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Seethe in /r/Europe as first female Ukranian frontline commander watches Harry Potter over doing her job on hard days.




On bad days, Mykytenko will ask her sergeants to take over, and she'll spend the day watching Harry Potter movies.

These are things that are better kept private good grief

Too lazy to do the rest myself but look through it, it's fricking funny :marseyretardchad:

!eurochads !BIPOCs

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She's 29 and she's fighting a war, her husband and friends died, I guess she can be human every now and then if she wants.

I wonder if her sergeants have that same option.

That's definitely the kind of thing that could be cast in a very bad light. Imagine being an actual frontline soldier under constant threat, not able to contact friends or family and finding out that when your commander is feeling rough she tells someone else to do her job while she watches movies. Definitely isn't going to help your morale or trust in leadership.


They're [women] even better as frontline troops because of smaller hitboxes.

Ash in Rainbow Six Siege be like

I thought they were banned because it's like Oddjob in Goldeneye



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