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pickmeisha is as attention whore :marseyattentionseeker: : As a women, body count matters


An ex got mad at me for referring to a girl the community we are a part of "whorish" because she fricked 3 dudes in one day and contracted herpes. Ex had the audacity to say it wasn't her fault for getting an sti LOL ... Red flag on the play. That was the last time she slept in my bed because I thought that if she defended that behavior she's done it before or thinks it's ok

this comment ruffled some feathers for some reason :#marseyquestion:

So you insulted someone and your ex got mad.

Not sure why that's a red flag, you kinda sound like a peepeehead lol

I think that's her win in the end

:#marseyseethe: #1

Your ex definitely dodged a bullet by becoming your ex.

:#marseyseethe: #2

Crazy that you typed this up and though people would agree with you.

You can disagree with someone’s behavior without using demeaning insults

:#marseyseethe: #3

also :#marseyfoidretard: moment for both that girl and the redditor's ex

Women are offended because body count is used to shame them. There is no definitive number on how many sexual partners you need to classify as a hoe, it’s just like more than one or two I guess.

This is just some weak butt misogynistic argument that matters to misogynistic insecure men. These are the guys who will shit themselves when you talk to another man or comment on how another man looks to you. This comes from men who want to make sure women aren’t experienced in bed so they don’t realize how bad their partner is at pleasuring them. This come from an idea that women should be a certain way to be likeable to men.

I don’t get why ya’ll gotta act like we can’t see how controlling and weird this is. If you connect and like a woman, actually like her as a person, and want to be with her how the heck is the number of people she slept with going to matter in the least? It doesn’t.

This is where some lame butt person is going to tell me what the number of people you’ve slept with means that she is more likely to cheat, which is not true. People who cheat on their partners are more likely to have more sexual partners than people who don’t. It’s called math. That’s it, that’s the misunderstanding of the cheating argument. So please, don’t come at me with that dumb shit.

This argument is not used equally for men and women. Men are often excused, by other men, from cheating and that behaviour is normalized for them. So what if you lie to women as long as you make yourself likeable to other men. Being a high value man means sleeping with a lot of women and having access to a lot of women and taking that access away from other men. Honestly men’s idea of their own sexuality is basically all about other men and rarely about women as people. And as a black man myself I know ya’ll don’t like this, and it’s crushing you just as much as women hate this shit.

But in reality men and women who sleep around, who have multiple sexual partners or have had multiple sexual partners are in committed relationships, having children, getting married all the same. And the ones who are experienced are often better than those who aren’t. Obviously.

No one shames women with high BC, they can do what they want. But for men who just choose not to take girls like that seriously, that’s not shaming that’s a choice.

No that’s called sexism. When you generalize and judge people because they do something you don’t like it’s called sexism. You don’t have to date anyone you don’t want to, no one is making the argument that should. You’re the one saying you don’t take women seriously because they have more s*x than you think they should.

You don’t think there’s anything wrong or gross about that comment?

Your comment is like two sentences long and in the first part you say no one shames women for this, and then proceeds to declare you don’t take them seriously in the next part… you guys have brain rot.

I never argued that men shouldn’t be able to date whoever they want you absolute dolt.

People’s preferences and bias can be sexist or bigoted, this isn’t new or noteworthy, this is reality.

You’re the moron for acting and pretending it’s not gross or problematic and that’s what I’m criticizing. I doubt women you don’t take seriously are taking you seriously either so I guess this works out as intended. So instead of that just being the end of it we gotta hear about how difficult it is for men to date.

Women don’t care about men’s height or peepee size nearly as much as you guys make it out to be. This is the most obvious thing in the world. Short kings are in relationships. Poor people with nothing going on frick all the time. You’re just unlikable.

“But women do this all the time…. It’s not fair.” Omg grow up. Stop trying to date women who perpetuate dumb shit. Do the exact same thing women are doing and don’t frick people with problematic opinions.

>it's problematic you don't want to date me whores


Id rather be with someone who is "easy" than someone who is a judgmental butthole spouting pick me bullshit. Having s*x is not a measure if someone's character.

Having s*x as a man is different than it is as a woman. It darned sure IS a factor of their character if they are easy to frick and easy for low value people to have access to.

Yeah you sound like a piece of shit.

You sound like a hasty person who doesn't like having anything she does criticized. Sorry dove.

Nah bro I'm ace. I genuinely think sexist like you are just terrible people. Whats wrong cant handle being criticized?

no u

Purity culture is damaging and unfounded.

letting 50 dudes take you for a test drive a leave you where they found you is 1000% more damaging than "Purity culture" and "Purity culture" is a strawman its not stay pure ,its pick wisely get to know ppl form a relationship take value in yourself

Im curious as to how you think having consensual s*x with 50 people is “damaging”

:#marseyclueless: :#marseylaugh:

It’s not purity culture to say maybe you should tap the brakes and not sleep around excessively

First, excess is a wildly subjective term.

Either way, It's purity culture to say it Matters if you do and now your body has less Value.


Chances of STDs and cheating shoot through the roof with "high body count" partners.

It's a very reasonable thing to be concerned about.

But mostly, I'm concerned with how many men she's fricked outside of a relationship. Those numbers are much more acceptable within the confines of a relationship. Fricking many people outside of a relationship makes me concerned for that individuals morals/ethics.

Fricking many people outside of a relationship makes me concerned for that individuals morals/ethics.

