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It doesn’t take long for the ladies to begin essayposting about :marseygaslighting: -

"she said they wanted to protect my fragile mental state:marseyschizotwitch:

"He told me I was being dramatic" and "he was 'protecting' me" :marseywheredrama:

"His whole family thinks I'm crazy" :marseymeds:

I find these phrases and the bold words in particular very telling of your husband and his family's view of mental health. I don't like how close to gaslighting this is coming across; it may even be gaslighting, actually. It's like they don't think you're a functioning adult or something, and need to be treated as a fragile child. :marseywitchtriggered:

I too have anxiety, among other mental health disorders, so I know what it's like to have people think you're not capable. It's painful to realize that those who are supposed to love and care about you have decided you're too messed up to handle drama. :marseycutattention:

I don't know what your plans are of course, but I would absolutely have a serious conversation with my husband ASAP. That he's willing to lie this easily over something this big and then try to gaslight you into thinking they were doing it for your best interest is messed up. They were not. They didn't want to deal with how you would respond because they're uncomfortable dealing with someone like you and can't be bothered to learn how to actually help you in difficult times - you know, what husbands and family should be doing for one another. I would insist he get better education on your diagnoses and attend couples counseling as well. This is the kind of behavior that only worsens when not addressed, and you deserve to be in a safe, healthy, loving environment. :marseyeggless:

These terms have also historically been linked to women and used to strip them of autonomy, not only of their own bodies, but all decisions effecting them. :marseypussyhat:

Weakness and fragility in women was linked medically to both their mental and physical health, and was viewed as something inherent to girls and women. Women and girls were for instance recommended to not do physical activity, such as walk stairs during their periods. :marseyyass:

Women were also diagnosed with hysteria, while men were not. Hysteria literally comes from the greek word for uterus. Women and their emotions or lack thereof were controlled and conditioned this way. :marsey300:

These attitudes OPs husband and his family have towards OP are rooted in misogyny. It is infantilizing of the highest degree. :marseyflagkazakhstan:

It goes on for awhile like that :marseylongpost2:

/u/snatchpanda says it’s time for a divorce and there’s absolutely nothing that will fix things:

It won’t go anywhere. It’s not worth having that conversation. OP, I went through something similar in my own relationship.

He has already made a decision. If anything, it will just confirm to him that he was correct in hiding it because he predicted correctly that you would start “acting crazy” if you found out. Any subsequent reaction will just be used against you and he’s already started a smear campaign with his family so that they believe you’re unstable.

No level of bargaining, negotiation or reasoning will convince him that you’re worth seeing as an equal, no matter how correct you are. Best thing to do here is disconnect. Go silent. Start making an exit strategy


Some assorted 1k+ upvoted circlejilling about how your husband’s stroke isn’t “the diagnosis”, your anxiety is “the diagnosis” and he needs to be respectful of it :marseyxd:

Additional divorce highlight reel:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4 with bonus conspiracy theory!

  • 5

  • 6 with OP response

  • 7

  • 8

Reminder to never get involved with a woman who even knows what Reddit is.

And now we move on to Controversial, which the j-slurs have been hard at work mopping. Unddit seems fricky and won’t load comments for me? So here are links to, at least, the resultant discussions :marseytroublemaker:

This one ⬆️ goes on for quite awhile. My favorite part is “Don't feed the trolls, you've got like 99% of people agreeing with you, you're not crazy.

The lone voice of reason is also one of the most controversial comments in the thread:

Dishonesty in a relationship is not okay. But your husband had a major situation happen to him and you are making it about you :marseychonkernoticeme: Both are serious issues and are problematic. You should look into couples therapy.

Controversial sort was a lot less interesting than I thought it would be. OP edited her post to call out all the haters calling her crazy, but I couldn’t find a single one of those.

Also of note is the fact that OP is fricking enormous and has a narwhal tattoo :marseysoypoint:

& lol.

That’s all for now, happy Monday rDrama!



OP has quite a post history: she's a 31 year old virgin who was considering IVF to be a "single mother by choice" but must've changed her mind and started posting in childfree :#marseygrapes:

We talk about catcalling, getting hit on at random places, men who can't take no for an answer, unsolicited pictures, etc but we never talk about what it's like to be completely desexualized. Has anyone else dealt with not being seen in a sexual way at all?


Nearing my 60th year on this planet and I am loving no longer being seen in a sexual way. Probably because I developed young and am healthily endowed



People don't treat ugly men like they aren't worth getting to know as people just because they are ugly. Women who are not conventionally attractive are treated like they aren't worth even acknowledging as a fellow human being.

sorry :#marseyblops2cel: you'll never understand how hard it is to be a woman :#marseynails:

What I'm not a fan of is ANYONE acting like catcalling is compliment. It's harassment, end of story.


