EFFORTPOST Darklands LP XIII: Detour

Darklands Series

1 - Darklands LP Part I

2 - Darklands LP Part II: Charles Bronson Edition

3 - Darklands LP III: Nuns and Coins

4 - Darklands LP Ep IV: Introduction to Equipment & Combat

5 - Darklands LP Part V: We finally briefly go out into the dark lands

6 - Darklands LP VI: We actually start a quest!

7 - Darklands LP VII: We reach our destination :marseycrusader:

8 - Darklands LP VIII: Raubritter confrontation & learning how combat works

9 - Darklands LP IX: I'm not giving you my goddarn alchemical materials

10 - Darklands LP X: We actually do some alchemy!

11 - Darklands LP XI: The Main Plot

12 - Darklands LP XII: Halloween Edition

Episode XIII

Welcome back. I know it's been a while. I apologize. Last time we slaughtered the Satanists at their sabbat (at least the ones we couldn't save) and found out where their base is. We now have a clearly defined mission: Assault the Fortress Monastery in Denmark and break the next seal. (Or Schleswig-Holstein or something, I'm not opening up that can of worms.)

That means hiking across the entire Empire from Teschen nearly at the border of Hungary all the way to Denmark. No doubt we'll run into a few adventures along the way.


At least that was the plan until we had to make a detour.

Long story short, I had written a whole episode but I was wondering why my guys were suddenly getting hurt so bad in fights. It turns out their armor had burned up. For most of them, it was down to very low quality. Poor Nathan was completely naked. This has got to be from the potions that the witches threw at us at the sabbat. They didn't do much immediate damage but they've derailed our plans for months. Now we've got to make enough money to replace that armor. Which means I have to grind.

All the stuff I've showed you about how the game works, I gotta go back and do more of that. Kill bad guys, make potions, travel around, learn about new saints and alchemical formulas, trade. I'm not complaining. I love doing this. But in this episode we won't be following the main plot and hitting the Fortress Monastery yet. So instead I'll focus on the random encounters.

Did I ever mention that about half of the game is random encounters? These pop up when you're traveling on the world map. There's, I dunno, at least a hundred of them. You never know which one will hit next which is what keeps you on your toes. That's why "grinding" never gets boring. I haven't mentioned many of them yet because each episode was designed to teach about specific gameplay mechanics and it would be distracting. So I guess this is going to be the episode about random encounters and the smaller less important places you run into on the map. I'm still cutting a lot out and just including the more interesting ones.

Our new goal: Go wander around and do Darklands stuff until we've got a lot of money and then go back to Dresden and buy high-quality armor for everyone.


Let's Go!

Uh oh. Looks like we pissed off the wrong people. The Wild Hunt isn't a DLC for some game about a dour gray man collecting s*x cards, it's what the witches send to hunt you down when they identify you as a threat. Those b-words are pissed off about what we did at the sabbat. I guess we'll have to deal with them eventually.

Well I'm not gonna let this sod hut just sit there looking sinister at me. Let's have Yuna ask St. Dorothy of Montau for some insight. She lived in this region, dying just recently in 1394 as an anchoress in the land of the Teutonic Order. She'll know what to do.

Well that's pretty bad. I don't consider even Yorkies and Cavaliers to be "slavering hounds from heck" but they can come pretty close when they want attention. Time to kick down this door.

She has some potions, so she might be some threat. But as we've seen before, wolf teeth can't penetrate chainmail. Sure enough, her alchemy degrades our abilities a lot but the wolves aren't able to take advantage and she goes down fast.

What would Satan not want us to do? What would really piss him off? We're going to forgive her.

Let's hope this works out better than every time I've ever tried to save a woman from herself IRL amirite. :marseydoomer:

We come across a cave. This is one of those sites where somebody sent us on a fetch quest long ago. Nathan uses his agility to climb up a cliff and throw the rope down to bring the rest of the party up. Now we've got to deal with the dwarf who has the item. I got 16 gold florins, which is a lot more than we'll get paid for the quest, but who cares? It will give me a little bit of fame which is worth more to me now. If I need money I've got a bunch of dead guys' armor and surplus alchemical potions.

Redactor is making some serious fricking money at this point. He can reliably make potions and sell them at a profit. The only problem is that the materials required are scattered all over the country so I've got to keep traveling to keep him supplied.

Ugh, one of these guys. He seems pretty sketchy to me. In the past we had to pay these guys off because they really will curse you if you don't and you can't just kill a friar because you think he's bullpooping you. But not this time, pal. You're a Dominican? Let's see what St. Dominic has to say about this.

