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Trump Is Going To (((DESTROY)))...Checks List...BOARD GAMES?!?! :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe: :soysnooseethe:




The board game industry relies upon Chinese factories. If he does what he says he will in regards to tariffs, say goodbye to that. And this isn't simply a 'print it somewhere else' situation. There just aren't factories sitting around ready to pick up the work. Let alone factories with the proper equipment and staff that are accustomed to the norms of board game production. I'd be very concerned about any kickstarters you have that are more than six months out. He's been talking about basically starting a trade war with China, and not just them either. So yeah, it was good while it lasted. Can't expect people to have more than four years of memory either I guess.

This is really some top notch TDS, I mean very niche.

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