Has anyone else dealt with not being seen in a sexual way at all?

Why is this an issue?


Yes. The very moment I come out as trans to men...


I feel like black cis women have a lot in common with trans women in the way we are treated.


TW: sexual assault I'm glad you are bringing the subject OP because I thought I was the only person with this concern. I feel shameful for typing this but I have never been r*ped and I've heard so many women have been, so it made me feel like I was not attractive enough.


There's this movie welcome to the dollhouse. In one scene, the main character's brother suggests she's not pretty enough to get kidnapped (though her little sister is). These characters are young, 13 and 8. If someone is not preying on you, wanting to r$pe or f$ck you, sorry, you must not be beautiful. If you grow up female in the west, this is essentially what you are taught. The patriarchy we are living in is a real mindfrick.


I've been young thin and pretty and fatter and youngish and then skinny again and older and now fat again and middle aged. The being fat and middle aged thing has been the only time I've felt completely desexualized. Like I'm invisible to men now. It's honestly kind of a shitty feeling. I went on a girls trip with my best friend last fall and she's my same age but extremely petite and cute. She was flirting with bar tenders and other people. And I was like hellllo I am here too. I felt absolutely invisible


This is definitely a subject that needs to be discussed / examined more because it's as much a tool of the patriarchy as hyper sexualization

Pretty privilege is a massive blind spot in this sub. So many women and girls clearly don't understand that life isn't just about individual interactions, it's about how being part of a demographic has a broader systemic impact.

uh oh who let this misogynist into 2x :#marseyblops2cel:

Unfair expectations leading to desexualization aren't purely a male perpetrated thing. For men, we have similar standards imposed on us. Except instead of youth and thinness it's money and height.

Can't have one goddarn thread without some dude chiming in about “bUt MeN tOo WiTh HeIgHt!!!!”

No. It isn't remotely the same thing.


Yes! I'm fat, so I deal with it a lot. I have complicated feelings around things like catcalling. It's just a weird place to be. I agree and understand that catcalling and shit like that is awful. But it's just also.... A very weird feeling to feel, left out of it I guess?

I don't think I'm even that ugly and no one's ever cat called me lol. I definitely feel left out and like something's wrong with me when women act like it's a universal experience.

Personally I think there is a weird flex where some women claim that they can't walk to the mailbox without being hounded for s*x by multiple men, or that every single man they encounter sexualizes them. It's either Main Character Syndrome or they a way of asserting dominance

a reasonable comment on 2X?? Someone better get the :#marseyjanny: to mop it up!


This has existed on places like 4chan since I was a middle schooler, and I'm in my 30s today. The alt-right was actually a targeted psyuop by 4chan (and others, like Bannon's bunch of cronies) to weaponize disaffected white g*mers. It sounds insane, but stuff like G*merGate absolutely sparked the alt-right of today.

>G*merGate in [current year]

lmao :#marseysociety2::#marseysociety2:

I don't know if it's only Gen Z males, but recently a Gen Z sub popped up in my Reddit feed; it was about the age range the users were attracted to.

I was shocked to see that multiple teen boys wrote that they only plan to settle down in their late 30/40s and only with a girl in her 20s because that's when they're fertile and can give birth to their kids. These comments made me vomit internally and feel bad for every Gen Z and Gen Alpha girl. It makes me scared of what kind of a world my potential daughter might live.

Also, there was a similar question on AskMen recently and many young men under 30/25 shared these sentiments and reduced women to an object meant to be youthful, fertile, and provide them with offspring.

I don't say there aren't men like this in my generation, but I didn't encounter many backwards-thinking Millennials. It seems like something went wrong in the past few years, and it had a huge impact on Gen Z males.

:#marseywall: genocide

Even if it's trolling, trolling is worse than real hate.... Like, if you make the world cope with another Nazi because you're a Nazi, that's unfortunate, but it's what you are and believe. If you don't think that stuff but subject the world to Nazi crap it just to laugh at the suffering it causes, that's fricking HORRIBLE

>trolling is worse than real hate

reddit foids lmao

I’m a Gen Z trans woman and I almost fell down the alt-right pipeline when I was in middle/high school. It’s a terrifying thing but i see how it happens. These boys see women and queer people getting equal treatment now and feel like they are being treated as less than or forgotten about or whatever. Like they’re “not special too”. They are lonely. They don’t have partners and feel rejected by society.