We get out of paying him a little bit. More importantly we may have saved his soul. This guy has been led pretty far astray but hopefully they can get his shit sorted out down in Rome. (You can also pray to saints who specialize in calling out liars with the same effect except the text is completely different. In that he admits that his curses are from the power of Satan, not God.)

Against the Wild Hunt we all gotta stick together. My party is pretty weak at Woodwise and especially Stealth, so I have no confidence in our ability to use subterfuge here. We are really good at fighting though. I'll just take them on head-on.

Bigfoot is from Oregon, so this is just my ordinary day to day life. We defeat the hellhounds and rescue him of course.

I've got a hunch that this fruit will permanently increase someone's strength by a few points. Who to give it to? Both of the girls are at 32 strength (we already upgraded Sasha this way) and I'm at a mere 31. This is an intolerable situation. Girls can't be stronger than me. Redactor gets the apple and a bump up to 35 strength.

I go to Prag and ask if the King of Bohemia needs me to do any quests for him. This is Wenceslsaus (Vaclvav) IV, a really important guy. Prague had a golden age when his father and him were ruling. Both were also the Holy Roman Emperor and made it their capital. This is when the famous Charles University was founded for example. But soon the situation will spin out of control. He was deposed as Emperor a few years ago. Disputes about religion, nationality, and plain old factionalism are debstabilizing the kingdom and he is barely holding on to power. His death in 1419 will be the start of the Hussite Wars.

A Hussite wagenburg. Wagons were lashed together into a defensive wall and defended by guys with crossbows and guns. Apparently it was a pretty effective tactic because they repeatedly defeated the combined forces of all of Europe.

(One part of the game that never ended up getting implemented but still has vestigial traces of it in the data files is the Hussites. They're suspicious of you because you're German, but if you can talk them down from violence they'll warn you about the Knights Templar. I guess we're all on the same side after all. The game's designer told me that there was supposed to be a lot more regional content like this but they didn't have enough time to include much of it, so the whole game world is pretty much based on the mythology of western Germany between the Rhine and the Elbe. It's too bad. There's so much more you could do with this setting.)

Anyway, the Emperor's aides at least consider giving me an audience before telling me to frick off. I guess at 123 fame ("slight reputation") it's hard to get a face to face meeting with one of the most important people in the world.

After a lot of grinding I get, I dunno, maybe 100 florins from quests and selling dead people's armor. Back to Dresden. It's enough to finally get everyone fully fitted with 34-quality chainmail. Nathan is even strong enough (barely) to wear partial plate armor without encumbrance penalties, at least if he's not wounded. I've got some backup armor in case ours gets burned up again.

We can carry that around because while Darklands has harsh penalties for weighing down your people with equipment too heavy for them in battle, outside of combat you can carry as much as you want. I routinely end up carrying around 30 sets of armor after a jaunt through the countryside killing a few people as I go along. It might seem surprising that this is allowed given the extreme attention to detail and realism in other parts of the game, down to measuring the time of day using medieval units instead of hours. But I'm not complaining.

Compare it to Bethesda games. In Bethesda games I spend probably 1/3 of my time either hauling loot back to the store to sell or deciding which loot is worth picking up. And of course you can't just go directly to the store. You go to the city and then walk down the same goddarn street you have a million times before to go to the store. Why? What in God's name would justify wasting my time like that? Why can't I just walk up to a city and immediately access the trading screen? This isn't cutting edge technology. Betrayal at Krondor came out a year after this. In that when you reach a city it switches from 3D mode to a picture of the city and you just click on the shop and bam, you're there. Why can't that evil little leprechaun Todd Howard do the same for us 30 years later?


Anyway, I think we're ready for the Fortress Monastery now. TBQH it's been many years since I actually played the game to this point. (It's taken me something like 50 hours to get this far.) So I can't remember how tough the Monastery is, but I believe it's supposed to be mid-game content.

There's a couple big mid-game quests that I wanted to show you first, but they only spawned in distant places like Aachen, so if I tried to go there it would probably have disappeared by the time I got there. I guess I'll do those after the Monastery.

BTW I am playing pretty much optimally here using every trick I know. I'm trying to go into everything way overpowered because if I lose it means I have to savescum and that wastes a lot of time. There's a lot of stuff that I'm skipping over because the game has so much content and so many features that I'm afraid I'd die of old age before I got to the end. My plan is that after I win I'll go back and show you this stuff, at least if @kaamrev badgers me enough.

