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  • jew : go back to Russia vatnigs
  • nun01 : death to vatBIPOCs
  • YourMom : TO THE GULAG!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • breakcore : carp help me fund 40k for h/geometrydash
  • retad7222 : cope and seethe. russia won

Announcing h/slavshit

Requesting a few brave jannies to move any shitholistan war posts here. To do this, you report the post with “/h/slavshit” and that’s it. It gets moved automatically. But you need to be a jannie.

Aevann has corrected me, apparently this isn’t true.

@pizzashill @_____ plz post your war stuff in this hole it is EXHAUSTING


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  • SmallNips : Refusing to post content inside of designated hole

lol, I'm not using a pizza and hodor ran hole for my (rare, but extremely based) warposting. It's fine for what it is if they plan on using it, but it should really be named "ukroshit"


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I don't give a frick what you do tbh. You know what I think of you and what others aren't allowed to say.

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I don't think about you at all.

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You get hyper-sensitive about something you admitted to and no one is allowed to mention it.

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You're a sad incel cute twink if you're one of like three people that actually thinks that it was an "admission" of anything.

Which you are, so this tracks.

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This hole off to a great start :marseypopcorntime:

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I’m already upmarseying things even when I have no idea what they are talking about. Just to see them fight. also I’m a joiner

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If it doesn't bother you and is completely false (even though you said it) then why is it verboten to mention it here? Aevann seems to think you're useful here enough to protect everyone from the truth about you.

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I'm not going to try and explain the obvious to you. What I will say is that if you keep this up and will eventually get caught by autojanny, my natural affection for old-school people from /r/drama will not be enough to get that ban reversed.

You've been warned about it like a dozen times by now, so either just drop it or leave and make your own site, where you can post whatever bullshit your heart desires. That isn't happening here, and what's more - boo's attempt at spamming it all night a few months ago has shown that literally nobody but you cares, either.

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I've already been caught by autojanny yet I'm still here. Just make sure you keep your russian propaganda in /h/slavshit like you're told.

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Or what? :marseyxd:

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More comments

Whats this about?

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Is this what Bardfinn means when she talks about bad faith arguing?

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 00 hours 11 minutes and 22 seconds

Record is 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds by peepeehands

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was peepeehands which was 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds

████████████████████████████████████ 71 02-28
████████                             16 03-01
█████████████                        26 03-02
███                                  6  03-03
████                                 7  03-04
█████                                9  03-05

Best friend is ACA with 176 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 216.821 µBardyhertz with 2780 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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For future tourists who don't know what idio is talking about here.

He admitted on groomercord that he sometimes molests and fantasises about his "hot underage daughter".

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Does anyone have screens or more comments/posts about this? I'm just now finding out his account was even deleted

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Don't remember asking boo :marseynails:

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The top jannie is Salvador, the mightiest z patriot on the site

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Well, we'll see. Ukrostrags have been kind of losing their shit recently (see latest pizza spergout), so it's kind of doubtful that they'll be able to stop themselves from :marseyraging:.

If you're right and it does actually work - I'll reconsider :marseythumbsup:

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Tbh the idea is just for the hole jannies to remove posts that aren’t relevant, we want to remove any who are mopping to push their respective agendas regardless of which side of the border that is

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Ukrostrags have been kind of losing their shit recently

Lol. Lmao even. Have you seen at least one Salvador copepost? Pizza's spergout is nothing in comparison

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He probably was unironically to drunk to see them

Which I understand I wish I was too drunk to see them too

Also, noticing salvs spergouts would go against the narrative that all pro russo posters here are sane, unlike pizza


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He probably was unironically to drunk to see them

You know me too well!


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𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙮 𝙗𝙪𝙨𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙙𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙡

I messaged bardyboy telling him the top mod here is a libertarian and telling him which one it is and how the site bends over for him, wanna see if he can somehow use that info in one of his future spergouts

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Considering salv makes like 7 posts a day I think it's obvious who is losing their shit.

Pizza only makes like 5 on average


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Yeah, but pizza's have such a colossal amount of :marseyraging: and :marseymalding: that it easily makes up for numerical inferiority.

His entire raison d'être is belief that burger tech and thought are wunderwaffes that can and will decide everything. Facts on the ground show that increased proportion of burger wunderwaffes poorly correlates with ukro results, so he's responding with anger.

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:marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy:Salvs last two months of low effort pro russo Twitter posting is putting pizza to shame

It so bad that I thought about actually making war related effort posts.


Which would put them both to shame

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@idio3 legitimate question

Because I don't make war related posts but still

Even though I know your standings clearly, so far you been decent in modding stuff.

If perchance I would make a post in that hole which would be removed by certain hole mod only because it's not pro russo, could I contact head dramatards, even you?

