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:soycry: Putin threatens to destroy America after Biden approves of long rage attacks into Russia and r/worldnews is doomposting about Orange Hitler :soy!mad:




You jest but I genuinely believe that America is one of those nations that can only truly be destroyed from the inside, and they seem to be working hard at it.

Yes. That's been Russias strategy for decades now and it's finally coming to fruition. They won. We let them.

At this point anti-Russia redditors spread more pro-Russian propaganda than actual vatniks do :marseysigh:

yes that's what Trump was. they won

Came to say this. Russia can't erase the US, but Trump in power... that's a whole different thing.

Traitorous cowards, all of them :marseyannoyed:

Until Trump sells the country to Putin and the supreme court says he can

Should be hanged like traitors too :marseyhanging:

You'll only find bots on Reddit. Most conservatives fled after the MAGA crowd brigade a bunch of subs and got butthurt when folks did it back.

Yes, this is why chuds left reddit, totally :marseyban:

It will become new Russia, when trump sells everyone out

Cheap vodka for every burger! :marseyletsgo:

Yes the United States disappears often on Russian satellites due to the made in China parts.


Lots more soytalk in the comment section if you want to check :soysnootypefast:

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Putin sent random little homie because he knows how dumb he'd look if he did it himself. This little dude is probably even going to die in the next purge :marseyxd:

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