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no proof of concept or a demo on how exactly he's going to feed his one-man project with new data but he sure was quick to register a reddit account and the http://pullpush.io domain name which was registered today.


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"If you build it then people will come"

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TL;DR: "I've downloaded the Pushshift dataset and have nothing else"

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Factcheck: This claim has been classified as misogynistic.

[–]VodkaHaze 2 points 4 hours ago*

So this will only work for data 2006-May 2023?

[–]pullpush-io[S] 5 points 3 hours ago

No, data after that will be included too.

[–]IsilZha 7 points 3 hours ago

How are you getting around Reddit's new API terms in order to be able to injest at the volume needed to keep up with the amount of content reddit produces?

[–]pullpush-io[S] 7 points 2 hours ago

There are many more APIs in reddit than the oauth API, and all roads lead to the same data. That's all I am willing to say on this subject on reddit, feel free to join the groomercord and contribute if you want to learn more about how reddit works.

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Countdown to Reddit shutting this down. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Right now maybe?


OP link on old.reddit




not sure what the domain was but it might be gone too

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16860140227891119.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16860140228798618.webp

EDIT: nvm just saw the post about it

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lmao they shut down that dude hard. Wonder if it's because of offending Bardy.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 00 hours 26 minutes and 48 seconds

Record is 1 days 10 hours 08 minutes and 36 seconds by beamrifle

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was BIPOC (c*rp) which was 0 days 10 hours 40 minutes and 03 seconds

███████████              21 05-31
████████████████████████ 47 06-01
█████████                18 06-02
██████                   12 06-03
██████████               19 06-04
█████████████            26 06-05

Best friend is ACA with 211 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 220.293 µBardyhertz with 4453 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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!codecels discuss

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