I think the biggest thing is talk to these boys when they’re young. Treat them with respect as you would anyone but prove their views are wrong when they start to come up. One of the biggest things that stopped me from continuing to be an antifeminist shithead was people reacting with disgust when I said I was one. Also, just meeting women and queer people and being friendly with them and realizing they weren’t at all like what I was told they were like. Turned out I had been lied to and I was basing my hate and distrust on false stereotypes and false representations.

chud :chudsey: to train :marseytrain: pipeline proven real once again

Also trans, I can’t relate (I was a feminist and ally even before my transition, although my understanding of the topics now is much deeper) but the idea that it could have happened is scary. I think LGBTQ+ people are at special risk of this as a means of suppression of their feelings - for a trans woman, this can be the ultimate act to suppress gender Dysphoria. Then it can turn into a “if I can’t have it, no one can” situation. I’ve heard too many stories of trans people who did go down this pipeline and became raging transphobes and actively hurt other trans people and hurt LGBTQ+ people and women in general before realizing that it was all to suppress who they really were.


Gen Z girls, DO NOT REPRODUCE WITH THESE IGNORANT, SEXIST, POOR EXCUSES FOR MEN!!! - me a 51 year old veteran white dad father of two girls!


I literally had one of the worst semesters at college thanks to gen z dudes being indoctrinated already by this shit. I failed 2 of my class (1 of which he was a classmate in.) I felt safe at my college until then. I just want to get an education like wtf.

taking responsibility for one's actions challenge [IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE]

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dudes stay rockin 😎 :platynooo::platynooo::platynooo:
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Throwaway, because I am ashamed to even ask for help.

My (M21) Gf (F23) has gotten r*ped 3 times over the course of her life. 2 before she met me and one during. We have been dating for about a year. All of them have been at parties and have been caused by a stranger taking advantage of her.

Obviously she is a victim and doesn’t deserve anything that has happened to her, but she will not stop going to parties and getting drunk and high to the point where she isn’t fully aware of her surroundings. She says if she stops going then the male feminists win, because she’s loves to have fun with her friends and listen to music. I usually do not go to these parties as I despise party culture and have a tight circle of friends who I will only celebrate their birthdays with. I have gone to some of these parties that she goes to and she is very popular and friendly.

I worry that she is being taken advantage of to the point where she doesn’t consider that a huge trust factor is being broken with me. I really do not like her going to these parties and have been going with her ever since the last one happened. I feel that I ruin the mood she has, by being worried and feel that she doesn’t want me there. She tells me she loves me and appreciates me going because she knows I hate it. So I'm not worried about her lying or anything of the sort just confused.

She tells me that people grope her in public and kiss her when they pass by too. I am deeply disturbed that something might be wrong with her as I care about her very much. I don't know if it is caused by dissociating or some other mental illness but I will never let anything happen to this woman again. I have considered marrying her in a couple years but I don’t know if I can trust someone that puts no effort in trying to stop this from happening. I feel like an butthole for even thinking that but I want to protect her. Please anybody let me know if you have been a in a similar situation or any ideas to help her. Thank you.

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If you're really not an abuser then why do you have a problem with her putting together an abuser escape bag hmm sweaty

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Other discussions 2

Contex: Grimes is a musician who makes very good bleep blop art hoe music, she used be a darling among reddit feminists until she got peepee downed by Elon Musk and quit repeating the acceptable feminist platitudes

I just know this annoying little elitist is a huge Red Scare Pod fan…


I'm dying for the day this sub will found out that not even her "classics" were written by her and she's basically the female Matty Healy.

I'd love to know more if you have the energy/willingness to share

do you have enough spoons to comment? :t#aylorlorenzcrying:

She says this as if we wouldn’t have these things if we had been started as a matriarchal society instead. We’d definitely have roads, civilization, food supplies, and more. Women just would’ve achieved this with much more care of our planet, animals, and other people, and much less genocide, famine, and war.


There are matriarchal societies though, the Mosuo, bribri, akan etc. They’re all very small, very insular, very powerless groups that were subsumed by more powerful, more advanced, patriarchal societies. If we all lived in matriarchal societies we’d still be in small villages, disconnected from the rest of the world, dying of dysentery and the common cold. (-15)


We don’t actually KNOW (whether we’d have the same stuff under a matriarchy or better or worse)...(-50)

I think it’s pretty safe to say women would have figured we need roads, food, and other things that make a society


insane to suggest that providers of life wouldn’t be able to comprehend humanity needs

Is it? :#marseyxdoubt:

SUCH a pick me


She’s a fricking idiot imagine bootlicking for an oppressive controlling society just because you want to sound edgy. Uber???? Such a loser


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  • rDramaHistorian : All kinds of reazuns and logix... Occam's razor just say foids be lyin & shit


However -

The chart only goes to 2021, and the number of people who were self isolating in 2020 and 2021 was quite high. I'm interested to see the numbers from 2022 and 2023 to see if the trend continues or goes back to looking closer to what came before the pandemic.


