
Maybe.... maybe Mao was right about the influence of academics...


I've been reading some Effective Altruist writings and learned that even if AI had moral goals it could be very dangerous :marseyscared:.

Like imagine an AI whos goal was to maximize the number of mosquito nets given to Africa, sounds great right? :marseyhappy2:

NO! Because the AI would be willing to do anything in order to achieve it's goals it might do something like commit one of the largest acts of fraud in history to get the money for more mosquito nets! :marseyshock:

Hmm... what does this remind me of? :marseylaugh:

Google overpriced code monkeys get the opportunity to help migrants and poor people. Exciting!

Blind discusses!


NY Post article:

Weakest linux user:

Reported by:
Hackernews discusses if npr is just a wing of the dnc



:marseyl: :marseypajeet:
Finally a streaming platform for true American Patriots- Trump Streaming

Trump Media shares close down more than 14%, company says Truth Social to launch TV streaming

Earlier Tuesday, Trump Media in a press release said it “has finished the research and development phase of its new live TV streaming platform and will begin scaling up its own content delivery network.”

The company said it will roll out streaming content in three phases, the first of which will introduce Truth Social's content delivery network for streaming live TV to the app for Android, iOS and web.

Phase two will release stand-alone Truth Social streaming apps for phones, tablets and other devices, while phase three will release such apps for home television, Trump Media said.

“The streaming content is expected to focus on live TV including news networks, religious channels, family-friendly content including films and documentaries; and other content that has been cancelled, is at risk of cancellation, or is being suppressed on other platforms and services,” Trump Media said in its release.

I'm sure the company that took 2 years to spin up a Mastodon fork fully will definitely be able to smoothly run a streaming service

LPT that *they* don't want you to know

Look how afraid they get:

Your first ninety minutes rather than days, I dare say. CTO here, you pull that trick and not only are you out of the door but you fly out with a charge of vandalism, sabotage and theft.

The Wayback Machine hasn't been able to save images hosted on Reddit for months :marseycryinglaptop:

It stopped working many months ago, when Reddit started redirecting image links to their links. The image viewer thing is kind of helpful in that it tells you which post the image came from, but this is overshadowed by the fact that it prevents you from viewing the image directly. Thus, the Wayback Machine cannot archive the image.

I sent a wordswordswords email to the Internet Archive about it, and they unfortunately said they couldn't change it.


No... I am very sorry but Reddit is much harder to archive now than it was in the past.

We are doing the best we can.

  • Mark Graham, Director, the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive

ArchiveTeam also had difficulty archiving Reddit due to bans and paused their project. (Does anyone here know if there are logs of their IRC channel #shreddit?) At least PullPush works (for now), but it doesn't archive images. Luckily, and are still able to save Reddit images. :marseyheart:

If you are annoyed by Reddit not letting you view images directly, here are some extensions I have not tried at all. They work by modifying the Accept header sent by your browser.


!germs !christians


It's a barbaric country. US support has created another blemish on US history. Was it worth it to ensure safe seas to enable global commercialism, which kept most of the world stable for decades? I do not, but I'll never be in charge either way.

Not just barbaric but also ignorant and tribalistic (I mean this literally), to an extent that most Western citizens don't get since they don't learn about the region's history. Yes, the ruling elites practice barbarism through the judicial system and legalized violence. But the population at large also shares in barbarism. For example, I was surprised (but not surprised) to see that nearly all Saudis deny the atrocities of October 7, like some kind of modern Holocaust denialism.

Hating jews never went out of fashion in the muslim world.

But degrading humans to subhuman status due to culture/ethnicity transcends the muslim world.

Anti-semitism is a European invention that had to be imported to the middle east. One could argue it never went out of fashion anywhere.

Let's not gloss over the absolutely appalling respect many of these societies have for human dignity. Public executions and flogging, discrimination and imprisonment based solely on gender, absolutely zero regard for freedom of conscience when it comes to matters of religion.

We are complicit (if not responsible). Accepted practice isn't an excuse for indifference but criticising your own country isn't a free pass to criticise the culture of others without challenging our culpability. If we sincerely want to help the citizens of these countries that we believe to be oppressed, we have options that we choose not to take. We could offer cultural asylum, give people a route to access our cultural ideals through immigration. We don't, though, because we only believe in human rights when it's convenient.

You, as an individual, may do your best to contribute to the betterment of the world, but when talking about society vs. society, you're glossing over far too many of our ills while ignoring the positives of the others.

Freedom of religion, individualism, capitalism, they aren't “good” or “right” they're just… different. The western individualism (seen most prominently in the U.S.) is not the majority culture, to many, even those who are just as “free” as any American, western cultural ideals are a step backward.

The way you perceive Islam is not the way it's perceived by Muslims in Muslim majority countries, it is not an oppression put upon them by religious zealots, it's a community that they participate in with a deep sense of pride and duty. For every Muslim in a Muslim-majority country who wants to break from their religion, there's an unsuccessful American struggling to survive, desperate to break free from the lonely American pursuit of individual success.

You can hate public executions, flogging, discrimination based on gender and sexuality, and you should, I do, but don't compare societies. We are not better, just different.

These tyrants only get away with repressing their citizens when people like Joe Biden give the first bump of approval due to fantasies about normalization against the will of the people.

The only thing the Gulf states have going for them is oil money and a good hub location on the Europe–Southeast Asia airline routes.

Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Bahrain, Qatar, they all remind me of that quote from King of the Hill—they are monuments to man's arrogance. Desert cities hitting 50+ °C air temperature at midday which means air conditioning everywhere; vapid luxury in the form of expensive garish cars, shopping malls, and weird buildings and monuments, all while local chiefs who oppose stupid and unrealistic white elephant vanity projects are executed in the back alley.

This is one reason why I would like more nuclear power: it'll take some of the money away from the Gulf.

Clearly you dislike gulf countries.

The points raised are a mixture of facts, fiction, jealousy and dislike.

You want them to boil in desert heat with some environmental appeal, while many countries pump the air full of pollution from factories or massive ICE cars

I haven't heard of back alley executions over there

I don't feel hate towards someone spending their money on 2 cars or a holiday house or whatever luxury shoes, or paint their house whatever color. Why does it annoy you so much.

Why hate on people with different taste, very strange

I get it's ok to hate on gulf countries without backlash more than hating on say Denmark

FWIW I'm not from there and don't live there


Edit: :marseystonetoss: Browsers?

Edit 2: She also wrote a paper about "Algorithmic Reparations":

Rooted in theories of Intersectionality, reparative algorithms name, unmask, and undo allocative and representational harms as they materialize in sociotechnical form. We propose algorithmic reparation as a foundation for building, evaluating, adjusting, and when necessary, omitting and eradicating machine learning systems.


We make this case in the body of the text above, suggesting a move away from fairness, replaced by an anti-oppressive, Intersectional approach. We intend for this approach to guide algorithmic design and to act as an evaluative standard by which existing algorithmic systems are judged, adjusted, and where necessary, omitted or dismantled. Our proposal is thus geared towards building better systems and holding existing ones to account.

  • A level 10 OS command injection vulnerability was found in GlobalProtect

  • This bug is arguably worse than the Windows-Rust exploit which let attackers execute arbitrary shell commands

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