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Ukraine war: Soldier tells BBC of front-line 'heck' Russian are camping


@Szia_uram didn't I told you that Russian are using Krynki to camp and the whole landing on that territory is even more r-slurred that spring counteroffensive?

I've seen boats with my comrades on board just disappear into the water after being hit, lost forever to the Dnipro river.

Russian literally are hunting for the boats and let khohols lands because without boats it's 100% one way ticket.

"We thought after we made it there the enemy would flee and then we could calmly transport everything we needed, but it didn't turn out that way.

>we will lunch spring counteroffensive and Russian will run to Crimea and then leave Crimea :marseyflagukraine:

>Russian don't run and bussy blast the spring counteroffensive :marseypikachu2:


>we will land with small boats and carbines, without any teach support even light cars and Russia will run :gigachad2:

>Russian don't run :marseypikachu2:

"When we arrived on the [eastern] bank, the enemy were waiting.


Like no wonder khohols that went to that operation believed Russian would run because you'll need to be ultra r-slur

Supplies were the weakest link. The Russians monitored our supply lines, so it became more difficult - there was a real lack of drinking water, despite our deliveries by boat and drone.


"We paid for a lot of our own kit - buying generators, power banks and warm clothes ourselves.


He needs more

Also do you remember how reznikov defence minister stole the money for winter clothes ? :marseykneel:

"No-one knows the goals. Many believe that the command simply abandoned us. The guys believe that our presence had more political than military significance. But we just did our job and didn't get into strategy."

Their presence gives Russian free frags, but for Zelenskyy he thought it would make Ukrainian hype great again but it didn't worked out but if they leave they will get even more negative hype so that situation is L L to khohols

BBC Russian recently spoke to some Russian troops who are defending the riverbank in that area. They said it was "suicide" for their soldiers to move there, saying they had lost many men in the fight and that they cannot dislodge the Ukrainians from their foothold.

>nooo khohols don't send more soldiers without supply to our camping spot

"Mostly our losses were mistakes - someone didn't climb in that trench quickly enough; another guy hid badly. If someone isn't switched on, he'll be immediately targeted from everywhere.

"But thanks to our doctors, if we can get an injured soldier to the medics - he'll be saved. They're titans, Gods. But we can't get the remains of the fallen out. It's just too dangerous.

Just 12km boat ride to other side of Kherson :marseythumbsup: since khohol hold around 1300^2 feet and I doubt they send khohols to that footholds are have medical camps.

"At the same time our drones and missiles inflict a lot of losses on the enemy. We took prisoners of war once, but where to put them, if we have no way to cross the river even with our own injured comrades?"

Then how are your doctors helping you ?

"It's a total nightmare. A year ago, I wouldn't have said that, but now, sorry, I'm fed up.

@Szia_uram He is basically saying you are an r-slur and should be send to the front since you believe in Ukrainian win more than khohols at this point.

"Everyone who wanted to volunteer for war came a long time ago - it's too hard now to tempt people with money. Now we're getting those who didn't manage to escape the draft. You'll laugh at this, but some of our marines can't even swim."

@Szia_uram Why are they saying same things I been saying for months ? Since you believe you are so smart how come so how come reality is closer to my statements ? Oh no that only proves you an r-slur since I been calling you r-slur for months :marseyscream:

"But the next rotation is due. My time to cross the river again is soon." :marseybrainlet:

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