They're never under-the-radar abusers too, it's always guys that I could've told you were bad news due to their crippling insecurity combined with their abrasiveness
Every person who doesn't understand the truth tables of NOT, AND, OR, XOR, IF and IFF as well as DeMorgans Laws should be shot on sight with high powered firearms and then crucified in a visible location as a warning to study the universal and existential quantifiers too.
good morning
1yr ago#5364214
Edited 1yr ago
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guys who will treat a woman with respect, they will try to make her happy, not cheat on her, be by her side, support her, not expect her to be basically a slave (do all the housework, go to work, take care of the kids and everything
and what exactly is she bringing to the table in return for this
Most relationships from what I've seen at least seem like an agreement. She will have to remain hot and slim and cook and he has to keep making money and have a driver's license or something like that. It just doesn't seem like unconditional love to me.
Unconditional love is letting your SO sit around, eat hot chip and not lift a finger until she becomes engorged like a tick
Reminder, the same foids will tell you that you are not entitled to anything and you have to bring something to the table, but of course they demand unconditional love.
Katamari was the last good video game
1yr ago#5364332
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She will have to remain hot and slim and cook and he has to keep making money and have a driver's license or something like that. It just doesn't seem like unconditional love to me.
Lol how are redditors this childish? Romantic love isn't unconditional love, absolutely I expect my foid to maintain herself and contribute, and it is perfectly reasonable for her to expect the same of me. I very much like someone who's willing to hold me to a high standard. B-word watches too much Disney or something, he's your man, not your father.
K*ll m0ids S1mps get the r0pe
1yr ago#5364408
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There is always an unspoken implication with posts like this that things used to be better and men have only recently gotten this bad.
So let's be brutally honest about this: for the last few hundred years, in much of the world there has been the expectation that people should find a way to exist in a lifelong monogamous pair bond. This has never actually worked for a majority of those people. Domestic violence, spousal r*pe, unequal division of domestic labour and cheating are not a deviation from the otherwise perfect concept of marriage, they are what marriage is for.
Modern women with the lifestyle of a mean greek godess hide their spite behind christian women who had to bury 5 out of her 9 children.
that's how you get the hobo stole my baby story
asshole 1yr ago#5364821
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No actually good man is chasing after women because he knows no good comes out of a woman who is looking for a chase.
Would you rather spend months chasing after kitty or months exercising, learning something new, or helping your community.
It's a very easy answer and that is why these women will never find good men. They never go to the places where the good men actually are. Doing useful things that help others.
New, but I'm learning!
1yr ago#5364356
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All of them help with chores and all of them are interested in what's important for their wife's even if that means they join us watching Disney movies
Voting MahaKamala
1yr ago#5364275
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They're the most valuable resource in America and these hoes aren't worth their time, b-words want mass produced chads because they know they can't compete with better women.
I just want one woman to give me a chance to prove myself but none of them have so when they do the "where are all the good men" it makes me hate women even more
Maybe rather than framing the world via how you feel about it, you instead view things simply the way they are. I think you might find yourself in a happier more fullfilling place in life.
Good guys pursue highs from watching their wives recieve cream pies during you-know-what with other guys.
This, I surmise, is because all love dies and their wife wants a larger size or at least the surprise when two "parents" with blue have a child with brown eyes.
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You ever meet a foid who chronically dates abusive men? They're crazy
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They're never under-the-radar abusers too, it's always guys that I could've told you were bad news due to their crippling insecurity combined with their abrasiveness
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The unpopular opinion didn't even say that.
X -> B doesn't mean !X -> !B
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Every person who doesn't understand the truth tables of NOT, AND, OR, XOR, IF and IFF as well as DeMorgans Laws should be shot on sight with high powered firearms and then crucified in a visible location as a warning to study the universal and existential quantifiers too.
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Nah, FRICK discrete math and FRICK YOU. B-word butt neighbor, I hope to NEVER see a truth table EVER AGAIN
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learning basic logic abstractly is not intuitive, most people are better off practicing basic logic on tons of examples.
but most people really need tons of examples (with feedback when they get it wrong) before they stop making mistakes.
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Iff white, then kill on sight.
Logic is easy if you just keep in mind that white extinction is long overdue.
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and what exactly is she bringing to the table in return for this
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3 biracial kids from 4 fathers
100k in student debt for a social sciences degree
Tiktok, nicotine, and alcohol addictions
Tattoos of Disney and Marvel characters
Roast beef flaps that hang below her knees
An entitlement that would make Marie Antoinette seem ascetic
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Not housework, daywork, or taking care of kids apparently.
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280lbs of shit stench kitty
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Look at that female entitlement demanding all that emotional labor
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Kevin Samuels??
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The good guys are with the good women. No sane dude wants a tattooed fatty who hates men.
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She doesn't hate men, she's Just Asking Questions bro
Jewish lives matter
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B-word the only one JAQing off right now is me
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TwoX is the perfect antidote to loneliness
Spend 5 minutes on there to refill the misogyny tank
Then hit the gym and become the man your future wife (male) deserves
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I read menslib as a preworkout
Well that and like 800 mgs of caffeine
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Yeah, that kind of shit is always a great motivator and antidepressant. "Hey, at least I'm not one of those people".
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Unconditional love is letting your SO sit around, eat hot chip and not lift a finger until she becomes engorged like a tick
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She wants a Dad not a husband
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Reminder, the same foids will tell you that you are not entitled to anything and you have to bring something to the table, but of course they demand unconditional love.
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Lol how are redditors this childish? Romantic love isn't unconditional love, absolutely I expect my foid to maintain herself and contribute, and it is perfectly reasonable for her to expect the same of me. I very much like someone who's willing to hold me to a high standard. B-word watches too much Disney or something, he's your man, not your father.
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Modern women with the lifestyle of a mean greek godess hide their spite behind christian women who had to bury 5 out of her 9 children.
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They have standards and are married.
Any moid posting in that sub is a kitty whipped nothing
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"I was half way through servicing Chad's pole when I asked myself why it's so hard to find a sensitive man"
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They also never want to admit that men who are already taken are more attracrive to these jezebels
I wouldnt be surpised if some women are incapable of seeing a single guy as a "good man".
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No actually good man is chasing after women because he knows no good comes out of a woman who is looking for a chase.
Would you rather spend months chasing after kitty or months exercising, learning something new, or helping your community.
It's a very easy answer and that is why these women will never find good men. They never go to the places where the good men actually are. Doing useful things that help others.
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We got married
in our mid 20s
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This is what happens.
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They're the most valuable resource in America and these hoes aren't worth their time, b-words want mass produced chads because they know they can't compete with better women.
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I just want one woman to give me a chance to prove myself but none of them have so when they do the "where are all the good men" it makes me hate women even more
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Maybe rather than framing the world via how you feel about it, you instead view things simply the way they are. I think you might find yourself in a happier more fullfilling place in life.
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Feels before reals chud
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Good guys pursue highs from watching their wives recieve cream pies during you-know-what with other guys.
This, I surmise, is because all love dies and their wife wants a larger size or at least the surprise when two "parents" with blue have a child with brown eyes.
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
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