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Can't help but :marseynoooticer: almost all the comments are complaining about Christians/Christian culture telling them they should actually follow the moral teachings they proclaim.

This is very bad history. This term [Judeo-Christian Values] became prominent among LIBERAL MAINLINE Protestant theologians in the 1940s and was an inclusive term and attempt to say Nazis were un-Christian. It wasn't remotely "to leave out Islam" because no one was thinking of Islam back then when there were almost no Muslim immigrants, no Islamist terrorism and the whole thing was just remote from people in the U.S. It wasn't about "forcing a relationship" and had zero to do with abortion politics at a time when abortion was banned everywhere and decades away from becoming a political issue.

But non-Orthodox Judaism arose in Christian societies -not Muslim ones- and is very, very much influenced by the Enlightenment which comes out of Protestantism.,-Classical Reform Judaism was almost a Protestant denomination- so it's complicated.

At least one guy in the comments giving pushback to the :marseymerchant:s attempting to conflate Christianity with antisemitism and genocide.

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They're redditards. What were you expecting?

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IDK I get mad about things in /r/Catholicism but on the whole everyone there actually believes and practices. It's one of the only subs that hasn't completely bent the knee to :marseyhomofascist: or :marseywingcuck: ideologies.

I made the assumption, obviously incorrectly, that there would be a sub for actual practicing Jews. Maybe there's a different one out there?

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There's not

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