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We mb suggested that khohol did this yesterday but this shouldn’t undermine support for khohols :marseybrainlet:

Seems like burgers also jumped on hype pointing at khohols

New your times

The times: we know khohols did it :marseypipe:

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I unironically don't care if Ukros blew up the pipeline, I literally just want to see vatnigs BTFO'd as hard as possible so I'm fine with spending more

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Dude Ukraine cost western world 5 trillions already. All the increase of cost of products is implicit cost if the war. My kebab went from 4,5 euro to 7 euro and that’s is implicit cost of helping khohols

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Africans cost the western world way more than 5 trillions, yet you are still commenting.

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Your brain is frying as you enter the pizzaverse

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How absolutely cucked can you be? :marseybeansick:

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Russia is a threat to civilized society, that's why continuing to provide weapons to those who are fighting them, to continue to decrease the threat Russia poses by weakening them as much as possible is way more important, than caring about pipelines. If I was Germany I would do the same.

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Man westoids just don't get how cartoonishly evil the average Russian and Russian society is. They are incapable of building and improvement, just destruction out of greed, they are THE crab in the bucket.

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>russians are cartoonishly evil!

>t. Genocidal eastern european

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>Nooo you shouldn't put down the pitbull with rabies, you have a healthy german shepherd yourself, it's not fair:soyjaktantrum:

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Average westroid looks down at Hungarian. :marseynails:

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Civilized society being drag queen preschool strip clubs?

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This must have been WE then.

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Nice 70s vhs footage you got there

There are 4k videos of westoids sending their children to drag queen strip clubs literally daily

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Neighbor this was the 90s to mid 2000s in Russia.

15-20 years ago.

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t. Least warmongering eurocuck

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The whole point is to weaken Russia so much that they won't be able to start a war against us.

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So do you have no sympathy for countries out of Europe/the western world like the rest of the slavs in this thread? Do you also think we are subhuman so crimes against us don't count? Cause it seems you want american supremacy to do whatever they want with everyone else

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Who us? What's the point of starting a war against any European country for Russia?

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To regain what they had during Cold War times, they can't accept they lost and we dont want their orcs back.

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This is your brain on reddit

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This is what euros actually think lmfao

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They were screaching so much about every eastern expansion of NATO, because they wanted pick each of those countries off one by one to invade. We already told you in 1956 to get the frick off our home and go back to your hellhole where you came from, and then you sent the tanks to kill us, I will never forget. Disgusting genocidical maniacs, the world would be a much better place without your constant destruction.

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t. :marseyrage:

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It's eurocucks we're talking about, they're not called that for no reason.

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It’s clearly that burger did this but since all German politician are on burger payroll they can’t say it’s burger who did this and they can’t say Russian did this. So it surprisingly they didn’t blame Iran or NK. (They can’t blame China, half of Berlin is owned by China)

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The thrill of russia losing and us burgers gaining a new attack dog is priceless.

More weapons to ukraine.

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“A February 15, 2023, Associated Press-NORC poll revealed that 48 percent of Americans favor providing U.S. weapons to Ukraine. Twenty-nine percent were opposed to that policy, and 22 percent said that they were neither in favor nor opposed. In May 2022, less than 3 months into the war, 60 percent were in favor of sending Kyiv weapons, while only 19 percent were opposed. ”

Do you think on 15 March 48% of burgers will support sending weapons or 60% ?

Khohols were hyping Russian offensive that supposed to happen on 24 feb and then khohols would launch a epic counterattack on March and liberate Crimea and Mariupol but their is small miscalculation it’s khohols that need results, Russian are happy with this small shitshow with Bakhmut, it’s after all burgers who pay salaries to all khoholstan and need to give them 40 billions every 3 months (and you are to r-slurred to understand implicit costs).

So imagine it’s 2024 March and let’s say every month Ukraine loses 1% of support, what will Biden do ? after all its his war

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Well your Biden will soon dump in glorious way that dog.

Also how do you feel that majority of burgers are now against sending weapons to Ukraine ?

