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why is this the onye thing u r slurs take seriouswy?

nywo onye here actuawwy argues seriouswy abwout pwowlitics or healthcare or w/e but anytimwe the war gets bwought up y'aww turn intwo redditwors and seriouspwost fwor 100 cwommwents untwl ywour heads faww off

!chuds explain? :marseyconfused:

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Isn’t it only the like 10 people who are from shitholistan over there

And pizza because both countries seem like paradises compared to the Seattle apartment his gf’s mom with her prepaid Consumer Cellular phone pays for

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Spez, Salv and 🍕our are biggest war posters and they live in Portugal, the Netherlands and Portland respectively

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Thank you for summing up the whole of the online information war around Ukraine in general

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arent they married nywow? i think spacemilk said they were

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Spacemilk has been posting a ton of utterly insane stuff and I can’t tell if he’s doing a bit or if he’s actually schizophrenic

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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i am wery guwwible :marseyfluffy:

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Aw~, the nyan talk really adds to your character.


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wdym character anyway :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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She means you’re not real!


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Sacrifical pawn in a much larger scheme


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Guy acted r-slurred beforehand. So its a good possibility :marseyshrug:

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It’s Portland, and funnily enough he rejects the fact that it’s his ideological home

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not a chud thing


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theres nywo slavshit ping gwoup :marseycry:

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It’s unironically a zigger chud thing, they feel a pride for a country they don’t even live in and spergout at the slightest mention of that country being r-slurred. This baits ukrops into serious posting back

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Pizzashill definitely argues seriously about politics.

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but nywo onye else argues with him!

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you can be the one! :marseyagree:

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arguing is pwointless unless u have any chance of cwonvincing the other perswon differentwy

that's impwossible w pizza or anywonye else onlinye 90% of the tim!

the onwy type of arguing that ACTUALLY works onlinye is making intentionyawwy bad argumwents two "suppwort" ywour oppwonyent :marseytroublemaker:

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!mottezans Please guide this lost soul to the realm of Reason. His symptoms are rapidly becoming dramatarded. :marseypipe:

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@jan Arguing is based and it's own reward. Camus famously declared that Sisyphus must enjoy his endless and hopeless task of pushing up the boulder. All of human endeavors are sisyphean, if you cannot learn to enjoy things for their own end you are cursed to suffer for eternity.


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i agree

arguing with ppl on the internet has been statistically proven to make ppl happier in multiple studies!

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but im right! :marseyfluffy:

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Even if you don't convince your opponent, you might swing the opinion of bystanders.

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"arguing is pointless, unless arguing isn't pointless"

ur so smart blow me

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i said blow me, cute twink

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Because it's pointless. He'll forget what he's talking about, let loose some tangents, and double-down (or :marseygasp: troll people when he discovers that his position is r-slurred).

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They do

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I don't even read his comments, I usually just skim over it to pick something to make fun of him with. I just assume the rest is equally r-slurred.

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Chuds people are just a bunch of !friendsofmimwee's

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I saw a comment on RSP or somewhere arguing that it's the result of displaced feelings of patriotism.

  • Liberals spent decades telling each other America is an imperialist force for evil in the world. They have never known what it's like to cheer on an army. The feelings that normally would go to cheering on their country's psycho meathead fascists go to Ukraine's instead, a safe place for them to explore feelings of patriotism.

  • Conservatives also now hate America for a variety of reasons. They can no longer cheer on the success of the shitlib/neolib/neocon trifecta. As such, their feelings of patriotism are redirected to either Ukraine (right wing nationalist mayo badasses mowing down bad guys) or Russia (getting to be the "bad guys" taking revenge on the West that failed them, and/or representing the forces of old-school thug power in a world choking under insufferable soft power).

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thanks fwor reminding mwe two repwortmaxx rsp :marseyyikes:

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How's the bot going? :marseyeyeroll:

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rn im splitting my free time between exercise, improving my hacking skills, and posting on a cat website

sorry babe that doesn't leave much time!

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At least I got some coins out of it :marseyshrug:

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Seriousposting on www.rdrama.net should be banworthy.

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Funposting on rdrama is reddit tier normie bullshit


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Take your meds schizo! :stoningpills:

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:marseycyanide: :stoningpills:

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My take on the war is that is sucks its happening but i really dont care. Mostly hate that its happening since ive vacationed in ukraine and wanted to go again but wont soon since kiev was bombed to shit

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it's spewwed kyyiiyv :marseytroublemaker:

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Still Юkraine though.

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What does one do vacationing in Ukraine? Black Sea enjoyment?

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I don't care about the war, Ukraine or Russia :marseytwerking::marseytwerking::marseytwerking:

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Your copes are getting progressively more desperate, lol :marseyxd:

Too many depressing Artemovsk vids?

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:marseysweating::marseyscared::marseyscream: Russia is a half inch closer to conquering its own left foot 1 yr into a major war


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It's like a tug of war between a cripple and a kid with ADHD.

The cripple gets easily overpowered but the ADHD kid does something r-slurred every 3 seconds and the progress is almost reversed.

It's a stalemate.

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I can't tell which is which :marseyspecial:

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holy shit idio3! you're back!

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I just hope both sides are having fun

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But then you realize it's zoomed in and they like advance 2 blocks every 10 days.

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also if you zoom out you'll see all the territory they lost near the capital and northern regions

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This entire map is about 15-20 square miles for context

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if i zoom out too much it will just turn into that smugjak meme

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bb that's a THREE MWONTH timwelapse

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it's two weeks

count the days

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Two weeks

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pizza posting his own Ls

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Idio is right

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Your delusional

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Are you done being a fat p-dophile yes or no?

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This is rdrama.net sweaty.

You're ALL awful. I'm awful too.

You think that the mentally unstable we make fun of would be as miserable and unstable as they are without us?

They wouldn't.

You think that some of the people bullied on were aren't already miserable enough without the shit given to them here?

You think some of them don't fall farther into misery and hopelessness than they already are, that some of them don't just finally snap and give up on life because of us? That they don't rope, or just stop trying on life because this shit pushed them over the edge?

They do.

Through one small cruelty, one small choice to be a peepee, through the power of the butterfly effect, lives can be changed, ruined, right here. One small experience that causes suffering can lead to other bad experiences and other worse choices and less hope and more misery and the start of another branch of possibilities and of life that can lead to rock bottom.

Through these small cruelties, greater ones are formed.

That is the terrible power of sites like these.The power we so carelessly wield.

This IS horrible.

ALL of this is HORRIBLE.

And you're part of it.

Frick you, you stupid b-word.

And frick you all, rdrama.net. I'm out.

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