The pandemic will still lead to some lasting changes that will be integral to daily life from now on. It's possible that women realizing no s*x is better than bad s*x, or how happy we are not being toyed around with or mistreated, is one of them.

yet you get lots of :soyjaktantrumfast: at the mere mention of body count

Hmmm well abortion rights have been restricted, other women's right attacked, the incel Andrew Tate group grows, and young men are turning more conservative…

pendulum is shifting, sweatie :chudsmug:

Don't forget porn sick too


The data is all from before RvW was overturned.

So women are even more Celibate now

reddit foids? absolutely not :#marseyfans:

Yes. I can relate. I'm 23 years old and still a virgin. I never thought I would make it this long without ever having s*x, but hooking up or being used for s*x is not something I'm interested in.

:#marseytrad: :#marseysurejan:

Well, well... if isn't the consequences of men's own actions. You bring nothing to the table, you demand everything on the table, and you make women's lives harder, sadder, and more violent. My husband is thankfully a good man, but if he ever dies I will absolutely not for one second be lonely or desperate enough for peepee to date one of today's men. Not a single one of them is worth the time, effort, or labor.

presented without comment...


It happened around an hour ago, but I'm still shaken up and I legitimately feel like I've dodged a massive bullet.

We still have two hours to go, but I really had to pee so we stopped at a rest stop. I went into the women's bathroom & IMMEDIATELY got a bad feeling about the place.

The first and the last stalls were open, the middle one was locked.


Before leaving I stopped to wash my hands in the sink closest to the entrance...

Guys, just when the water turned on I heard that door unlock. I fled that bathroom as quickly as physically possible


I'm still shaken up over it.

incredible !foidmoment :#marseywomanmoment2:

I mean, I'm a woman. And I don't understand the reasoning behind this post. Nothing happened except that someone else was in the restroom at the same time you were.

Nothing happened because she trusted her gut, which we should all do. Always trust your gut, other people's feelings be darned.


Yup, thats why I never relax


This is giving, "I'm white and a man was ALSO in IKEA." They were probably waiting for you to leave. I'm a woman and I'm confused by this.

What does race have anything to do with this? Saying misogynistic comments but adding “white” in there doesn't make it any less misogynistic

Because it's white woman who pull that stuff. Am I speaking to young adults? Do you have blinders on? Not all white women, but always a white woman...


So…. You went to the bathroom and psyched yourself up to realize that another person also had to use the bathroom?

Sounds like you've been very lucky, or absurdly sheltered, in life.


Well… I wouldn't call being the transgender daughter of a neonazi methhead lucky…. Or sheltered… my life was constant fist fights, knives being pulled on me, and a variety of other injustices that no child should have experienced. But sure! Sheltered… and lucky… haha! Yeah!

You still grew up as a boy. That changes things quite a lot.


Imagining an incoming post from the woman in the stall and her perspective...

No. We need to support women trusting their gut because we are told so many times to be polite and smile. Frick that. Her intuition was telling her to be careful and she trusted that. Eff you for invalidating that


How do you think the woman in the middle cubicle felt?

How do you know the occupant of the middle stall was a woman?

It was the women's bathroom

A man could have snuck in.


Men attacking women in the restroom is fairly common

This is chilling. I'm so glad you escaped. Horrifying.

This thread has some of the most chilling stories I've read in a while

If there's one thing listening to Karen and Georgia has taught me, it's that women listening to those warning bells saves their fricking lives. Who knows, maybe it was nothing. But how many stories have we heard where it wasn't nothing and they just didn't wanna look crazy or be impolite? Frick politeness.

True crime foids are delusional :#marseysnoo:

I listen to a true crime podcast and some of the people they talk about would be alive right now if they had listened to the gut feeling of not doing something like that. Better safe than sorry. Rule number 5 is Be Weird. Be Rude. Stay Alive.

We should all trust our gut feelings, politeness be darned. Women not supporting women is not acceptable.

like 30% of the comments are some variation of "frick politenness, trust your gut & stay alive" :#marseynpc2::marseynpcsheep#::#npc:

The way I held my breath both times you mentioned sneaking past the locked door and my heart started racing as it was unlocked. Scary as all heck.

It was written like the opening of a horror novel. Also I wonder if the lack of potty paper was done deliberately?!

That thought also crossed my mind.

Omg yes!!!!

I thought both of those things as well!

the darn male feminist stole all the toillet paper as a trap! :m#arseyschizowall:


Many :marseynooticeglow: the fact that this is basically just a "no males allowed" sign and how the vast majority of :marseytransattentionseeker: "enbies" are women.


Her new sub is /r/FemReckoning. It has over a thousand members in 13 hours. I’ve joined and so should you. Don’t worry, it’s not trans-exclusionary or chudly in any way. /r/FemReckoning’s description explains:

:marseyblm: :marseytrans2:

Anyway, back to the reason /r/FemReckoning was founded:

Apparently yesterday there was a big thread in which people excused a m*n for not cleaning his gf’s pod, and these were men. I can’t find the thread and I searched clean and checked all of them in the past week on TwoX.

