Can you guys teach me some generic sports platitudes or catch phrases I can use to fake it in these circumstances? Plz and thnx
So I'm trying to watch football so I dont feel so out of place in social situations where everyone starts talking about sports. The Packers are playong the Black shirts and idfk whats going im so bored
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I used to be like you until I discovered that watching football is the perfect !boozers weekend activity. Football isn't complicated for a newcomer to enjoy, just pick a side and get emotionally invested in what is going on. Praise your team when they do something good and yell profanities at the TV when they don't. Don't forget to drink cold beer and stuff your face with food during the comemrcial breaks. Over time you will learn what is going on and who the players and teams are.
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I feel like it wpuld be more entertaining if there were two balls and they didnt stop every 10 seconds.
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Stopping every ten seconds is what makes it such a great spectator sport. That way everyone can bullshit and drink and whatever. Plus dramatic tension.
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I used to think "oh there's so many breaks in play and commercial breaks this is stupid" but then I realized that the whole sport is literally designed for you to drink/eat/talk between plays. Unlike the inferior sport of soccer for instance, where you have to pay attention because the ball is virtually always in play and something could happen at any moment, football concentrates its action into well-defined periods. You can pay close attention for a bit, then there's a break and you can just shoot the shit with friends.
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I think the closest I've gotten to getting sports is watching dirt track.
Also connects me to my redneck roots.
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It's the only sport
I'll watch
but i dont really
it, i just played it in highschool and actually
know the rules 
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That explains the brain damage

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i probably have brain damage from playing high school football, at least that's what i blame my autism on
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When somebody starts running and everyone else is running after them start yelling"GO! GO! GO! OH!!!!" At your tv.
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Just ask them lol,
sports neurodivergents love explaining everything about their neurodivergent obsession 
And don't forget to wear
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this is what I need
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Get into a sport with less complicated rules. I've been meaning to get into Hockey. But there's no team local to me and I don't want to pick randomly. I think sports are just something you're born into tbh.
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when a big play happens point and shout out "holding! did you guys see that!?! that's a hold!"
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Whenever there's a pass either call it passer interference or complain how they call everything PI these days.
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This is the kind tip i'm looking for
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They should add a rule where if you tackle someone you then have to mating press them!
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I like this. Also, I get that a big part of their uniform is safety, butt if we could remove all the other stiff that'd be great
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Just yell 'touchdooooown' whenever the ball is in contact with the floor
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The black shirt pirate guys are the Raiders, the other guys are the cheeseheads. Both teams have legendary histories and a lot of success in the past but right now both teams kinda suck. Raiders fans know that the Raiders suck. Packers fans have deluded themselves into thinking that they might be good even though their good ball throw guy went to another team last season and they weren't even that good the last few years when he was still on the team.
As for the game of football itself, it's the greatest of team sports because it's like a mix of chess and athletics. The coaches draw up complicated tactical plans full of misdirection that the players then have basically a few seconds on each play to try to execute, or sometimes ignore and improvise instead if the original plan falls part. Unfortunately it can be kinda hard to see everything that is happening on any given play not just because it's complex, but also because the TVs usually don't show you what the guys whose main job is to catch the ball are doing once they've run off the side of the screen.
Just turned the game on. Ooo, this mist on the field is kino.
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Run the ball catch the ball and throw the ball and stop him is basically all there is too it. Also yo super black out and tell the older At guy there you post you keys and don't know how to get home and would it be ok if you sleep at there house plus your assume is dangerously puckered and already pre lubed
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