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Pizza shill once told it will cost just a couple billions to rebuild Ukraine


He told me this when I wrote that final sum will be over a trillion

@pizzashill why were you wrong ?

Officially Ukraine received 440 billions since 2022 but that sum is obviously larger since it tracks only official big transfers and we know that Ukraine receives more shit so we can objectively round it to 500 billions. Also nobody can even calculated how much regular citizens donated to Ukraine.

Now Ukraine ask over a trillion to rebuild it self and as you know the constructions sums are 90% smaller than final costs the idea is to get first transaction and then mid point ask more since nobody will close a project mid way. It's like in 2022 December Biden told those 50 or 60 billions were for whole 2023 and ended up giving more.

So EU cucks awaits a lot more costs if khohols win

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The US was calling the invasion of Ukraine months before it happened. All of a sudden theyre not going to notice the same thing happen in the Baltics? And while the Baltics can be blitzed, that can't be denied, Russia holding it is another matter entirely.

Also, enough with the artillery cope. Western doctrine is built around air power, not artillery, and you're crazy if you think Russia has either the numbers or aircraft quality to compare.

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Russia holding it is another matter entirely.

Baltic has 6 million population and at least 2 are Russian

Also, enough with the artillery cope. Western doctrine is built around air power

Yemen was bombed for over 10 years and they still can create mess without trouble. It wouldn't also be that simple to bomb Russia since they have shit tons of AD and they pumping those AD faster than jets can be pumped. There is good reason why Russia didn't rush its jets to Ukraine. It started also fabing Ukraine after they were sure Ukraine doesn't have any s300 left.

So that doctrine is pretty much out dated. Giving so much shit to Ukraine just showed Russia won't have a better opportunity to do it.

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So that doctrine is pretty much out dated. Giving so much shit to Ukraine just showed Russia won't have a better opportunity to do it.

>Fighting poor as frick neighbor over 2 years now

>Has only managed to capture 18% of the country

>Was stopped dead in their tracks BEFORE western arms started arriving in mass

>Believe that due to all of this, has now gained the upper hand in a war with NATO

:#marseycope: :marseylaughpo#undfist:

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