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  • ACK-A : Thank you for disclosing your status before a potential swordfight
  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : I'll give you a hickey if you buy me an unban award
  • RdramasChiefHomophobe : :!marseytrain:s hornyposting their sexual fantasies again. What stable, mentally fit individuals!

I'm so stupid I literally got a hickey the night before leaving for thanksgiving (greentext)

>be me

>college soph

>roommate had friends over in our suite, they're all really loud. I'm also depressed and I feel like moving somewhere else will help me focus

>go to a quiet common area

>get some work done

>a group of 2.5 boys walks in (one is any pronouns so in my mind they're half a boy)

>one of them is in my japanese class, we'll call him J

>they're talking about japanese

>I chime in

>eventually move over to their table

>turns out another guy in their group, lets call him T, is in my physics class

>do my physics hw with him

>the conversation continues

>one of them wants gatorade

>we all go to the vending machine

>there's a door with a sign that says AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY

>the door is cracked open. they didn't bother to shut it

>go in there and explore around

>mostly just HVAC stuff and a few buckets of chemicals, but there's a ladder to the roof. J wants to go up, and I encourage him to, but the others talk him down. he tells me quietly that we'll come back to it later without them.

>we leave the room, but continue talking

>the university is really old and there is a network of underground steam tunnels connecting the buildings

>I've always wanted to explore it, but none of my friends seemed too into it

>they want to explore it

>usually the buildings are closed overnight (it is like 12:30am by this point)

>one of J's friends is hosting a League of Legends watch party in the auditorium so that building is open

>something to do with timezones but their world champ turney is like in the middle of the night or something like that

>we decide to go over and try to poke around. The buildings are connected so if we can get into one we can get into the others

>got into the auditorium. our group confidently grabbed a few slices of pizza and T grabs a sprite before promptly leaving

>we explore the basements and such

>we found some things, but the important part here is the romance so imma skip ahead

>sitting with the guys at a table on the top floor next to a big window


>start drink some of T's sprite

>ffw next day

>door still not closed

>back in the first room (door still not closed)

>just me, J, and T (T decided to tag along)

>get up on the roof

>the trapdoor wasn't properly closed either

>on the roof it's a lot colder than I thought it would be

>the roof is iced over, despite the fact that the ground isn't. i wasn't expecting that

>I make a comment about being cold, and T offers me his scarf. Of course I take it, it smells so much like him. I was legit just holding up his scarf to my nose and sniffing it (it was dark so he didn't see)

>spend like 40minutes on the roof just looking up at the stars

>ffw 2 days (yesterday)

>T shows up to the club that I'm in, he tags along with me

>I show him some code stuff on my computer

>after the club meeting, i have some hw due before midnight, was going to go over to the library to come with me

>he didn't bring his laptop, but he accepts (he also has work to do)

>walk to his dorm (opposite direction), he grabs his bag, then we walk over to the library

>absolutely cannot stop thinking about naughty things on the way over

>We study together for like an hour

>One of J's friends is having ppl over to drink, invites T and me

>I still have hw to do, and T waits with me even tho his friends are getting drunk rn

>after I finally finish the two of us walk over to the friends' apartment

>get drunk with them

>we were on the floor, but then a seat on the couch opened up

>I sit on the couch and he sits right on the floor in front of me with is back on the couch, so my legs are on either side of him

>start playing smash bros

>i lost the first game because I was drunk and bound my controls incorrectly (I put my jump on RT and shield on LT, and I accidentally swapped those. also accidentally left tap jump on) So I kept airdodging when I meant to jump which is obv pretty bad

>After fixing my controls, win the next game

>Offer T a consolation hug

>He accepts

>Bend over and give him a really big hug

>hold tight, hug him with my whole body (incl. the legs, which he's between)

>lay my head on his during the hug

>really savor the feeling and the smell of his shampoo

>do this a few more times during the night

>also put my head on his a few times and straight up just sniffed his hair a few times lol

>we stop playing smash and a seat opens up next to me, invite him to sit there

>he does

>start leaning on his shoulder

>with a drunken confidence talk softly into his ear

>"i think ur cute"

>he says back to me "i think ur cute too"

>taken aback. I fully expected that he would reject me

>tell him that I'm trans

>he says "I know" -- later he told me that he confirmed his suspicions earlier that day at the club where I showed him some code. When I first opened up VSCode, it opened up to the last thing I had opened. That was the CSS which replaces the emoji awards in /h/transgender with the trans plushie :marseytransplushie2:. He saw the "trans plushie" part and that was enough for him ig lol

>I don't believe him, I feel like he misheard me

>a short while later I tell him that I'm trans

>he tells me that he knows and that it's ok

>ask if I can go home with him

>he agrees

>he gets up to use the bathroom

>J wants to call an uber home. J and T are suitemates btw

>J wants to know if it should be his building or mine (they're like 3 min away from each other so not a big deal either way)

>tell him to do their building

>"thats what I thought"

>once the uber gets there I sit next to T and lay on his shoulder and cuddle the whole time

>on the short walk from the uber to the room, hold T's hand

>finally get to his room

>he asks if he can close the door


>start making out almost immediately

>move to cuddling in bed together

>he kisses me all over

>starts to give me a hickey on the neck then realizes that that might not be the best idea since I'm seeing family for thanksgiving

>I thought that he didn't do it long enough to leave a mark. Boy was I wrong

>take off my shirt and bra

>he does naughty things with my chest

>we fall asleep at like 2am spooning each other (he's the big spoon obv)

>wake up the next morning at 7am for my flight

>kissing etc.

