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Recommended sources for the truth

Pardon me for the chuddy list but I know this is a welcoming place and dramatards won't roll out of bed for at least another 7hrs anyway.

Brother Dean - methodists maybe? An arch-thot patroller.


Brother Nathanael -Russian ortho who is an ultra rare noble Jew.


Pastor Anderson - Evangelical Baptist and in the same club as Brother Nathanael.


E. Michael Jones - Roman Catholic. Good, but a bit harder to enjoy if you're r-slurred.


The worst:

Anything westboro church if they are still around and anything Mormon.

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The soccer moms at my old Christian school would protest every Harry Potter movie. Signs, chants. Whole thing.

My mom would regularly bail my brother and I out of school early to watch the movies together, so we'd see the other moms when buying our tickets lmao

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