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I think a lot of people view transition like they view dieting or new years resolutions.

Any fatty who declares they're going to get fit stands a 99% chance of failing and remaining fat. People see intentions to change and instinctively know they're likely to fail.

However it is wrong to apply this instinct to transitioning, because at the point someone informs you of their transition, they've already made the change.

It's not like a fatty saying in January they're getting thin. It's someone who's already well on their way.

On the other side, I think their needs to be a bit of acceptance from trans people themselves that it is an awkward process for everyone who knows you as well.

It took some of my family years to just accept by default that I was a man, and time, effort and the eventual sinking in that, yes actually, I was now clearly a man.

It takes time but eventually everyone gets on board. If someone was to misgender me now with the way I look and the life I lead, they'd look absolutely stupid.

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