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violated by TSA

This happened earlier today, but I had to wait to post it till now because of a ban award.

Was at the airport for thanksgiving travels, going thru security. Our story centers with the millimeter wave (MW) machine. That's the machine where you walk in, put your hands up, and the thing spins around you. When you step in, the minimum wage TSA worker hits a red button for female and a blue button for male. When I went in they hit the female button, it scanned me and then it beeped. On the screen, it put a box around my crotch. Fricking great.

The poor TSA agent then had to very invasively frisk me. I'll spare you the details. For whatever reason they're really into the frisking at O'hare, compared to other airports where they'll often just give it a single pat or wave me thru. I don't understand why these things have to be so sensitive; they've also detected one of my friend's pads too and she had to get the whole pat down. They're an egregious violation of privacy.

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  • transbitch : Edit your comment to remove the last sentence or get banned

The machines throw a fit whenever I'm on my period. I guess the area shows up hotter then. They just patted down my front and back and confirmed the only bulk was a pad, nbd. I felt they were pretty respectful and they offered to take me somewhere private but I was like, just get it over with. Though if I was those poor female TSA agents, I would be tight having to pat shenises.

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