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:marseyzelensky: Seven NATO countries don't want Ukraine joining the alliance :marseyno:





Ukrainians might be better off at this rate to bomb shit out of Hungary and then wait for liberation by NATO

A NATO occupation would be better than Russians

Just ask Germans eh

Yes. please bomb Hungary :marseyagreefast:

Looks like restarting nuclear armament the only way. Pathetic

But I don't want another slav country to have nukes :marseyworried:

Time for a joint Polish Ukranian nuclear programme. We are a part of nato but it's better to play it safe.

Oh no, it's two more slav countries now :marseyveryworried:

I don't think the US should dictate who's in the alliance. But Hungary exists so the whole unanimous vote is pretty rough.

NATO is Murica's toy, if they want Ukraine into NATO it will get in with or without Orban's approval :marseysaluteusa:

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