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Sure, if I'm around I'll help.

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Thank you for being fair.

God I hate this award


Oh well, more Marseys to spam

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salv would never :marseyitsover: do that, he loves you

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salv makes 7 posts a day every single :marseywall: day, its normal :marseychartgaussian: to him. Pizza :marseypizzaslice: making so many :marseymanysuchcases: posts is not normal :marseyregular: so he is the one who is losing :marseygambling: it

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:platytired::platytired:Seven is more than five

Personally I wish both of them stopped.

This site has more war related posts on front page than reddit

Local media is enough.



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to be fair I dont think :marseymischevious: burger :marseymutt2: media :marseyjourno: discusses this :marseysharksoup: war as much as euro media :marseyjourno: does, over :marseynulloverback: here its almost everything on television :marseybeanpickle: is about russia-ukraine war

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Ukrostrags have been kind of losing their shit recently

They have? :marseyglancing:

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:marseyfluffy: @robocopathianflorist

Where is radical centrism in that?


Actual question @robocopathianflorist if my post in that hole gets removed by some people for simply being not pro russo, can I contact the mod team?

I don't make war related posts, just asking.

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Removed: Rule 4 - No off topic discussion on main feed/only post content in the appropriate subdrama

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lol, nice. Clear out the exile list too, pls.

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its alrdy cleared king

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Based Sportachud

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That's a based chud.

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He means urban cycling

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I've already said I will do the job as we spoke of earlier today. Don't let it get taken by a Russian supporting subhuman or a power hungry weirdo either.

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>proto-janny already begging for power



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Hey I used to be one of the old-school mods at /r/drama and I never did anything of power. I would just go into other subs that mentioned our sub and tell them I was top mod of /r/drama and pretend to be the PR representative. It was a fun meta joke.

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lol if you dont let us post :marseymaxrockatansky: russian :marseytelegram: propaganda then :marseytransflag: we will :schopenmarsey: just :marseyblops2chadcel2: post :marseyfuriosa: on the main feed :marseyhungry:

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That's what it's for you r-slur

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ok boot boy

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Please volunteer or I will have to draft from the banned user list and mobilize random users

very fitting

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how'd you catch that one buddy, you're so smart

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Slav gay porn is the best.

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see latest thread

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Members of this hole Remember

Bashing vatnigs is not only recommended, it is a NECESSITY

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THANK YOU :marseyembrace:FOR ROUNDING THEM UP :marseygun: INTO THE GULAG :marseytank: :exclamationpoint:NOW I CAN PRETEND :marseydolphin: THEY DO NOT EXIST :marseyblind: :exclamationpoint: HAVE A BLESSED DAY :marseyimmaculate:

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Blocked and reported

Thanks king

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We need to purge all ziggers, this is a great honeypot hole :marseythumbsup:

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I'll throw my hat in the ring and volunteer for :marseymoplicker:

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The prospect of having the latest in russian telegram propaganda and surface level yuro conflict analysis all in one place :marseychefkiss:

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Bless, this was sorely needed. Ukraineshit threads are an iron curtain of :marseynoyou: between r-slurs

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not making it /h/hol

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/h/ohol would work better, but you're right - it is a missed opportunity :marseycry:

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Carp bb can u also make it so anyone posting in this hole unironically gets banished to it forever and can't leave :marseyinshallah:

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:marseyfluffy: gimme a mop. I don't even know which one is a vatnik and which one is a hohol, so I'm totally unbiased. I promise to do 0 work

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I think they’re all vatniks and a hohol is a slur for Ukrainian but I have no actual idea

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@_____ mod me

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make a poll betting on how long it will last i say it gets deleted after 2 months

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Oh my god thank you

But you have to lock pizza and salv there for me to buy the kitten :marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy::marseyfluffy:

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Dead in a month

And that's a generous estimate

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I'll be hole mop

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I volunteer for the :marseymoplicker:

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Delete this hole

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Did you guys see how Kiwifarms had to divide their thread into two communities a couple weeks ago - one for pro-russia and one for pro-ukraine? They only even allowed one thread on their entire forum to talk about the war at all, but even that wasn't good enough because that one thread was over 1000 pages of people constantly sneeding at each other to the point where no actual news could ever be posted. Not arguing with your approach btw, you are doing a lot of us a huge favor, now I can just block this shit and only read it if for some reason I hate myself enough to intentionally look for it.

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Delete this hole.

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delete deez nuts from your mouth cute twink

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Carp make me a hole janny

I dont know anything about the war and will devote my time to pissing off seriousposters with deliberately brain dead takes

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Give me a mop, I’ve been vocally in favour of slavwars hole for months and I hate all sides so I’d be perfect

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bruh this is pizza shill lvl cope

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