Based on OP’s post herstory, I think it was this thread though, “To The Woman Who Dumped Her Lazy G*mer Boyfriend… YOU MADE THE RIGHT CALL”. Now here’s where things get confusing. OP has a handful of comments in the thread, almost all of them are fighting with some triple digit karma account called /u/bomberbil who was heavily downvoted and jannied by the TwoX mods. All of the other thousands of comments are you-go-gurling, like dumping some loser you let nut inside you for months is an achievement and not something to be ashamed of in the first place :marseypussyhat:

Bomberbil’s argument seems to hinge on the same theoreticals used by the FemReckoning woman, which is to say that if someone isn’t cleaning, it’s probably because they have health issues. She goes on about this in her FemReckoning post at length, to the point that she explains some women can’t clean because they’re allergic to mold :marseydarkxd:

Select highlights from the FR announcement thread:

In the jannie pin -

Dear men: please read rule 4 and the FAQ, whatever you're planning to comment in this thread probably breaks rule 4. :marseyjanny2:

Just asking cuz I'm on mobile. Is rule 4 "RELEVANCE"

Thank you

Why is it so hard to find the rules on mobile when most people use it? 🙃 reddit makes no sense sometimes

I will say your comment is irrelevant to the discussion topic. Also I'm using a third party app so it's less clear because I don't usually need to look at the rules. [-78] :marseychefkiss:

Further down in the jannie-pinned comment I have no idea what happened, but I assume the scrotes got uppity because it’s just [removed], [removed], [removed] :( is there an unddit replacement yet?

I regret typing so much already bc there’s tons of nuked comment chains at the bottom of the thread but they’re completely unrecoverable :marseyseethe:

Regardless, /r/FemReckoning. Approval for year-old non-troll accounts with good faith post history only. Dust off those accounts ladies.

Requirements for posting:

no drama yet but lmfao

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  • usernaw : itt extreme transphobia
Nufoids stay dominating and bringing awareness to real womens issues.

It's called Mpreg and there's a community, some of these guys also demand access to stillbirth support groups.


This video itself is :#marseybaited: but many foids can help but fall for it hook, line and sinker

Men are psychotic! WTF?


We’re at the point now where men proudly boast on the internet that they tamper with their girlfriend’s food, make it about himself, & frame it as some sort of “I’m the good guy here actually”


What this dude did, is abuse. It may not look like it, or sound like it to most people, but he cares more about his comfort and control, than he will ever care about the actual person HE DECIDED TO EXPERIMENT ON. She isn't a person to him, she's a possession.


I’m someone who really hates diet culture and I still think secretary switching her drink (or food) like that really isn’t ok.

>diet culture :#marseychonkerfoidpuke:

I want to know how is anyone supposed to laugh at this. Because if the person that enacted this found that comedic enough to expect people not to be horrified at a man tampering with what goes in his PARTNER's BODY, this tells me a lot about this so-called comedian.

THIS IS R*PE :#taylorlorenzcrying:

White culture really is fascinating according to the comments they take Diet Coke very seriously 🥸


i would be dissolving his body in acid and smashing his teeth with a hammer so he couldn’t be identified by dental records and then i would feed his remains to sharks


Why do men feel the need to do this? Why do you need to control what a woman is allowed to enjoy? Why can’t you just leave us the frick alone?


This ambushy bullshit “because you care” Because “ I just want you to see how beautiful/ desirable/ smart you are” Are straight up control issues masked in help .. And the actual issue is for a lot of folks Unless It’s a cis man? They think it’s cute


The most toxic and abusive men always turn out to be these twerpy little metrosexual feminists



The brilliant OP seems to mostly sneed in the Vaush subreddit about "Gays Against Grooming", girldick in lockerrooms and people mocking Lizzo


From the thread:

The NISVS includes using lies or false promises to obtain s*x in their definition of sexual coercion. For example, pretending to be someone's S.O., pretending to be a celebrity, lying about relationship status or relationship potential are all forms of sexual coercion that cross the line



It's certainly coercion and that is sexual assault. I'd think this should be considered r*pe too.

he's acting as if tricking a woman into fricking him is a sport, and THAT IS THE BIGGER PROBLEM I see happening here.

This is the kind of behavior that makes women weary of men as a group, because this behavior of "treat women like prey!" is way too common and not called out enough for what it is which is gross and unacceptable.


This guy is scummy....absolutely doesn’t make the s*x r*pe.

I agree this isn't the same thing as r*pes shown on Law and Order. Please include your definition r*pe.


Yeah I just…I transitioned twenty years ago. Moved on with my life and just sort of faded into the woodwork for years.