Halo fans are pathetic
Women can't manage money and never pay back their loans
I wonder how the new Civ 7 game is looking, I should see what the subreddit has to say about it...





Because I installed mods to make every female NPC have massive, constantly jiggling boobs

:marseybooba: :marseygigatitty: :toddhoward:

What are some good ways to harass a twitch steamoid? :marseydevil:

There's a twitchoid I don't like and I want to bother him. He's not even big, only about 3.5K followers. I also kind of want to harass streamers in general :marseytrollolol:

I figure this site might have some good ideas? :marseyshy:

!dramatards !g*mers

Gamingcirclejerk smug post about getting "chud" subreddits banned


Gamingcirclejerk, known as the sub that bullied content creators for the playing the wizard game, has been on a bit of a warpath getting gaming meme subs banned that get a little too :marseychud: for their tastes. They've gotten subs such as /r/gamingmemes and it's offshoots banned.

While I think sperging out about "woke" and supposed "DEI" in games is absolute loser behavior. Getting other subs banned for opinions you don't like is absolute mentally Charmin soft behavior.

How Space Marine 2 is Designed to Punish Heretics | !AIchads and Games #77
EFFORTPOST Wake up babe, Concord 2 3 4 dropped

Have any of you heard of Unknown 9?

If you haven't- I don't blame you. I haven't either. Apparently it's a 4-month old :marseybib: game developed by Reflector Entertainment who also made... uhh this game and it's DLCs.

This screenshot gives a lot away but fear not, it was published by Bandai Namco, the guys who made the Dark SoulsTM of videogames :marseysolaire: :bonfire: These guys know a good investment when they see it, and at 50 eurobucks (USD to EUR is almost 1:1 at the time of writing :marseydespair: !eurochads), a price comparable to that of God of War 2022 :marsey300: (50 EUR, 95% rating), HOI 4 :marseyhitler: (50 EUR, 90% rating) and Mount & Blade: Bannerlord II :marseynapoleon2: *editor's note: why are there so many MLP emojis when querying 'horse' (50 EUR, 87% rating(should be 100)), it is sure to deliver the same experience, right? :surejan:

Well, from the screenshot you might have noticed that the ratings are mediocre: 49%. But that does not tell the whole story.

Unknown 9 currently has 7 concurrent players :marseyemojilaugh:, 11 player 24-hour peak :marsey2::x::marseyemojilaugh: and a 285-player all-time peak :marsey3::x::marseyemojilaugh: [1]. This means it is mogged by the likes of Gollum 2023 :marseythegrey: at 758 all-time high [2], 6 year old rockstar game Red Dead: Redemption 2 :marseybountyhunter: at almost double the rating [3], a 2023 unity slavshit game Contraband Police at almost double the rating and half the price :marseyrussianmutt: [4] and absolutely mogged by LEWDAPOCALYPSE, which has double the concurrent players, double the rating, and 1/50th of the price :marseynut: [5].

IGN gave Unknown 9 a 9(-4) rating [6], so is it really that bad?

Looks pretty bad, but is this the lowest we can go? Just some failed garbage from an upcoming studio, but is that it? Can't we do worse?

Heck no! It was in the works for at least 4 years, and was supposed to be a tans-media project, "including video games :marseysoyswitch:, film :marseyprojection:, and books (!bookworms):marseyreading:, for example. Unknown 9 was conceptualized as an ongoing series, spanning podcasts , comics :marseyspiderman2:, and even a web series :marseykarkat:, many of which have already been released." [7]. So you've been laughing at Concord for having an Amazon episode despite being a dead game- well, you've seen nothing yet kid. This shit was supposed to be massive, at least according to the cited source (I didn't check further (yes how could you tell, I work in academia :marseygigachad:)). It was supposed to be the next fricking star wars by the looks of things, expecting to bank on their notoriety to create the equivalent to Netflix's Witcher [7] (which is not something to be proud of tbh). While we have no numbers on the project costs, one might imagine that a AAA game with massive marketing like that would've cost a lot. While we do not know how much exactly the project did cost, it is hardly believable that some unknown studio with 0 releases might have funded it. Indeed, the studio is owned by the publishers- Bandai Namco, who can probably afford to throw money around [8]. Looking at their website and LinkedIn is pretty funny as well, considering that they have announced that they will cease support for the game [8].

