NATO summit review :marseyclappingglasses:

Pretty much everyone was expecting :marseysal: but a lot more :marseysal: :marseysal: :marseysal: happened than expected.

Before the summit started it was assumed Ukrainian would do some big push to have some gains to show at this summit as winning but nothing happened not even missiles strikes.

Even Russia prepared for this summit better by doing breakthrough in couple of sectors and bussy blasting Kiev.

During the summit there was a lot of talks about nothing like for example this:

And this

Then not even 24 hours after those statements they did a 180 flip. Biden told no and

Poland had interesting ideas about fixing refugees problems

"I think many Poles are outraged when they see young Ukrainian men in hotels and cafes, and they hear how much effort we have to make to help Ukraine,"

So they started a "volunteers brigade"

"In Poland, we are beginning to train the first Ukrainian brigade composed of volunteers from inside Poland. We have up to a million Ukrainians of both genders, and several thousands of them have already registered for the draft,"

"Interestingly, many of them want to serve and rotate their compatriots, but they say: 'We don't want to be thrown into the battle without being properly trained and equipped.' And we're going to do this for them," Sikorski said.

Oh heck yeah, that's why they run away from Ukraine and the mobilisation :marseyagreesuperspeed:

"And then they will be available to the Ukrainian government as a unit with the right to return to Poland after their rotation," he added.

He encouraged other European countries also hosting male Ukrainian refugees or with significant Ukrainian minorities to do the same.

"If every European country did that, Ukraine would have several brigades," Sikorski said.

Realistically this move will push Ukrainian to find a job or move to Germany since Germany just can't do similar move because of ma ethics

Then Poland promised Ukraine it would shoot down missiles that are heading towards Poland in Ukrainian sky. But of course did a flip :marseykickflip: by saying NATO should shoot those missiles but nobody reacted or commented so it went :marseysal:

Then NATO promised to give Ukraine 40 billion next year but just a month ago countries decided to tell no to nato idea of giving Ukraine 40 billions but honestly it's impossible to track all the money heading to Ukraine. Wikipedia stopped updating it and froze it at 380 billion since November 2023 and we know that Ukraine got at least 50 from eu, 61 from US and tons of smaller aids packages this year. Yesterday tho Biden gave Zelenskyy only 220 millions.

Biden was the star of the show tho

So as expected :marseysal:

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