There are a few guys I was intimate with that I never told about my past.

this is different sweaty :#marseynails:

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Boyfriend(22M) couldn't stop liking half naked pictures of other women so I(21F) posted one of myself.

Alright my (22M) boyfriend has started following a lot of instagram women. Not regular ones I don't mind those but particularly the ones in lingerie, and with their butt out. Even was watching their OF. I(21F) told him it made me uncomfortable and to stop but his response was “it's just Instagram”.. “you're doin too much”.. “it's not that serious” and he kept doing it.. well I posted some pictures of me in a g string bikini.. butt out and all, he saw it and started freakin out. Slamming doors and yelling.. He was like “ew you don't respect yourself, gurls who do that are hoes.. that's embarrassing I don't want my gf doing that bro that's weird..” and he is mad like really mad. I He told me to take it down and I said “no isn't this wat you like to see” and his response again was “you're in a relationship why would you do that..” and I said “im only postin wat you like” after i said that he started ignoring me it's been hours and honestly idc. I don't feel bad at all.. for months I was uncomfortable and asked him to stop and he couldn't so yea. Now he's a victim of a crime he participates in ☺️

Could be a bait account but :tayshrug:

Her other posts

My (21F) boyfriend (22M)wants a threesome.. but I feel that he wants to just frick other women. : r/relationships

I'm mentally and physically drained. : r/NarcissisticAbuse

Trying to escape the poverty cycle.. : r/internetparents

Normally I would say that's childish, but yeah no. You gave him a different perspective. I'd dig it even further, and say now other men like him can follow you, and like your pics.

This is great way to keep a man around :tayclap:

That's the definition of double standard in a nutshell. It's all fine and dandy (in his mind) when it's someone across the screen but as soon as it's HIS girl, it's a moral outrage.

Now these foids get it :tayyes: Will they learn anything from it? :tayno:

Please keep us updated! I'm hoping your next BF is much more understanding!


Both of you seem insufferable.

Realest comment there.

omg, this is disgusting. where?



Direct link if you speak Fr*nch

The number of matches on a dating app has absolutely nothing to do with how easy it is to have s*x or not.


Until proven otherwise, it takes (at least) two to sleep, and therefore, unless you adhere to the myth that only a minority of guys attract women, there are as many guys who sleep as there are. sleeping women.


Thank you for this post!

This is an opinion not popular only among men unfortunately...

But I completely agree with what you say and like you I found the post you refer to shocking, how it is possible to be so disconnected from reality is beyond me. It's necessarily guys who have NEVER exchanged with women on the subject

Can't wait for men to deconstruct themselves a little and start to have a step back on the education they received

PS: I'm a man



The top choices of lies that men tell women that infuriates women are:

1. Once he has a child, he'll be forced to grow up.

2. "The relationship will work if you just try harder!" from Long TDS sufferer /u/kittykowalski

3. "Women don't get along."

4. “I want a submissive gf/wife” he says when he can't even lead his own darn life || this one is from fauxmoi poster /u/ditovontease who has accumulated half a million karma in a few years by posting to subs like /r/30plusskincare and /r/AdvancedAstrology

5. “You'll want children one day” by /u/rosegoldfern who just posted a thread 30 minutes ago seething about age gaps, in between posts about Monster High dolls and children's television shows.

6. An actually valid one at #6 with “You don't like this sexual act because you haven't tried it with me yet." although this is invariably correct when it's said.

7. Whenever they try to tell me I'll end up living alone with only my cats for company like that's a bad thing 😂 B-word, that's what I aspire for my life || Basic literacy indicates that this is a true statement, as she literally says it is, so????

8. “I don't know how to use a washing machine you have to show me” which seems to be a constant refrain in TwoX threads to the point where I'm actually starting to believe that there are scrotes who say this? !fellas is this true?

9. Man with blue balls: “You have to help, it hurts!” || Also not a lie? Do the women misunderstand their own thread or am I out of touch and missing some slang here or

10. This is actually nowhere near as interesting or funny as I thought it would be and I realized that very quickly. But I need dramashekels for vaccines so I'd appreciate it a lot if you pretended this was a really good thread and upvoted it anyway please.

Reported by:
  • Penny : y do fakkits mald over foids don't make sense fricking scrotes
  • Downie : Good post, now show his relationship with his Mother
Gay chud delivers a vicious coup de grace

The op asks a question about living a rad fem existence and foid number one responds:


Can't speak to the racial side since I'm white as these things are currently measured.

Radfems who are that pessimistic about men are generally some degree of separatist.

I don't know any who have actually gone full "move to a commune and don't speak to men at all," but online I've encountered a couple "hire female professionals as much as possible and keep emotional distance from men you can't avoid." If they're straight and single they generally resign themselves to being celibate.

