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Why British Storm Shadow missiles would only have a marginal effect| Sky




Imagine creating this article after 36/36 storm shadow were shot down today

They were shot down 50km into Kursk territory. Pro Ukrainian try to spin it out as Ukrainian goal

was to use 500km+ range missile to hit a village 50km from the front line :marseyxd:

They also launched missiles towards Krasnodar and Crimea bridge but since we have no updates, they probably got shot above Black Sea

But jfl posting the damage control article after storm shadow final game changer failed.

It was always destined to fail, Russia has a lot experience fighting those and those are the most stealthy missiles nato has so no missile strikes were gonna save Ukraine but as Biden told


Russia will need to do something.

US now is afraid that Russia is about to blow up western embassies in Kiev. The chances of it is very low tho


Russia probably start sabotaging western infrastructure on turbo mode. And bring blackouts to more Ukrainian cities since west told it Russia tries this Ukraine will get permission to strike Russian soil.

Worked fantastic in the end eh ?

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