




That same weekend, my ex-husband, whom I had been with for 25 years, married a tall blond fitness instructor with a fabulous figure. She was everything I am not. While my adult children traveled from other cities to attend their father’s wedding, I gathered some of my best friends to be with me while I recited vows to myself halfway across the country


INTERESTING A brief look into one woman’s life

We can actually see where this whole thing started with the therapist and everything.

It began a year ago, with this thread:

With this comment’s suggestion, specifically:

I just thought that was PRETTY INTERESTING eh !fellas


The whole: eggs get worse as she ages, sperm get lazy as he gets older, the older the parents are the more likely Down’s syndrome, etc: is an outright lie and propaganda to get young people to make babies. But oh wait, s*x is dangerous don’t do it!

What? There are countless studies which show pregnancies later in life have higher chances of producing children with down syndrome

Yes, but it is still a small chance. And studies also show that older men also contribute. However, 80% of babies with Down syndrome are born to women under 35.

Lots of fun spin-offs from this comment thread

This is so unattractive shaming older women for aging and thinking all her eggs are gone. I don’t want to date if this is the men I have to deal with

I love that they say 35+ like there aren’t women out there with eggs into their 50s. Plus I’ve seen some naked older women in life-drawing sessions and idk who spread the rumour that they look terrible but they still look pretty phenomenal. 🤷‍♀️


I've only gotten more attractive with age. My roommate's young guy friends are often hitting on me when they come over; of whom are all ~15 years younger than me. The first time I met one of them, I told him to guess my age and he thought I was 22 lol

Posts in /r/autisiminwomen, /r/domesticviolence and /r/sober :marseycringe2:


Internalized misogyny is just honesty, CMV

OP: :marseywomanmoment: Replies: :marseywomanmoment2:



Jennifer Hawkins allegedly told student in 2017, 'You'll never forget this,' before first sexual interaction while he watched soccer game

A former Oklahoma cheerleading coach was allegedly "manipulative and controlling" and forced a sophomore to have s*x with her several times a week for about five years, according to a probable cause affidavit.

Jennifer Hawkins, 45, was a part-time employee in Moore Public School District during the alleged relationship with the victim and has since been fired, a district spokesperson told Fox News Digital in an emailed statement.

The victim was a sophomore when the alleged relationship started in September 2017 and has since graduated.

On Jan. 27, the victim sent a letter to district officials from a rehab center in California detailing the allegations against Hawkins, according to the affidavit reviewed by Fox News Digital.

When authorities confronted Hawkins, she initially denied the allegations but "then admitted she made a mistake and began crying and admitted to having been in a sexual relationship" with the student, the affidavit says.

When asked how many times she had s*x with the alleged victim, "She repeatedly stated, 'No clue,' indicating numerous times," according to the affidavit.

The victim allegedly told police in a separate interview that he had s*x with her over 300 times at her house, where they allegedly went during lunch.

The victim briefly dated Hawkins' daughter, which is how he and the now-fired high school teacher met, according to the affidavit.

While watching a soccer game at her house, Hawkins allegedly touched his private area and said he would remember that soccer match for the rest of his life.

Most of the alleged sexual encounters happened in Hawkins' home, where she brought the victim during lunch, according to the affidavit.

The victim showed police texts between him and Hawkins, who "got angry" with the victim if he looked at other women on social media, according to the affidavit.

In the texts, he told allegedly told Hawkins, "I want you in my life. I just don't want a romantic relationship," according to the affidavit.

Hawkins was arrested and charged with second-degree r*pe and sexual battery.

Hawkins could not immediately be reached for comment.

The Moore Public Schools issued a statement after Hawkins was arrested.

"Moore Public Schools recently learned of an allegation of inappropriate contact between an outside athletic coach and a student that occurred in the past. We immediately contacted the Oklahoma City Police Department, and a report was filed. The coach was immediately released from their duties," a school spokesperson said in an email.

"The safety and security of Moore Public Schools’ students and employees is our foremost concern. MPS school officials will continue to assist law enforcement in their investigation of this matter."


Meet the woman who has urged us all to ditch bras and underwear because they "are not good for you".

Alaina, who follows a holistic lifestyle, said it's not only a money-saving tip but also a positive change to body.

"Bras and underwears, why are we wearing them?," she said.

"Bras literally cut off the circulation under your boobs and prevent your lymph nodes from flowing and they've been shown to lead to premature sagging.

"Whether you have boobs or not, like me, bras aren't good for you."

She also admitted she stopped wearing underwear for years to "let your vagina breathe".

"The underwear is gonna cause more infection and more bacteria - it's gonna throw off your pH value, especially when you're going to bed," Alaina continued.

"There's no need to wear underwear to bed, and discharge is normal so stop freaking out about it if it gets in your shorts or your pants."

Alaina added in the caption: "Haven't worn either in years...think of all the money you will save too! You will never go back."

Some viewers agreed with her and stopped wearing underwear and bras, as one commented: "I don't wear it either, I love it, it's so much less restricting."

But some were appalled by the idea.

"I refuse to walk around with stained clothes if an accident happens," another mentioned.