Honestly they're less likely to be the people chanting about men being trash, as they really try to avoid thinking about/interacting with men at all.

Irl I don't know any feminists who even go that far. I'm probably the most pessimistic person I know about gender relations, but I don't think men are "inherently and essentially evil." More like I'm hyper aware of bad dynamics that have bitten me in the past and therefore cautious around men I don't know well.

I haven't dropped my male friends but I'm actively trying to make more female ones. Since I'm bi I have the luxury of only dating women, though of course that comes with its own issues.

I don't know if your question was rhetorical but I hope that helps if you were actually curious.

an errant foid responds:


From rather similar experience, I'd say homophobia and also that it's obviously more difficult to create a family with a same-s*x partner than it is with an opposite-s*x partner.

It's still worth it in my view. Like I know men are not innately this or that way, but the socialisation weighs heavy. You'll say there's no solid proof but the anecdotal evidence of 30+ years as a woman on this planet is eloquent enough for me. I'm not in the mood to do any emotional labour in that regard. People already bring enough of their miseries into the cocktail shaker that is a relationship regardless of their s*x, but I as a woman don't want the added bullshit of a male-female relationship.

and then this gay chad obliterates her:


That’s just the female tendency to hyperfocus on everything that’s bad for them and ignore everything that works in their favor, which is why I’m grateful I was born a gay man and was spared from dealing with this bullshit. The holier than thou attitude, the gender roles for thee and not for me mentality, the burden of performance they place on men in courting and in s*x, the weaponization of intimacy, the necessity of constantly perform mind reading in order to appease them, the necessity to let them have the last word or else suffer the consequences while they gaslight you by saying there’s nothing wrong, that they’re not mad and that they’re not treating them any differently.

I fully acknowledge male imperfections and accept them, as someone who is attracted to men. Many women, feminists in particular, believe they were spared from the original sin by virtue of their different socialization. They vehemently believe they’re more virtuous and refuse to acknowledge the possibility of there being a dark side to femininity too. And since a huge part of male socialization is about giving in to the whims of women in order for them to shut the frick up or in the hopes that they’ll be more pleasant to them if they do so, society has committed to the goal of reprogramming men to make them more like women.

There are many things that annoy me about guys, but in the end of the day, you always feel like equals. You never really feel like you’re dealing with a fragile being who’s afforded the social protections of a child, but with the mental and legal benefits of adulthood. And you can just call out their bullshit if you want, there’s no social shield protecting them, like you’re attacking all men in the world for calling out the bullshit of one. Dudes rock.

an errant moid is reminded he may or may not have functioning testicles:


This almost made me want to switch to new Reddit just to see if there’s some sort of standing ovation gif I could post.

but the foid is skeptical (he could be a sekrit incel):


for a gay guy you sure seem to have a lot of feelings about what dating women is like.

and the gay chad strikes back in full glory:


So what? Like I’ll be judged by people who treat the words of lesbian women with daddy issues about what men think like gospel. Lol. Tell me about lack of self awareness.

Like anyone needs to actually date a woman to see the “subtleties” of men-women relationships. All you need is the lack of an obscene in-group bias to see the constant nagging and all the dynamics I mentioned above. I mean, straight men see it themselves, it’s just that they treat it with humor, as opposed to creating a whole movement and drain resources to address that (those are all comedy tropes for a reason, after all).

Lucky for you, I guess. You would lose many things you take for granted and live in a much darker world if they decided to pay in the same coin and weaponize every single disparity in relationships, every single interaction where women have the upper hand and decide to give silly names to the things they dislike, like “ovaryacting”, in the same vein feminists have done to demonize men. Or if they decided they’ll no longer perform the gender roles society and women specifically still expect of them, even those who don’t want to be restricted by gender roles themselves.

another moid has his jimmies sufficiently rustled to respond:


Holy shit man, I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s honestly crazy how most straight guys I know share these opinions in private but toe the line outside that context to avoid the inevitable crying meltdown and social scourging.

Turns out that we’re just as tired of women’s shit as women are of men’s shit, we just don’t walk around in public hysterics about it day-to-day.

and as usual, the raving, hysterical foid must have the last word:


you're reading this thread and seeing the women as hysterical? That's fascinating.

@pizzashill would love this


She's nuked all her socials already.

Bar's TikTok:

Reddit discussions:


I am so jealous of my boyfriend's girlfriend.

