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:!gaydar: :!redlight:Former admin of the Sharty, Root admits to still being a moderator on the site under the pseudonym of "Marsey" :!marseyoh: :!redlight: :!bluelight:





!metashit Ok now, which one of you dramatards is actually a mod on soyjak.party? :!marseyglancing:

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Hey guys! Lot of GEMS on the catalog today!

I'm posting this because I've noticed lots of improper grammar and punctuation on the catalog lately – YIKERS!

This is just a friendly reminder to use proper punctuation because this is reddit.com and we are gentlemen here. Wouldn't want the site looking low class, WOULD YOU?

We're very well educated - but like, get this right - we post on a MEME site! I'm using formal grammar and punctuation, on an epic meme site! Whaaaaat? CRAZY. I'm smart, but I'm also a funny guy!!

So remember to use proper capitlization, punctuation, and grammar always, because otherwise it's le "CORDCASE" - even though I spend 9 hours a day spamming frogs, spadeson, BBC, and child porn, and posting pathetically obvious BIPOCplier blogpost falseflags less believable than 9/11 and sandyhook combined, gaslamping the entire site like a kabbalistic inversion jewish chad - but I'MMMM NOT THE ONE FROM GROOMERCORD - IT'S… LE YOU!!!

By the way, I look like this! LOL!!!




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