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That's a funny name

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Neighbor, link his words. Quick search told me that he said we have to wait for the investigation and shouldn't jump the shark

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I don't care about pipelines desu, the pre-2014 of policy of trying to bring Russia into civilization clearly failed, as it attacked the first second it felt powerful enough to get away with it and was fully willing to exploit the dependency. The Russian oligarch system and their equally cattle-serf minded population that supports it is threat to everything what makes western society great. Things like democracy, meritocracy and freedom of thought are alien concepts to the vatnik and while I was hopeful pre-14 that this would with time change, it's clearly not the case.

They should be boxed in to their miserable robber-baron shithole if they are so proud of it and all of their attempts to force their rotten societal systems to any other nation in Europe should be met with overwhelming firepower. Luckily even westoids wisened up to this after February 24.

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>US attacks countries on the other side of the globe every few years for no reason whatsoever and kills hundreds of thousands of civilians, destabilizes countries in proximity to itself for shits and giggles by assassinating government officials, sponsors revolutions leading to regime changes and worsening living conditions, putting countries decades back in development

Totally OK, just friday things :marseynails:

>Russia protects its borders from an unstable puppet state of its enemy after warning it for years it will attack if the puppet state doesn't stop being pumped by weapons by said enemy and attacking LDNR.


You euros are legit fricked in the head. 2 world wars weren't enough I guess, hopefully the third one finally puts an end to your insanity.

!commies discuss

Also hilarious that you think Russia is the only country in the world ruled exclusively by oligarchs. Europe, China, US, all totally completely different for sursies :marseybrainlet:

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You euros are legit fricked in the head.

Just the butthurt belt. They don't count as people, let alone Euros...

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>You euros are legit fricked in the head. 2 world wars weren't enough I guess, hopefully the third one finally puts an end to your insanity.

Hopefully by the total and final destruction of russian people and culture:marseylove:

Russia protects its borders from an unstable puppet state of its enemy after warning it for years it will attack if the puppet state doesn't stop being pumped by weapons by said enemy and attacking LDNR.

Nobody wants to invade Russia bro, there is nothing valuable there beyond alcoholism and dachas. We just want you to finally leave us the frick alone and suffer the consequences of your fundamentally broken society alone.

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You mean how in 2000 west did those color revolutions around Russia and then in 2012 tried to do that in Russia it self really pissed Putin ? I mean yes yes I understand you are a lot less educated than me :marseynails:

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Russia itself is the biggest supporter of these colour revolutions, because every neighbor knows you can't trust the eternal muskovite.

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As country you can’t trust any other country and if you are a small country you should balance to get most benefits. Orban is actually doing this, for EU to win Hungary back they will be forced to pay more money than Russia is doing. If you fully became loyal to one side they stop giving a frick about you and put effort to have your affinity.

If Germoids blamed today burgers they legit would win more since burgers would had tried to neutralize the situation with buxx.

So in the end you can truly be loyal only to


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The only thing Orbán is doing is ransacking the country for his own inner circle.

The most patriotic thing he could do for this country is jumping off a bridge along with his minioligarchs. Nothing good ever came from Russia in the history of european civilization.

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Mendilyev is pretty based and they had a decent of amount of other feral professors.

“for his own inner circle” this shit will always be a problem. Just look at Ursula, just because her dad was a founder of eu she had tons of minister post in Germany, president of eu and now is about to become chief of NATO. B-word spend 20 years studying in university to get a degree in pipi studies and it was proven she did plagiarism and she has 8 kids and when she decided to become politician on her first year she became minister. And now she is about to become nato chief :marseyclapping:

EU on its own is a inner circle where they jerk at each other

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Ursula is no way comperable to an economic oligarchy and systematic corruption of state resources for personal gain.

Even attempting to draw paralells in severity and societal consequences between Russian and EU corruption just shows how hilariously out-of-touch you are.

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Boris Pistorius


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Blowing up pipeline your corrupt politicians build to stuff their pockets while fricking you over sounds pretty based to me.

Of course he's SPD so he's on the same team as the corrupt ones, probably just angry they didn't give him big enough share.

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