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Trans kids climb up on NHS building, refuse to come down

On June 28th two trans teens scaled the NHS waterloo building and have been there ever since


You know they're trans because they're wearing hoodies in the middle of summer



Additional kids have since joined




Word on the street is that riot police showed up :marseybongcop: but then declared it a civil matter and left. It's being reported that NHS bailiffs may take them down overnight (waiting until nightfall because they care about kids :marseyeyeroll:) but we'll have to wait to see if there's any truth to that.

Go kids go! :marseytransflag2:

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waiting until nightfall because they care about kids

Civil servants have to take full advantage of this excuse not to do any work. If they bring them down in the daytime then they don't get to do nothing and blame the security incident and have to find something else to blame.

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