>really really really want to suck his peepee

>can feel it throbbing in his pants

>we agree not to because I still needed to pack lol

Anyways the hickey that he left was WAYYYY worse than I thought. I tried putting some concealer on it, which made it slightly less noticeable, but it's still pretty obvious. Luckily I packed a lot of turtlenecks :marseywholesometrans:

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>japanese class

>absolutely cannot stop thinking about naughty things

>smash bros


literal caricature, impressive larp

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VScode: HSTS

Rust: AGP

R studio: homosexual

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What about vim and emacs?

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left is stylized vim, right is unstylized vim


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I never understood the point of this other than wanting to be able to run a worse version of visual studio on Linux.

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Visual Studio is a god awful bloated mess lmao. VSCode is nice, lean, language agnostic, etc

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This is what zoomies actually believe.

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language agnostic is like the soft version of language athiest, right? :marseythinkorino:

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VSCode is pretty good for webshit and text editing.

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I thought it was the other way around? :marseyconfused:

Or was that just a c#/.NET thing?

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Visual studio is the .net IDE

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larp ja nai desu yo!

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君 わ ホモ です

本物 の 女 に なりません

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!cuteandvalid i wrote smut for you

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I just want to know about the tunnels :aut#ism:

Putting the :e: in spookie

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Yeah TB was there any Hamas freedom fighters camping out down there

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i also want to know more about the tunnels :marseyshook:

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Suck him off you tease

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HOT trans COLLEGE SLUTS are having S*X in your AREA! :h#orny:

:redlight#: CLICK HERE for more DETAILS :redlight#:

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furiously clicking but nothing's happening please help

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Ping me next time

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Proving they were just homosexuals in the first place. You don't need to transition to enjoy bussy blasting on meth.

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is this real

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too many random details for it to be fake, like the league championship etc

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Only time I've regretted not going to uni :marseydepressed:

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lol there are literally hordes of trans women here. a chaser's wet dream

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went to college too early :marseyitsover:

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wow cute I feel like the lgbt pickings are slim where I am and everyone thinks I'm weird plus I naturally repulse men irl.


In my head cannon im gonna pretend this takes place at my uni and TB is t-girl i know (i talked to her 5 times which is almost like being an acquaintance :marseyspit:) :marseywholesome:

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pro chaser tip: if your university offers gender-inclusive housing, take that. You can just say you're he/him enby or even just that you dont feel comfortable being segregated by s*x like that. Then you'll get roomed with a bunch of cute trans girls and trust me they frick like rabbits

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Yeah the first floor of my dorm is the lgbt floor. I think they are embarrassed by me lol. You could make a sit com of me being a walking L. :marseyl:

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have you banged your roommate yet

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I fricking hate that straggot. I cant even be in the same room as him. Hes such a b-word hes too stupid to connect his headphones to his phone in a way that turns off his phone speakers and if I tell him this he gets mad so I have to leave the room if I want any quiet. :marseyraging:

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oops i thought from your first post there might be a spark


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>In a way

Que? You can either have it plugged in or not?

And I had a roommate who used to listen to shit on speaker so I commiserate brother :marseyembrace: God I hated that strag.

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Idk he has headphones on and i can hear his tik toks loud and clear he gaslights me by acting like im crazy when i complain and turning pff the sound for like 10 minites before it starts up again :gaslighter:

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I thought you were going to act chuddy for your grandparents to throw off the trans vibes? Just say some chick gave it to you

Putting the :e: in spookie

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cant believe i went concealer / bb cream :marseydepressed: i'm losing my edge

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Sometime being a chud is just the right answer.

Putting the :e: in spookie

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concealer or bb cream it

That was the CSS which replaces the emoji awards in /h/transgender with the trans plushie

lmao i thought it was :capyeggirl: who did that, bravo :marseyclapping:

i assume T isn't the guy you were crushing on? so he's the rebound?

we agree not to because I still needed to pack lol

there's always time for a blowie :marseyeyeroll: you're just playin'

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If I can beat you in smash would you follow me again I'll even go little mac only

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>jeff wants to beat women

calm down, that's soren's turf

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Amazing, simply astonishing

Also the CSS bit is awesome, is that already up?

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yup, although it does seem a bit finnicky on some devices

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Wait, this seems pretty gay.

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It's straight

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>we agree not to because I still needed to pack lol


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shit greentext too long for smut

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>tell him that I'm trans

>he says "I know" -- later he told me that he confirmed his suspicions earlier that day at the club where I showed him some code.

good story

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Thats what he told me.

By club here I mean an engineering-focused after school club, not like a nightclub lol

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  • transbitch : you commented this on a post about me having interpersonal relations lol

found the incel

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I want to hear more about the steam tunnels

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i'm happy for you :marseyexcited:

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Did you settle on how you'll approach your grandparents?

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Just put a bandaid over it and come up with an excuse beforehand. And no I did not read your sob story greentext.

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>(he's the big spoon obv)

Story ruined

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I didn't read anything, but scrape a cold spoon across it to break up the clots and put yellow or green concealer on it depending on if it's purple or red

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This is the longest green text I've ever seen

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I've somehow gotten more transphobic ever since this sites :!marseytrain:s began posting their sexual fantasies. I might break the world record for transphobia soon :chudcelebrate:

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