One questioned: "How does cotton underwear harm you?"

Alaina said the "majority of underwear are made with synthetic fibres" but she didn't elaborate why it could "cause more infection and imbalance pH value".

She defended herself in another post, explaining: "I don't do every single possible thing that I can do in the name of health.

"There are some things where the pros outweigh the cons - for example, I have tattoos.

"The consequences of the effects they have on our lymphatic system, natural detox system - the happiness that they bring me and the reminders that they give me outweighs the cons, so I'm gonna do it anyway."


Why is this happening?

Because there are no greater threat to women than men. :marseysnoo:

"Nice guy" with "references" try to put the paranoid foid brain at ease.

Hi, decent guy with long history of treating women like fully autonomous human beings worthy of dignity and respect. (Can provide references) I do not mind at all when you say men suck. I know who you’re talking about. I have very few close male friends because guys are tiresome. When I was younger and in sports and the coach was chewing out the entire team he would say, “…and I’d you know you do/don’t do this then I’m not talking to you, but there’s always something to be learned from someone else’s mistake.” This is how I hear it when the women here complain about the awful state of men (in America specifically). I don’t take offense and try to learn wherever I can so that I make sure I’m not making these mistakes with my partner whom I love dearly. For example, we are in our mid 30s and accidentally got pregnant last year before r v w, got it taken care of and I got a vasectomy so as to not endanger my partner again. Guys take note of this part, I’ve never had so much amazing s*x in my life.

He got his foid pregnant, she immediately aborted it and made him get a vasectomy :marseylaugh: That is.. presuming any of the above is true and buddy isn't a fat male feminist laying bait for naive foids to get their guards down, like this one

Since you have refereces and I've met a tiny amount out of dozens of men who are decent I'll believe you.

Also R v W reversal seems to have absolutely destroyed slut culture. Foids who are too stupid to be responsible have given up?

I mean, every time we have s*x we risk dying from pregnancy complications. And with Roe overturned we have no way to protect ourselves from them.

If only there were things like condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, cervical cops, sponges, spermicide gel, rhythm method, plan B.... I mean if only there was something other than abortions.

take the banana pill

trans lives matter



For the newfriends, RitalinRx is Wildchild, a longtime drama/KF entity who has essentially zero object permanence, will babble uninterrupted for hours on end about s*x on the astral plane with various deities (this is literal, she does this often and has for years) and has been fluctuating between staying with her abusive(? unreliable narrator, see - schizophrenia) dad and homeless shelters for years (confirmed by incredibly lonely drama rejects calling in threats to get her kicked out) because she is incapable of functioning beyond keeping a phone charged.

Whether you like watching :!marseytrain:s getting shit on, or women punching as down as far as possible and still managing to miss, or just slapfights that go nowhere despite endless amounts of effort, this is the thread for you. It has everything.

*note about the KF saga: idk the specifics, I was linked to threads about it awhile back and while I generally trust my memory, I could be wrong about this. @QuadNarca or @Joan_Wayne_Gacy can likely provide further or correct details

Scroll to the linked comment; the OP is unrelated.


why the frick do we keep getting mentioned in these conversations

this is about asians and black women are brought up? leave us the frick alone

black women are typically repulsed by dating other races and the vast majority of us want black men. we are not "left out". countless statistics show black women overwhelmingly refuse to date other races

I don't believe it, sorry. :marseychonker2: But it is an interesting theory though, maybe the black girl magic is actually fake and the racial stereotypes of black guys are actually true? Would be great if rdrama's resident userbase of black women could respond.


NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) --- U.S. first lady Jill Biden gave one of the clearest indications yet that President Joe Biden will run for a second term, telling The Associated Press in an exclusive interview on Friday that there's "pretty much" nothing left to do but figure out the time and place for the announcement.

Although Biden has long said that it's his intention to seek reelection, he has yet to make it official, and he's struggled to dispel questions about whether he's too old to continue serving as president. Biden would be 86 at the end of a second term.

"How many times does he have to say it for you to believe it?" the first lady said in Nairobi, the second and final stop of her five-day trip to Africa.

She added, "He says he's not done. He's not finished what he's started. And that's what's important."

Granddaughter Naomi Biden, who is on the trip, cheered the first lady's comments after the interview.

"Preach nana," she said on Twitter.

The president himself was asked about his wife's comments just hours later in an interview with ABC News, and laughed when told of her remarks, adding, "God love her. Look, I meant what I said, I've got other things to finish before I get into a full-blown campaign."

Biden aides have said an announcement is likely to come in April, after the first fundraising quarter ends, which is around the time that President Barack Obama officially launched his reelection campaign.

The first lady has long been described as a key figure in Biden's orbit as he plans his future.

"Because I'm his wife," she laughed.

She brushed off the question about whether she has the deciding vote on whether the president runs for reelection.

"Of course he'll listen to me, because we're a married couple," she said. But, she added later, "he makes up his own mind, believe me."

The wide-ranging interview took place on the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Jill Biden recalled her trip into the country last May to meet the besieged country's first lady, Olena Zelenska.

They visited a school that was being used to help migrants who fled the fighting. Some of the families, Jill Biden said, had hid underground for weeks before making their escape.

