave no matter how much Reddit make their life difficult by killing their "tools". They get too much out of it to quit.

People are saying like this will be the end of Reddit as we know it. I disagree. It's already become so normie over the last 5 years. Think about how much harder it is to stumble across nudity / porn compared to five years ago. You would click on /r/all and there would be multiple NSFW gifs and gonewild posts in the first few pages. Now you can't even view it without old Reddit or logging in. I think Reddit have finally got to the point where they think they'll be fine to trim off these users, and this is the best way. Not only does it kill of a ton of API requests (Apollo made 7 billion last month alone) that they can't monetize, but it'll drive users to the official app that they can monetize.


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I'm the first paragraph guy because I want to crash the economy and the best way to do that is keep cafes looking busy so they keep ramping up interest rates.

Part of the fiscally-left, socially-right movement. Join today! :marseyexcited:

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Have a smashed avo on toast for me, king

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Bubble O’Phil will be seething when he jacks up the cash rate to 6%, eh cobber?

Part of the fiscally-left, socially-right movement. Join today! :marseyexcited:

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  • birdenthusiast : Pinterest is unironically my favorite social media. The experience if you’e a user is great.

I want to disagree, but Pinterest continues existing despite being widely seen as a scourge that exists only to clog up search results and forces registration to maybe see the desired content

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I feel like Reddit scraping would be pretty easy to do. And there's no real way for them to detect it.

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scraping comes with its own headaches, especially if the site is trying very hard to prevent you from scraping (which reddit would almost certainly do if they don't already)

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Scraping is less performant. Considering how bad webshitters are with their code this might have an noticeable impact on the app.

It's also easy to break scraping. Sure you can fix this, but your app will be non-functional until you do (which will piss off your (paying) userbase).

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>It would cost me a comical $20 million dollars a year to keep my app running as-is, an app that like many third-party apps, have many moderators that depend on it.

Jannies have ascended to their final form. They no longer do it for free. They pay for the it!

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They are also removing nsfw from the third party API altogether lol

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Alligator kitty investigator


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Darn that admin is straight up insulting him lmaooo

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If I can't use Redditisfun I won't use Reddit on mobile at all ever

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>6% upvoted


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I made a CLEAR BACKGROUND PNG flag for them (they have actual :!marseytrain:s on rdrama dot net) :


cat CLEAR BACKGROUND PNG by itself of rdrama marsey cat :


BEWARE! they are more dangerous than you think because they have many liberal tech workers at companies to DOXX YOU!!!!

They doxx people who are right of center!

rdrama is so dangerous to us here, that typing the domain is INSTANT COMMENT BAN!!

"rdrama and .net" without the and, spelled properly is AUTO INSTANT SHADOWBAN of comment on this site!

THAT is how dangerous they are to innocent unwary people.

They hold grudges for about 72 hours.

be careful fricking with them Insurgent they read this conpro and they LIVE for drama brigading.

just visting their site and not logging in , but reading, as a lurker creates an ip address they try to cross correlate using leftist :marseytrain: workers of theirs at FACEBOOK, APPLE, TWITTER, GOOGLE, AMAZON

keep your IP away from those :marseytrain: militant rdrama homos










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many of the moderators who serve as the backbone of the entire site rely on third-party apps to do their job.

Oh no!

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I still use reddit for small subs because it's fun. When RiF dies because of this, I won't browse on mobile any more. When they take away http://old.reddit.com, I won't browse on desktop anymore.

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I won’t be installing the phone app, but I wonder how many will?

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Doing it for free is no longer enough, now reddit mods will have to pay exorbitant prices to have that feeling of holding power over others

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

#reddit continues to Digg itself a grave with their new announced API pricing. Redditors sneed https://rdrama.net/h/slackernews/post/174894/reddit-continues-to-digg-itself-a #MeganTheeStallion #slashdot #twitter

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