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There is a large amount of creators on the platform that live off their content and eCommerce enabled through the platform. So it disappearing overnight would severely impact people who have a majority of their livelihood through the app.

Won't someone think of the poor zoomer influencers?

Banning TikTok will cause an entire generation of Americans to lose all trust in their institutions. Whatever vanishingly small influence China may or may not have through TikTok---still completely unproven innuendo---pales compared to the absolute public relations coup that would win were it banned. If you think cynicism is bad now, there will be zero trust in the democratic process and the rules-based order were this to happen.

Fellas is democracy gonna die because nurses can't twerk on TikTok anymore?



Reddit :marseysnoo: is now allegedly starting to require users :marseyhacker2: show ID to login

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