"We thought then, how long can this go on? And here we are, a year later," she said. "And look at what the Ukrainian people have done. I mean, they are so strong and resilient, and they are fighting for their country."

"We're all hoping that this war is over soon, because we see, every day, the damage, the violence, the horror on our televisions," the first lady added. "And we just can't believe it."

Jill Biden also spoke extensively for the first time about her skin cancer diagnosis, which led doctors to remove multiple basal cell lesions in January.

"I thought, oh, it's just something on my eye, you know," she said. "But then they said, no, we think it's basal cell."

Then doctors checked her chest, she said, and they said "that's definitely basal cell."

"So I'm lucky," the first lady said. "Believe me, I am so lucky that they caught it, they removed it, and I'm healthy."

Raising awareness about cancer screening has been a cornerstone of her advocacy efforts for years, even before her son, Beau, died from a brain tumor almost a decade ago. She often says the worst three words anyone can hear are "you have cancer."

When it was her turn to hear a doctor say that, Jill Biden said, "it was a little harder than I thought."

Now, she said, she's "extra careful" about sunscreen, especially when she's at the beach, which she described as "one of my favorite places in the world."

Jill Biden is the only first lady to continue her career in addition to her ceremonial duties, teaching writing and English to community college students. At 71 years old, she said she's not ready to think about retirement.

"I know that I will know when it's enough," she said. "But it's not yet."

She said she left detailed lesson plans for a substitute teacher while she was on her trip, and she's been texting with students as she was traveling. She plans to be back in the classroom at 8 a.m. on Tuesday morning, after arriving home from Africa around 3 a.m. Monday.

Education has been a flashpoint in American politics, especially with conservative activists and politicians trying to limit discussion of race and sexuality in classrooms.

"I don't believe in banning books," she said.

She added: "I think the teachers and the parents can work together and decide what the kids should be taught."

During the interview, Jill Biden reflected on the legacy of former President Jimmy Carter, who recently began home hospice care. The Carter Center, which the former president founded after leaving the White House, was key in helping to eliminate the Guinea worm parasite in African countries.

"That's the perfect example," she said. "He's such a humble man. He didn't go out and shout, 'Look what I've done.' He just did the work."

Jill Biden recalled Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, reaching out on the eve of Joe Biden's inauguration two years ago.

"They called and said congratulations," she said. "And it meant so much to me and to Joe."

She also talked about visiting the Carters at their home in Plains, Georgia, early in Biden's presidency.

"It's not just that here are two presidents. It's here are two friends," she said. "Actually four friends, who have really supported one another over the years."

Women and technology


He's been faithful, reliable, empathetic, supportive, caring. He's also objectively attractive on the surface (e.g. 6ft, 6 figures, 6 pack). Awesome dad. Does more than his share at home. He's like the total embodiment of a positive masculine man but I don't desire him physically and I don't really want to be anymore vulnerable or emotionally close to him than I've been.

Recently he had a dry spell of s*x. I know he wants to be physically intimate around two times a week but I got him to accept it once a month. But I wasn't even doing that for a few months because I just got busy with life and he stopped me to ask what's up. I tend to avoid these talks and eventually he asked me if I loved him.

I just told him what I felt was true - I actually never loved you and we're just playing the roles our religion and community expected of us. I know I broke his heart - he cried - and I told him I needed space and have been living in another part of the house.

He seems fine now. He's in even better shape now and has reconnected with friends. He's radiating great energy and I offered to co-parent with him as long as we don't have s*x but he needs to be exclusive with me.

I just want him to respect my decision. I know what I feel. I don't love him and no counseling is going to change that. I also need him to understand s*x is just something other people do but it's not something we need in our otherwise good marriage.


Reported by:
  • cyberdick : Which jealous foid exiled me from this copycat hole?!
My boyfriend just broke up with me because I have genital warts and I am outraged

You dodged a bullet, friend. I am sorry this happened, but you did the right thing to disclose. In the future, your partners should know vaccination is a good idea for them anyway because many other partners would have it and never know. Onward and upward to better partners for you!

(OP posts about how it’s literally genital warts, this is the second highest rated reply)

HPV isn't even necessarily a STI, you can contract it from skin to skin contact, like holding hands. I am sorry that this ex partner is unwilling to be educated, their show of ignorance is probably a good indication of their inflexibility and in the long run you probably don't need that in your life. Still sucks though. I wonder if he has ever had a cold sore?

Scrolling comments

I’ve seen three or four so far that tell her to respect his boundaries

Is it really fricking weird to call “does not want a warty diseased gussy” a “boundary” instead of just common sense or

He probably gave it to you, actually.

Can’t believe I had to scroll down to find this. There’s not a test for men and if it’s not a wart causing strain, there’s literally no way for him to know if he has it and gave it to HER. Jaysus. OP you dodged a bullet what an butt.

A quick scroll through OP’s post history indicates that she posts almost exclusively about medical problems. She has IBS, GERD/LPR, Lyme, mysterious pain, I have no idea, and of course, genital warts that she rages about for dozens of comments.


Women posting their Ls on national broadcast media.

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