But you don't have to trust me, you can view the official gameplay trailer posted on Playstation's account and come to your own conclusions:

The lore/narrative trailer, which is just as stupid, can be found at


Well, it's about a brown woman :wavyhairblackjack: with supernatural abilities :marseygoku:. Kind of like Forespoken from 1 2 years ago :marseydespair: if anyone remembers that.

"Unfortunately, part of Hoerdt's statement confirmed several staff members would be made redundant, including back-office employees, and given severance packages, further health benefits, access to counseling services, and "proactive" career planning support." [7]. Lmao imagine getting free counselling from a company that fired you. I would probably take that as an insult, equivalent to one of those "reddit cares" messages :marseyropeyourself2:. One might accuse me of using a chuddy source, but the same website compliments Unknown 9's use of "stepping powers", which states that "Stepping is the ability to project one's mind into the consciousness of another, by way of the Fold. While Stepping, one has access to the weaponry, strength, and intellect of a given vessel, and may fully control their actions." [9]. A totally true statement which has never been done before.

Here's Cr1tikal AKA Charlie AKA penguinz0 explaining it probably better than I do (it's the weekend and I've had several drinks already :marseyhungover:):

He quotes the investment value into the IP at 100 million $ [citation needed]

In conclusion: 1) gaming in 2025 is dead, do not bother. 2) Nominative Determinism is true- the game was titled Unknown 9, and it remained unknown. For anyone running any sort of business- watch what you name your product.

@Ninjjer @Losercel please ping !g*mers


Where can I post this to cause the most seethe?


The Ancestor (and Academic from 2) was one of the greatest vocal performances of all time. I can't imagine a Darkest Dungeon without him. The Inhuman Bondage DLC for DD2 just came out, I think it's his last work.

Reported by:



Jap Banks collectively start to commit coomacide and block American revenue to japanese developers for their degenerate hentai games on Steam :marseychingchongitsover: :marseyfreeman:



:marseyhesright#: :marseyxesright#:

this is literally B !anime

G*mers rise up on :marseytrain: Lands 4 Steam forums!

It all started when some nazi chud made this racist post:

Thankfully he was swiftly banned by the 24/7 online shemale jannies:

But G*mers not having it, so they did the only thing they could think of, spam the entire forum with the same message like toddlers:



Xbox bros ... I don't feel so good :marseydead:

"64% of consumer spending on Microsoft titles in December was on PlayStation"

Xbox content and services revenue (+2% YoY) | overall gaming revenue (-7% YoY) | Xbox hardware revenue (-29% YoY)



!g*mers !chuds

Hello Everyone,

Today, we are turning towards the future and preparing for the next chapter in BioWare's story. As we announced in August 2023, we are changing how we build games to meet the needs of our upcoming projects and hold ourselves to the highest quality standards.

Now that Dragon Age: The Veilguard has been released, a core team at BioWare is developing the next Mass Effect game under the leadership of veterans from the original trilogy, including Mike Gamble, Preston Watamaniuk, Derek Watts, Parrish Ley, and others.

In keeping with our fierce commitment to innovating during the development and delivery of Mass Effect, we have challenged ourselves to think deeply about delivering the best experience to our fans. We are taking this opportunity between full development cycles to reimagine how we work at BioWare.

Given this stage of development, we don't require support from the full studio. We have incredible talent here at BioWare, and so we have worked diligently over the past few months to match many of our colleagues with other teams at EA that had open roles that were a strong fit.

Today's news will see BioWare become a more agile, focused studio that produces unforgettable RPGs. We appreciate your support as we build a new future for BioWare.

Gary McKay

General Manager, BioWare


Clearly, this vidya is unoptimized trash. It couldn't be that my 1000 series card is nearly a decade old now. No, no, it's Id that have let themselves become jeeted and r-slurred. I don't want to play anything my 1080 can't run... BUT I ALSO REALLY NEED TO PLAY DOOM DORK AGES. But since I can't it's shit and a flop. Gigaflop! If I keep calling it a flop it definitely will flop. No I do not have sour grapes.

Daily Brazilian thread


Anyways come laugh at poorstrags and thirdies.

