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:marseyfsjal: :marseyhappening: :marseyhappening: :marseybongoukraine: Scholz called Putin



This is the reason why he called

Russia has now enough missiles to finish electric infrastructure of Ukraine and Ukraine basically has no AD. US even scraping HAWK missiles from Taiwan

Why is

Olaf worried ?

Because if Russia wiped out Ukrainian electricity infrastructure now than million of Ukrainian will go to Germany and it will cost a lot more to support Ukraine. So he promised Putin not to give Ukraine long range missiles.

Meanwhile Ukraine saying they won't accept any deal and if there will be freezing they will re arm and get to 1991 borders back.

So Trump plans goes to :marseysal:

Jihad Homo Julian, didn't commented on Kupyansk or Olaf call and just continue doing Trump bad


Scholz in trouble

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Darn I might just delete Reddit knowing that people like you exist on here, I feel ashamed to know that we share an interest in social media. I would rather live in heck than live your pathetic, sexist, twisted idea of existence you incel frick.


November 15, 2024:

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