Anyone read V5 Vampire The Masquerade? :marseyitsover:

This was all written by a literal puzzled Swedish LARP group who've been playing their own fake and straight homebrew of Vampire for years that Paradox dredged up to republish their recently bought seminal IP :marseysal: :marseyseethe:

>gay muslim polygamous BRUJAH (:marseysmug2: )

>muh heckin Nazis antifa action and protecting undead monster trans rights :marseyeyeroll:

>I'm a materialist UNDEAD SUPERNATURAL VAMPIRE :marseyunamused:

>Who gives a frick about CAINE and antedeluvians and Enoch. :marseybrainlet:

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This reminds me of a book I once read about a trans hacker that starts out in russia where the mc is helping "peaceful" protestors overthrow the government (obviously full of queer russians and immigrants) and they moan about how the :marseyhitler: protestors always get rowdy :marseyeyeroll: and force the government to get violent. Imagine this story if it was a whole book and had no supernatural element. I only managed to get a few chapters in before I stopped reading it and even then only did so because I got it as a gift.

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