Creator of Bloodborne Kart seethes after being traumatised by nonconsensual award giving

So some chuds recently made a game awards show called "The Real Game Awards" as an ostensible competitor to the woke and cringe game awards shows run by games journos. The intent I guess is that real g*mers will give awards to games that are good instead of just giving the award to the gayest person with the pinkest hair even if their games were shit

Iconic celebrities such as the angry video game nerd even hosted it

This cost 30,000 dollars by the way

Anyway, one of the awards went to Bloodborne Kart/Nightmare Kart, an homage to PS1 kart games with a Bloodborne theme made by a :marseytrain:, b0tster

The :marseytrain: thinks that this is somehow an epic own because they gave the award to a trans person which surely must be a mistake because le chuds obviously only care about white supremacy or whatever

Twitter responds by pointing out that they gave the award because they liked their game and they don't care if someone is trans so long as they're not a weird freak about it

b0tster responds by hiding all the comments about how they just wanted to give an award to a good game, but keeping all the harsher comments so they look like more of a victim

when that isn't working and they're still getting called out they decide it was illegal to give them an award

finally they just melt down and lock their account completely

twitter is still full of people dunking on theythem. as is ever the case, trans people can't just take a win and have to be weird about it. also the trans woman indie game dev obsessed with ps1 graphics calls themselves lilith btw


Basically there is a group of people who are fans of a morrowind mod called tamriel rebuilt which adds the mainland of morrowind to the game and they're mad at supposed general modding corruption and at another mod called project tamriel which adds the rest of the elder scrolls mainland to morrowind. These mods share a common asset base and everyone involved is extremely neurodivergent :marseyautismdance:

Now some fans are calling themselves a watchdog group and found a modder for fallout new vegas (another neurodivergent bethesda game) making a Mexico mod who is in America illegally. Obviously they did the natural thing and reported him to ICE

There's some other nonsense as well going on with the Mexico modders stealing assets and sending viruses to other modders and other stuff but idk :marseyshrug:

Now they're threatening to ICE the other morrowind modders

Big "drain the swamp!" :marseytrump: type people and some xitter users are immediately pulling out the :marseyhitler2: comparisons

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Cloak n dagger been in the game the whole time, its not a new release dumbass - trans lives matter
  • FamilyGuyShill : someone ban this coomer r-slur le s*x = le funny
  • prrk2 : this is not an effortpost
  • H : I assumed Cloak and Dagger were always dating. They've been around for probably 40 years.

For those who are unaware:

These is Cloak and Dagger, a Marvelslop superhero duo:

Cloak (Tyrone "Ty" Johnson) and Dagger (Tandy Bowen) are a superhero duo appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Bill Mantlo and artist Ed Hannigan, the characters first appeared in Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #64 (March 1982).

Cloak and Dagger are teenagers who were injected with synthetic heroin that gave them the twin superpowers of light and darkforce control. Dagger can create daggers of light and use her power to heal, while Cloak can teleport and turn intangible through the darkforce. Both draw powers from the emotions of those they touch, Dagger through hope and Cloak through fear.

:#marseysquint: :#marseyblacked: :#chudbbc:

THE BLACK GUY IS LITERALLY NAMED TYRONE :#marseydarkxd::#chadblackyes:

Now if you thought that in the comics and in the Disneyslop they were not BBCpilled enough, well then, now these are Cloak and Dagger in the based and chinxpilled kino that saved the VVest:

Predictably, the most popular canon BMWF couple in modern vidya have been an absolute goldmine for BBC kino :!chadwomannordic::chadblack::marseycoomer2::marseyblacked::marseybbcsweater:

Below is my opinion on this matter:

Tandy Bowen from Marvel Rivals is BVILT for the most vantablack BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC mandingo Congolese BBCs, she is THE biggest blonde-haired mudshark BIPOClover coal burner in all of Western Comic book history, it is astounding how literal fricking Chinks were able to handcraft and make a sluty White girl character design that screams "I FRICK BIPOCS!" more than that, her perfect coal burner butt, her mudshark tits, her fancy rich BIPOClover swinger's party slut personality, her mudshark-coded snowbunny dominatrix demeaner, her blonde hair that is the peak BIPOCfricker coal burner mating call.... frick, it is unbelievable how much these Chinks with microscopic peepees intentionally made her look like the peak BIPOClover, not even the most BBC-obsessed Amerimutt would have come up with such explicit and perfect snowbunny White girl design that are undeniably coded for s*x with sweaty African Nigerian African migrants, I love when Tandy Bowen from Marvel Rivals gets vaginally penetrated and creampied by the most vantablack dark BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC Congolese BBC, like, think about it for a moment, imagine the most gorilla looking mandingo BIPOC you ever saw, blackest gorilla BIPOC ever, big, dumb, and sweaty with a meaty BBC tittyfricking this slut and spraying his load all over her. Making her lick the remains from his BBC and then he takes this White whore and shoves his big black meat inside her kitty and pumps her for an hour before he roars a jungle gorilla roar after he empties his balls inside her and lets his Mandingo BIPOC seed fertilize her BIPOClet-bearing womb. Then he keeps her as his personal cumslut where their lips are sealed to his BBC. Her body craving for a big, dumb, and violent gorilla BIPOC who will create BNWO with his BBC. Marvel Rivals sluts getting bred like farm animals by big black peepees that jackhammer their fertile pink kitties like there is no tomorrow. Furthermore, I've been a union contractor for over 20 years now and I have the experience to say just by looking at those pictures without a doubt, in my expert professional opinion that, this woman was constructed in such a way that she conform to the rigorous set of building codes and standards that makes her not only legally but also judiciously !builtfor !BBC. Tandy Bowen is BVILT for BBC, architected for Africans, erected for ebony, sculpted for BIPOCs, stacked for black, created for coal, materialized for melanin, slave for sambo, spawned for spades, anointed for BIPOCs, shaped for apes, toned for Tyrone, custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for BBC

