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I feel about this exactly the same way I feel about 'not all men' complaints. You don't like being painted with the same brush as the abusers in your ranks? Fricking stand up and do something about it. Police yourselves. Actively work to denounce, reject, and eject those cultural elements. Until then, I don't want to hear about sexism / racism / whatever. Don't bring your male depravity to women and girls and then whine about how you're oppressed.

Ladies of ovarit want you to start conseration camps



We've been dating for a few months and just recently started getting into deeper conversations.

We were on a drive back from a date and I brought up how my mom died in a fire a few years ago.

Her response was that she went out in a blaze of glory and she laughed.

:#marseycarlos: !carlos

I called her a b-word and she went on to say it was just a joke. I told her to leave my car.

(abridged post)

!titsorgtfo !thotpatrol !thotpatrollers !foidmoment



>complains that Joe Rogan says modt wealthy womxn are only wealthy bc they married into it. Decides that she wants tp start her own business butt while claiming to be a man to avoid the neocolonialist patriarchy discriminating against her and her own bootstraps initiative. Major aspect of business plan is to have rich husband and his family bankroll the business.

the rest is :marseylongpost: about how men are so incompetent compared to womxn and womxn are at a super disadvantage in business and womxn feel the need to act more masculine to succeed in business and thats not hevkin fair :marseyindignantwoman:





That whole subReddit is full of gems and interesting individuals btw

:rape: 'Babygirl' Milk Scene Happened to Director Halina Reijn in Real Life

R/fauxmoi discusses

Some respond normally, some consider there might be something wrong with them but do not hit the mark.

This is one of those moment where I'm reminded exactly how asexual I am. I just cannot wrap my head around a random person ordering me a glass of milk as a sexy thing, especially if I'd never talked to them before. I'd probably wind up thinking they had some sort of weird milk-based fetish more than anything else.


The Independent

AV club calls it the grossest scene in a BDSM movie because drinking milk upsets their soylent conditioned stomachs.

The Daily Mail wants in on this shit

Yahoo boomer comments are reasonably confused just because, even though it pulls from Variety

There are many more. This is the hottest clickbait of the day, and I have clicked every single one of them to read the slight variations.

!actualbiofoids !biofoids !cuteandvalid !bottoms does milk get it done for you or give you the ick?

:rape: Yo mama so fat she interrupted the sleepover


… to tell the kids yo mama jokes are misogynistic and fatphobic.








Woman wonders why she is single.....

>I cook I clean

>Ive got a masters and high paying job


Wow, you just described a lot of women's dream guy.

:marseymanysuchcases: :marseymanysuchcases: :marseymanysuchcases:

Everytime. Why do they act like a man with a kitty in the dating market?

Men have officially been replaced

It took me two sentences to teach it.



top comments reccomend policies that only countries with the lowest birth rates implement

Basically all boils down to the government not paying them to pop out babies



Op is late 40s

As a female engineer who is close to 50

kids are 15 and 17 and she regularly has outbursts of anger and probably violence toward them. Then she blames it to her adhd.

9 years ago she posted this to breakingmoms

Christmas is over. Everyone is in bed. They weren't complete little shits, possibly because letters were written to Santa saying that if they weren't appreciative of gifts (which weren't the computer or real magic wand that were requested), then this should be the last time Santa comes because he should give his presents to other kids who would appreciate them.

Toys were played with then kids whinged when they couldn't do something first time (I don't know how Rubik's cubes were handled before youtube videos). There was no way they were eating the delicious lunch at the Grandparents - they would hardly come to the table let alone stay at it. The Grandparents had a great backup plan of sausage rolls (which are always eaten), but because they'd been cut in quarters, they weren't good enough.

There was fighting in the car on the way home (that 15 minute drive was just too long for them today), and then there was no relaxing at home (they'd read all the books they were given for christmas while not eating lunch at the grandparents'), but they needed someone to play the games they'd gotten for christmas, and playing with each other wasn't feasible.

Then all I can see on Facebook is all these perfect pictures of perfect families on their perfect christmas day.

Maybe we'll cancel christmas next year.

These kids were rised by breakingmom poster. Will cycle continue and will they become /r/risedbynarsistic posters.





Also op



Pretty and popular, Aubrey Vanlandingham had the world at her feet as she progressed through high school in a well-to-do suburb of Austin, Texas.

Not only was she a cheerleader, but she had also just been made president of the school's Future Farmers of America.


And she was particularly proud of her pet goat, Lacey, which she paraded in animal shows across the state for cash prizes and certificates.

But, prosecutors claim, her desire to win got too much for the teen, and she turned to evil ways to ensure victory – by poisoning a fellow student's goat.


The brazen teenager showed no remorse when authorities launched a probe, allegedly telling cops: 'I don't like cheaters' when questioned.


Initially the brunette denied targeting her rival's goat, but then admitted to cops that he had injected the white and brown farm animal with pesticide at the school's barn facility, leaving him 'bellowing' in pain before dying in its 15-year-old owner's arms.

She is even said to have Googled how to clear her disturbing search history, after looking up 'how much bleach kills a goat', 'if goats inject bleach do they die' and 'poisoning pets, what you should know'.


Officers also recovered sickening video of Willy running away from Aubrey and convulsing after she allegedly poisoned him, before sending the twisted footage to the mother of his freshman owner.


How do you prep for an opioid phobic society? : TwoXPreppers





Real life Afghanistan is literally worse than The Handmaid's Tale. The fact that this gets so little media attention angers me.

Islamic law is incompatible with human and especially women's rights. No amount of gaslamping or whining about "islamophobia" is going to stop me from saying that anymore. Women and children are not fricking property.

If Islam cannot be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, then it needs to be left behind in the past. Same for any religion.

This is most perfect reconstruction of reddit comment



Women be knitting




Your contribution has been removed because it tactlessly generalises gender.



Do we have crosstalk with ovarit?


Grocery Shopping: It's not just one action! It's a whole bunch of micro-actions and decisions. I've got to consult the meal plan and make the list. I've got to search for the items. I've got to compare prices. If something's too expensive or out of stock, I have to find a substitution that works. I might have to change the meal plan on the spot to accommodate substitutions. I have to remember which brand "tasted funny." I have to keep track of what we spent. I have to unload the groceries and put things away. Grocery shopping is like a treasure trove of invisible labor.

the 19th amendment and its consequences

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