Hole bump

Everyone's busy and the hole must live.


Shit was hilarious and Google is useless.

Here's random cosplay coomerbait I found online as thanks.


The forge was an influential rpg forum run by a weirdo pervert named Ron Edwards. He was a pretentious twat who said that vampire the masquarade caused brain damage.

Originally it was started in 1999 as Hephaestus's forge.

They discussed the design and making of tabletop rpgs and developed the gns theory or big model theory .

It's outlined here

Forgeworld produced some great games like Apocalypse world and Dogs in the Vineyard which is Mormons fighting :!marseytrain: demons who want to molest children

but also bullshit like Bliss Stage which was made for :!marseytrain: demons who want to molest children

It was essentially Neon Genesis Evangelion but not the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the anime or manga adaptions but the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the pornographic doujins found at every Japanese con.

That is not a link for those. Look up your own "Shinji chad " or "Shinji cuck" porn ya sick frick.

The Forge defined all players as wanting one of three things: narrativist, which wanted story, simulationist, who wanted realism, and gamist, who wanted to have fun and play the game. They hated the latter two and worshipped narrativism as the one true god.

Certain g*mers compared it to an evil cancer or a cult

The Forge was controversial even when it was still going

Here is the Forge in all its glory

Osr or "old school roleplaying" is another weird rpf cult that is either diametrically opposed or partially overlapping with the Forge

Ron Edwards compared gms running railroady games to child abuse.

The forge closed in 2010

Reaction was mixed

Ron Edwards claimed it had fulfilled its purpose.

He was coping

Many fans and detractors still exist and still hate it

My own thoughts on their theory is that it's far too narrow. Every player has his own agenda that might include aspects of all three and other motives. It's a radical simplification of a hopelessly complicated muddle. Most of the forge alumni agree.

Also while Ron Edwards is an butt he's not a male feminist and didn't make a game for male feminists about playing a male feminist . Unlike Black Hat Matt Mcfarland and Beast the primordial. How can you hate Ron Edwards or Byron Hall, the author of fatal the worst rpg ever made,

when neither of them are actual male feminists?

The best link in this post is these two:

Live by social justice die by social justice

A forge alumni learned this lesson far too late.

Let that be a lesson to you all: be a chud.

Kill the fAntasy heartbreaker

:marseypetergriffin: "hey lois, this reminds me of that one time I fell asleep while jacking off in middle school and ended up butt-texting /h/pokeporn to half of my classmates and also my parents!" :marseylois: "the worst part is that you did it again literally the next night with /r/traphentai!" :marseypetergriffin: "hehehehe that's why they sent me to gay conversion camp and I've been really weird with my sexuality ever since, I'm not even an incel I'm just a gay furry whose buried too deep in the closet and is desperately trying to repress it even further!" ___________________________________________

▶︎ Thread Theme: 
ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

___________________________________________ For those of you who aren't D&D nerds, for a bunch of D&D nerds to get together and do D&D, they need one of them to take the role of the "Dungeon Master" (no not that dungeon :marseykink: ) or "Game Master" if you play a hipster non-D&D game to come up with a setting and plot and adventures for the other D&D nerds to play with. This job is tedious as hell so the only reason anybody actually does it is to fulfill some fetish of theirs. That's why I like GMing Vampire: the Masquerade because vampires make my dick hard. :marseyheart: :marseyelisabeth: Anyway, one heroic anon on /tg/ has been actually running D&D for his friends out of the kindness of his heart! Just kidding, he likes monster :rape:.

There's gonna be some /d/ shit in here, word of warning. I've been running various campaigns in this group for about 6 years, mostly doing a single homebrew West Marches-style campaign. I've more or less kept the same group of players for this time, which is surprising given I've mostly gone for a pretty edgy setting and campaign style, which is what they've come to expect.

Some translations into normalspeak: "Magical Realm" is /tg/ lingo for "fetish." "Homebrew" means the rules have been modified from the core rulebook. "West Marches" is a meaningless buzzword meaning open world but not open world but open world, it's dumb.

