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Redditor tricks chud into taking imaginary HRT and then destroys their friend group




Redditor plays table top games being DM'd by a secret chud for years, and somehow has a great friendship despite the evil in the chud's heart.

:#chudcheers: :#wholesomesoyjak:

When the redditor finally gets to DM a game with his own friends, he invites the chud and tricks chud's character into transitioning to a woman alien by eating "Queen Jelly."

:#smugjak: :!#transchud:

The chud is upset, and in private reveals that he is a MASSIVE BIGOT (no details other than how everyone is a :marseytrain: or gay). The chud politely and quietly leaves the game the redditor is DMing.

:#chudglassesglow: :#!soyjak:

The Redditor returns to the chud's beloved friends and game and feels obligated to tell everyone what a fricking chud this chud is, leading to everyone confronting the chud.

:chudconcerned: :soyconcerned: :soysnootype: :gapejak: :soysnoo4:

Naturally, chud cannot play it cool, spergs out at being outed, and a years long friend group and series of games is dissolved.

:#chudsoy: :#chudjakpoint: :#chudjakcry:

This is all fake, but one of those threads where all the commenters reveal they're :!marseytrain:s. !tabletoppers !tablebottoms !traditionalg*mers why are you gay furry :!marseytrain:s? It's okay as long as you're not fat and let the chuds play.

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This is all fake, but one of those threads where all the commenters reveal they're :!marseytrain:s. !tabletoppers !tablebottoms !traditionalg*mers why are you gay furry :!marseytrain:s? It's okay as long as you're not fat and let the chuds play.

They play online. Since their entire personality is online via grooming groomercords it bleeds into their game. They don't have friends IRL and random people don't want to play with them IRL, so online play is the only option available for them.

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