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Ukraine is preparing to launch its final counteroffensive this December

They got a lot of Bradley's and offensive weapons lately and soon frog trained brigade is about to return from France

The Anne of Kyiv brigade - named after a princess who married French King Henri I in 1051 in nearby Reims cathedral - has been training in France since September, and in the next 10 days will head to Poland before being dispatched to the front.

Hhhm so those guys were picked from streets after Ukraine launched invasion of Kursk and been send to France to do 2-3 months training :marseythinkorino:

Ukraine also been preparing all newly mobilised men to do exclusively offensive. It's been rumoured they want to show Trump how strong they are, but the only place they can attack and have some success is Moldova. All other direction are fortified including Belarus. But seems like Ukraine legit believe when Trump comes the front line will be instantly frozen.

There is also huge chances ATACMS permission was given to Ukraine to frick with Trump

All pro Ukrainian already mentioning that those things won't bring any real difference, the amount that Ukraine has is very small and Russia has decent exp fighting those and already prepared against them.

So it's hilarious that homos like:




That with 10 or so ATACMS that are left in Ukraine that Ukraine is going to win. Like they legit believe it despite Ukraine wasted 300+ of those in Crimea without any real success. Something wrong with those guys.

Realistically best those missiles can do is being butthurt to Trump.

I would also bet that Ukraine can't use atacms closer than Kiev. This summer a lot of himars were destroyed in Sumy

And destruction of those seems to not even be big deal now

So bring one equipped with atacms to front line will be big mistake.

Also frogs and bongs backed out and told Ukraine can't use their missiles to strike Russia. Also White House told something about 50 miles

As I know Russian since many months are planning everything as if Ukrainian are allowed to use long range missiles.

So those things will be as effective as f16

But Ukraine are legit preparing to launch new counteroffensive

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