Here's where I fucked up. See, a good chunk of my setting I like to attribute to being inspired by stuff like Aliens, Berserk, Event Horizon, etc. In truth, I just really like monster :rape:. A good chunk of my setting involves monster :rape:, I just somehow managed to hide it by a combination of saying "oh it's like Goblin Slayer", by painting it in a horror lens, and by not focusing on it that much. Which seemed to be working out for me until just now, where I called one of them over to fix up my phone (he's a technician) and he accidentally found my emergency stash of monster porn/bestiality hentai/real /d/ shit in the process. I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle" but I don't think he bought it. I know he's gonna tell everyone else and even if they don't doubt me they won't look at my campaign the same way again and they'll see it for the magical realm that it is.

:marseydetective!: Apparently this guy was able to sneak fetish shit past normies by saying "oh it's like Goblin Slayer." Have I mentioned yet that I hate anime so much it's unreal? Anime fans are such fucking :brainletpit: they'll put up with anything if you compare it to anime.
Now, we can also see here that our narrator is a scrote. He thinks he can get away with monster :rape: "by painting it in a horror lens." Any true erotica enjoyers know that foids LOVE their horror porn. I guess I do too but I self-insert as the monster. :marseygrimm: :marseyjeanne:

"Actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle." :marseywtf3:

Sincerely what the fuck do I do, /tg/?

Personally, I'd say to just :rape: your players IRL and call it LARPing, but let's see if /tg/ agrees with me or not.


:thinkingstatue: OP never actually specified if he wants to be a :rape: monster or be :rape:d by monsters, so we don't know how well this solution would work!



Subplot A- "Why do you goon?

Between these two responses, we see the two types of 4chan users: :gigachadautist:s who cannot possibly conceive masturbation, and """self-aware""" porn addicts. :marseynerd3: "Erm they're both saying the same thing, there's no reason to have an emergency goon stash!" :ragestrangle!: SHUT UP! Clearly the first poster has no idea why anyone would have an emergency goon stash, while the second knows exactly why one would have an emergency goon stash, and knows that "why" is a bad reason. "It wasn't right he got subjected to it" is a pussy take lmao, did people learn nothing from Hunter? If you don't want to see a man at his freakiest, maybe don't go snooping around his files? "I'm also a porn addict" lol it's literally November you just need to stop touching your dick. "The best thing you can do is get rid of it" :marseyderpthumbsup: I agree.

>Why do you have porn saved to your phone like a fucking idiot?

Did you learn nothing from Tumblr and Imgur?! Big Brother :marseyobey: can and WILL take your porn away at any time without warning. :feellikeaninja:

This anon is on to something but he fails to realize the power OP now has. He can innocuously bring in a big scary monster, knowing full well this player will be utterly terrified of being :rape:d by it.

:marseynut: I love mpreg so much it's unreal. Not fond of Jujutsu Kaisen, however.

:marseysephiroth: :shadowrage: spoken like a true edgelord :marseyheavymetal: one day I'm going to purify those who wish to mock me by fumigating them with my rancid farts from my plant-free diet :marseybrap:


:marseysick: I don't want to imagine what OP and his group most likely look like, then imagine them all jacking off under the table. Also consent takes all the fun out of monster sex. Have I told the story yet of how back in college when I ran D&D one of my players was a gay guy who really wanted to fuck my ass? I didn't let him, for the record, which took as me playing hard to get and ultimately started stalking me to try and learn where I lived.

:marseyserioushatfact: goddamn normies with their normie ass monster :rape: fetishes, why can't we go back to the good old days of /tg/ where we were all into getting concrete shat into our rectums from the nipples of daemonettes? (this but unironically)

>Most people masturbate.

*most people who use 4chan

>most people have at least some strange kinks

*most people who use 4chan

there's no less than 5 erp/porn threads on /tg/ at any given time now, there's even an erp general, 15 years ago 1d4chan joked that /tg/ was just blue /d/ but they had no idea just how bad things would get.