BBC interracial slut Tandy Bowen, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial gangbang, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial creampie compilation, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial double penetration, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial anal slut, Tandy Bowen gangbanged by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen, impregnated by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen procreating with BIPOCs and giving birth to BIPOClets, Tandy Bowen sucking big black BIPOC peepee, Tandy Bowen deepthroats big black African BIPOC peepee, Tandy Bowen shooting interracial porn films with 10 BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen best interracial porn scene AVN award, "Tandy Bowen gangbanged and creampied by BBC" most searched interracial porn category, Tandy Bowen BBC interracial bukkake, Tandy Bowen swallows BIPOC c*m from BBCs, Tandy Bowen drinks BIPOC piss from BBCs, Tandy Bowen eats BIPOC shit from BIPOC anuses, Tandy Bowen licks BIPOC anuses, Tandy Bowen tongues a BIPOC's anus, Tandy Bowen rimming BIPOC buttholes, big black BIPOCs ejaculating in Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs ejaculating inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, big black BIPOCs pissing in Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs pissing inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing on Tandy Bowen's slutty snowbunny face, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's mouth, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's vagina, big black BIPOCs cumming and pissing inside Tandy Bowen's butthole, Tandy Bowen invades a male public bathroom in Africa to drink BIPOC piss and swallow BIPOC c*m, Tandy Bowen drinks a cocktail drink of BIPOC c*m and BIPOC piss, a video of Tandy Bowen getting double penetrated and gangbanged by four BIPOCs and drinking BIPOC piss and BIPOC c*m gets livestreamed on the United Nations Security Council meeting, Tandy Bowen licks and swallows BBC creampies from other Marvel Rivals girls' vaginas, Tandy Bowen gets r*ped by a pack of feral BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by BIPOCs in Africa, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by BIPOCs in the BIPOC ghetto, Tandy Bowen getting gangbanged by 10 BIPOCs on a livestreamed interracial orgy, Tandy Bowen sucking the big black peepees of ten BIPOCs and swallowing loads of BIPOC sperm from BBCs, Tandy Bowen swallowing loads of BIPOC piss from BBCs, Tandy Bowen drinks BIPOC sperm and urine from big black BIPOC peepees, Tandy Bowen is a potty for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a public urinal for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a fleshlight for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a s*x toy for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is prime breeding material for BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen was made to be fricked and creampied by BIPOCs, Tandy Bowen is a BBC slut, Tandy Bowen is a BBC whore, Tandy Bowen is a BIPOC lover, Tandy Bowen is a coal burner, Tandy Bowen is a race-mixer, Tandy Bowen is a mudshark, Tandy Bowen is a BBC slut certified BVILT for the most vantablack BIPOCcoal Sub-Saharan African BIPOC BBC.

As a result of Marvel Rivals being an extremely popular mainstream superhero slop game with explicit PAWG snowbunnies who canonically love Bibisis, the normgroids have been affected by the BBCsphere and are now :soysnootypefast: about why fetishizing BIPOC folx is problematic and racist sweaty, such as this example of a 400 IQ black king writing an essay on the racist problems on cartoon BBC porn on the internet:


The obsesseralds of /v/ are also weighing in on the BBCalypse:


Are we finally getting Buck Representation in Chinese video games after Concord?!?!?! :#buckchecker:



!BBC !g*mers !coomers !2dgooners



/r/games re- ACK!ts:

ReetardEra re-ACK!ts:

NeoStrags sneed:

4chuds chudlebrating:

Kiwiggers are also chudlebrating the return of glorious Nippon:

!g*mers !chuds !asians



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