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Fun fact: Pantera and Motörhead have both composed music for Spongebob
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imagine if sponsbob had a rocket launcher and he would blow up squordwar house and it would blow up and he would die!!!!
and then squirtwart he would not be alive anymore!!! shocked pikachu!
even though pikachu is not from pongeobob he is so funy i put him in anyway!!! haha
anyways would nickelodeon make this an real episode? i think he would because it would be so awesome!!!!
my grandkids would love it
funny yellow man with many holes hnfhgasghasvfsafa
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Hahaha…cut off that fella's head, Spunch Bob!
- Slippery_Jim : This question doesn't make any sense
- BernieSanders :
- Y : Youre right, im sorry i will change done worry friend
- forgor : h/spongebob
- draculaqueen : /h/spongebob
- meat_wad :
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It was a pretty intense boss fight with this dude…in fact, first time I played it, I kept dying during all my attempts!
Still…I managed to power through and take care of business. And zamn, what an emotional fight that was! Good ol' Spongeboy me bob really had to take a good look inside himself - and reassert control!
10/10 Sandy best waifu
- AdventBussy : Why have two people saved this
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I know it's knot November and I don't give a frick.
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It's shockingly good how the impressions are; usually you can tell that the guy doing them has one little thing that makes their performance stand out a little too much, but here the voices are so nicely done that it's almost practically like the real thing. Isn't that insane??
- meat_wad :
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