Can't wait till all you puritans die out.

I can’t wait until we put you degenerates into camps where you belong

:#chudsey: billions must die

It's "Christian Hour - Let's Burn These Hoeeees, They've Got No Morals" again, it seems.

Edit: OK, so "Holier-Than-Thou-You-Fricking-Whores Hour" sounds better?

This sub is a fricking cult, I swear.

Wait....do you honestly believe that if you conducted a worldwide poll, it would just be Christians who had this type of opinion? Outside of largely white liberals in US/Canada and Western Europe, I'd say this type of opinion (as expressed by OP) is very popular in the world at large.


I’ve never seen someone ‘slut shame’ as hard or adamantly as a woman without a high body count, and I’ve never seen someone defend having a high body count as vehemently as women with one. Just an observation


no one hates women more than women

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decided to check this lady's post history and found her whining about men dating younger women immediately:

Nah it’s because it’s usually predatory. Not always, but usually. It relies on inherent power dynamics that stem from traditional gender roles. These relationships are rarely based on mutual respect and equality. The normalization of men being attracted to younger and younger women is really just an excuse for thinking their behaviour is okay. It also gives men a pass, like it’s okay to hit on considerably younger women because it’s “natural” to find young women and even girls attractive. it was shocking and not shocking how many adult men approached me when I was a teenager and even more inappropriate were the ones who didn’t stop their advances after finding out my age. It was normalized in the sense that young girls know to expect it and have to learn to navigate it somehow. They are also conditioned into wanting this kind of attention from men, some embrace it, some succumb to it, some reject it. You can’t escape the attention so why not like it? Why not “benefit” from it? Why can’t it be consensual? Theoretically it can, and surely under the right circumstances it happens but a majority of the time… it’s easier to convince women you’re a decent guy when they don’t have much experience with men.


If ya’ll realized blackness and black culture were born out of an effort to exclude black people from society and the wider culture you’d realize it’s not all that strange for them to want to manage their own events and celebrations. What do you expect? Black people to not rally around each other and their shared experiences? The funny thing is that this event probably was open to anyone who wanted to attend but people just don’t because it’s “for black people”.

Lol we found a guy who not only won’t wear a condom but also won’t take a male birth control pill, trying to argue that he shouldn’t hold any responsibility for himself and the biological material he leaves in other people. Is this why men’s pants come with all those pockets? To hold all that audacity?

she thought she slayed ^


If we didn’t have feminism I would probably have to marry some dude who shares a lot of the opinions I see on this sub…. The absolute horror.

But also to assume that attention women get from men is wanted in the first place. The older I get the less attention I get. Aging out of the male gaze is going to be pretty awesome for a lot of women. Having to prove you are more than your appearance is something women understand, I really don’t think this is news to anyone who isn’t OP. To act like they don’t have to think about things like this shows how little these guys think about women as actual people with actual interior lives and thoughts and desires of their own.

You try going without any positive attention for over a decade, let alone longer. The only times you even get noticed are when you’re being blamed for something, happen to be in the way and make a convenient punching bag, or when someone wants to swindle you. it’s not pleasant.

Assuming men are the only ones who go through this is ridiculous. As if women or attractive people aren’t taken advantage of literally all the time. Stop pretending you have a monopoly on misery.

Right back at you. And at least people give a shit about yours, even if only superficially. All we get is mockery, how we deserve worse, and scorn.

Women have support because women created a support system. We vent to our friends, we go to therapy. Men can’t even call their male friends at 3am to cry about their ex gf. Women compliment other women. Men can’t even ….how is it our fault? Go make a support system from other men! Women won’t solve your problems.

"men... pull ya darn pants up!"

When we do have support systems, they’re either taken over and redirected to support women or are shut down for not being inclusive.

Really? Give me an example, I’m genuinely asking.

There was a men’s shelter in Canada that the founder had to jump through endless contradictory loops of red tape for, all while being labeled a misogynist and every other label in the book no by the government agencies he was trying to get approval from as well as the media. Years of this drove him to suicide. And his death was celebrated by his detractors. His name was Earl Silverman. In less dramatic examples, every mens or boys club that I can think of has been either abolished or forced to become more inclusive to women/girls (which means the space is no longer conducive to male bonding.) there’s nowhere left outside of the extremely high end of professional sports, which, for obvious reasons, can’t accommodate for the rest of the men. And even there, they have to be on eggshells because of all the cameras and microphones on them constantly. There is no real place for the average man or boy left. Gaming, both video games and table top, have been neutered. Clubs are pressured to be inclusive to the point where they lose the activity that made them in the first place. The workplace is a nightmare. If you aren’t the best, and irreplaceable, running afoul of HR due to an anonymous accusation can see you unemployable for the rest of your life. And “just get better” isn’t helpful. The military is all inclusive now, and seems to be hostile to the young men they need to actually fill the ranks of infantry. There’s really nothing much left. And attempts to create new spaces exclusively for men are always denied, unless it’s to further emasculate men. And emasculated men do not foster male camaraderie or bonding. They undermine it.

I’m not in support of women being in the military because of the high rates of sexual assault. I’m not familiar with this story of men’s homes less shelter as I’m not Canadian but in USA here, male homes less shelter is very much a thing. They had to shut down boys scout due to sexual assault of little boys by grown men. Other than that I haven’t seen men’s space being take away here.


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