My partner and I of seven years decided to be in an open relationship about a year ago. He stated he didn't want poly but really just s*x and fun connections and what not. Well he met someone and now he spends half his time with her. They go away for days at a time, I am forced to Google schedule time together otherwise he fills up his time with her, I don't feel like a priority. He says I am and I expressed that they are spending too much time together but it has seemed to fall on deaf ears. He had told me time and again if it came down to it he would chose me. While I didn't give him an ultimatum he told me a couple days ago that he won't break up with her and that if I cannot handle this new change in the relationship then essentially it will end. I am absolutely gutted. I feel like this is the beginning of the end. He said if at any point we need to shut it down we could but now he has changed his mind. He spends time with her family and goes away on little trips and runs when she calls crying and I feel like this is going to tear me apart. He is a good man but all I think now is that he is choosing someone else. If I don't put up with this then it's over. He knows I am upset and I can't help it. I feel like my anxiety and sadness over this will push him into her arms and home will not be a place he wants to be anymore. I feel like he bait and switched me and now I'm sharing the love of my life 50/50 without a choice. Less than that because our of the 50 percent he is at home, his work and friends and other life stuff needs to be addressed. It was my idea to open the relationship and I feel like I am losing him and I feel like I will lose him.


He said to me, “she's beautiful. She's quiet, she's simple, she's not annoying. She doesn't nag me. She doesn't argue, she's not combative. She's not fat and she's not lazy. She's fun, she's spontaneous. I forget about my troubles when I'm around her. She makes my life easier oppose to complicating it like you. She's just everything that you're not anymore but you use to be. She's a younger version of you. She reminded me of you 15 years ago”

Proving yet again if a woman is having marriage problems it's because she either doesn't put out, got fat, or is a nagging b-word. In this case all three.



Imagine spending $2k to go on a cruise and having to lock up your room like you're in the Last of Us

Clearly this is just a predatory male feminist who is pretending to be gay to get women to let their guard down :marseyindignantwoman#:

Women doing this is the same as guys surveying the entries and exits to a room, or strategizing what they'd do if someone opened fire

It's a little weird but not unhealthy. We're all still programmed for Neolithic life — being stalked by big predators in the night

:marseysurejan#: RETVRN neighbors are so cringe

True crime-obsessed women will do anything except buy a gun

Women will really do anything but buy a gun

:marseyshotgunmakeup#: :#marseygun:

I wonder why people on cruises are having to lock their shit up this badly in 2023?


White women live in a universe in which you're never more than a few moments away from being trafficked if you let your guard down for even a second


This is like locking up a Funko Pop in Fort Knox.


This isint about safety, its about wanting be feel scared. God i hate women




All The Men I believe to be my friends want to sleep with me.

So, I'd originally tried to post this on /r/AmItheAsshole, BUT it doesn't fit guidelines. I figured I would try it here, as I'm sure a lot of XXC can relate. I know it sounds ridiculous but I really cannot tell. That's why I need an objective opinion if I'm the problem here.

I'm a 25F social party type, happily single and doing my thing. I have a lot of male friends I met through the industry I work in that I hang out with and see almost daily. While I'm a natural flirt because of the industry, I keep my s*x life(which has slowed SIGNIFICANTLY since my early 20's) private and out of the same social circle I leave my day-to-day in.

I have a few male friends who I love dearly. We go out and see movies, to dinner, etc., and I've always enjoyed their company platonically. Since I'm single, I don't mind jumping on a homie's back or letting them hold doors open for me, a little soft flirting; but I've always felt like generally, it was a platonic agreement. Split bills, wingmanning eachother, etc. I've always stayed vocal about my actual crushes, implying that I respectfully don't have romantic feelings for my male friends.

I stayed over at one of my male friends' house after drinking (we were both super drunk) and he tried to make a sexual move on me, and I admitted to him I wasn't interested in having s*x with him. Frustrated, he sighed and said, "You'll have s*x with (the name of my crush), but not with me?" The rest of the night I sobered up and got a little paranoid.

This has happened a few times now with men who allow me to lean on them (taking me to the beach, helping me lift furniture, etc) even though I always keep the mood goofy and platonic, and I don't understand why me hanging out with guys isn't how it is with girls. Even though I'm sexually attracted women, I don't expect to sleep with women when I get too close to them; I see them as friends when they are just friends.

But my male friends seem to get frustrated that I'm around them but not opening up sexually. I don't know if it's selfish for me to be so close to straight men that I don't want to sleep with, but admittedly I felt like it was too good to be true to have a safe relationship with a man, as a friend, without feeling pressured to have s*x with him.

Maybe for them it's opposite. Maybe it's frustrating having a liberated person like me around, that doesn't want to have s*x with them.

Is it too good to be true for me to be hanging out with them and enjoying their company and laughing and gently flirting, when, I'm not interested in having s*x with them? Like, at all?

*EDIT: I do want to clarify that I am not mad that people become attracted to me. I get mad when it leads them to try and have s*x with me when I'm alone with them.

*EDIT Pt. 2 I flirt because as a bartender, it is part of my nature. I flirt casually with absolutely everybody. I understand the comments saying the flirting is the problem, but I also think for context it's important to know that flirting is second nature in the bar industry.

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