SUBPLOT A RESUMES! fuck bipox it's 2 am I'll finish this later

:trollolol: whoops it's been a week and I forgot about this and the thread died whoops :marseyteehee:

World Of Darkness: Gypsies :marseyreading:
The One Ring is BANNED



Just saving my hole

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Nothing "traditional" about this athiest metal nerd soytent doll painting game trans lives matter

It's official - Games Workshop and Amazon Studios have finalised their deal - the creative guidelines are nailed down, and we're all set to bring Warhammer to the screen. For those of you so inclined, you can read the super jazzy legal announcement here.

But what does that actually mean?

Well, it means we now have synopsis and ordering for the stories we're going to tell... yep, we said stories! It might have taken a year but it was a year well spent! And what fun - sifting through the enormity of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, debating characters, story arcs and the thematic grit that underpins it all.

So, what's next? When will the first project hit screens?

It'll be some years. Project One* is about to go into development proper. So, next up is the script/s that will form the basis of everything else to come.

Of course, as with all carefully crafted things, this all takes time... and trust us when we say, everyone involved is las-focused on getting it all just right.

As soon as we know more, we'll let you know!

In the meantime, don't forget the Warhammer 40,000 episode of Secret Level is available to watch over on Amazon Prime Video from the 10th December.

  • This secret is guarded as tightly as the Golden Throne itself... feel free to speculate along with us on social.

So.... Eisenhorn?

super jazzy legal announcement:

Further to its announcement on 18 December 2023, Games Workshop is pleased to announce that it has now agreed creative guidelines and reached a final agreement with Amazon Content Services LLC, a subsidiary of, Inc., ("Amazon") for the adaption of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe into films and television series, together with associated merchandising rights.

Under the terms of the agreement, Games Workshop has granted exclusive rights to Amazon in relation to films and television series set within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, together with an option for Amazon to license equivalent rights in the Warhammer Fantasy universe following the release of any initial Warhammer 40,000 production.

Production processes in respect of films and television series may take a number of years.

The Company makes no change to its forecast for the 52 week period ending 1 June 2025.



lol lmao even

you need a PHD in hindu studies to find out this is racist but it is apparently

chud sub reacts


This is like the 4th or 5th time this has happened to him lol. Anyone out there buying "sealed" vintage Magic product is basically just asking to be scammed at this point.

WH40K Redditors again explain that you must constantly be aware that fiction is satire while you play with your dolls


CONSTANTLY. Every minute is an act of chuckling irony. No one understands the true meaning of grimdark, but the media literate redditors. Fascists can only taint and corrupt, not create, that's what they did with socialism. What are we talking about again.

Age of sigmar hate


More age of sigmar whining and my attempt to excite tg with my writing

I miss when tg was good

Hoho-hole bump

I'm busy the next few days and want to save the hole.

Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED /tg/ - Making age of sigmar more flavorful - Traditional Games - 4chan's tg is dead!

My posts are clearly quality, but all they want to do is b-word about the ai image I opened with because Gw will copyright strike any aos art.

Community Note by @911roofer

They accused me of using chatgpt!

Helpful [3] Not Helpful [2]


Funny how they start sounding like the "grognards" they despise.

Reported by:
  • TouchFluffyTails : this is second on my wishlist for someone like musk to buy after reddit
How much is Hasbro?

Trench Crusade thoughts and questions

Anybody play the test rules? Is it fun?

Where can I find model files for this shit. WWI theme is like crack for me and I want to build an army of the game doesn't suck.

Burgers ignore your lame holiday and family to help me

my favorite board game
Building my new commander deck
Need some helping making Age of Sigmar for a campaign

Now we know the main reason that Age of Sigmar is dull is that it's just chunks of the old Warhammer Fantasy floating in a giant kaleidoscope. My Idea is that the Old World wasn't even the tenth or twentieth world to get chopped up and poured iin. Chaos has devoured thousands of worlds. I want those worlds to be other failed or obscure tabletop gamelines suitably warped, twisted, elevated, mutated, and evolved.

Attention: GayBlade is fricking back
My D&D group just collapsed because I'm not anti Israel : Jewish


If you dine with cannibals sooner or later you're going to get eaten.

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